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ТЕМА: [VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы)
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 11 мес. назад #109812
Скрипт GRB_LargerChoices для RPG Maker VX Ace в команде «Показать выбор» отображать выборы, занимающие больше одной строки.
(Это скрипт для VX Ace. Также доступна версия для MV: GRB_LargerChoices для MV.) Чтобы сделать выбор, в котором больше одной строки, добавьте первой командой внутри выбора комментарий. В комментарии первая строка должна быть «ТЕКСТ ВЫБОРА:» (именно заглавными буквами; можно на других языках: «ТЭКСТ ВЫБАРУ:», «ТЕКСТ ВИБОРУ:» или «CHOICE TEXT:»). Тогда следующие строки комментария будут использоваться как текст выбора, вместо указанного в редакторе. Вот скриншот: А вот как это будет выглядеть в результате: Скрипт можно скачать здесь: GRB_LargerChoices.rb.txt Полный код скрипта [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] #===============================================================================
# GRB_LargerChoices
# ------------------------------------[АНГ]-------------------------------------
# Use larger texts for Show Choice command
# by Garbata Team
# To use this plugin, add a comment starting with a line CHOICE TEXT: as the
# first event command inside a choice branch. Then the text of the comment
# (rest of it) will be used displayed as the choice text.
# This script is placed into public domain according to the CC0 public domain
# dedication. See https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more
# information.
# Visit http://rpgmaker.ru/forum/issmv/62984-mv-grb-larger-choices#109807 for
# a RPG Maker MV version.
# ------------------------------------[РУС]-------------------------------------
# Использование больших текстов в команде Показать выбор.
# Авторы: команда Гарбата
# Чтобы использовать этот плагин, добавьте комментарий с текстом ТЕКСТ ВЫБОРА:
# в первой строке внутри ветви выбора. Комментарий должен быть первой командой
# внутри ветви. Тогда текст комментария (кроме первой строки) будет использо-
# ваться как текст выбора.
# Этот скрипт передан в общественное достояние согласно CC0. Подробнее см. на
# странице https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ru
# Версия для RPG Maker MV доступна по адресу:
# http://rpgmaker.ru/forum/issmv/62984-mv-grb-larger-choices#109807
# ------------------------------------[БЕЛ]-------------------------------------
# Выкарыстанне вялікіх тэкстаў у камандзе Паказаць выбар.
# Аўтары: каманда Гарбата
# Каб карыстацца гэтым плагінам, дадайце каментарый з тэкстам ТЭКСТ ВЫБАРУ:
# у першым радку ўсярэдзіне галіны выбару. Каментарый мусіць быць першай
# камандай усярэдзіне галіны. Тады тэкст каментарыя (акрамя першага радку) будзе
# выкарыстоўвацца як тэкст выбару.
# Гэты скрыпт пярэданы ў грамадскі набытак згодна з CC0. Падрабязней гл. на
# старонцы https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.be
# Версія для RPG Maker MV даступная па адрасе:
# http://rpgmaker.ru/forum/issmv/62984-mv-grb-larger-choices#109807
# ------------------------------------[УКР]-------------------------------------
# Використання великих текстів в команді Показати вибір
# Автори: команда Гарбата
# Щоб користатися цим плагіном, додайте коментар з текстом ТЕКСТ ВИБОРУ:
# в першому рядку в гілку вибору. Коментар мусить бути першої командою
# в середині гілки. Тоді текст коментаря будзе вжито як текст вибору.
# Цей скрипт передано до суспільного надбання згідно з CC0. Детальніше див.
# на сторінці https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.uk
# Версія для RPG Maker MV даступна за адресою:
# http://rpgmaker.ru/forum/issmv/62984-mv-grb-larger-choices#109807
class Game_Interpreter
alias grb_largerchoices__setup_choices setup_choices
def setup_choices(params)
start_cmd = @list[@index]
if start_cmd.code != 102 || start_cmd.parameters != params
# The command is not called for the current command
# I don't really understand how this can happen, probably other plugin's magic
# To be safe, let's just bail out
grb_largerchoices__setup_choices params
choices = grb_find_matching_choices(@index)
if !choices
choices = params[0]
choices.each {|s| $game_message.choices.push(s) }
def grb_get_choice_text_from_comment(comment_index, indent)
start_cmd = @list[comment_index]
return nil if start_cmd.code != 108
return nil if start_cmd.parameters.size != 1
return nil if start_cmd.parameters[0] !~ start_regexp
return nil if start_cmd.indent != indent
comment_lines = []
for i in (comment_index + 1) .. (@list.size)
line_cmd = @list[i]
break if line_cmd.code != 408
break if line_cmd.indent != indent
break if line_cmd.parameters.length != 1
if comment_lines.length > 0
return comment_lines.join("\n");
return nil
def grb_find_matching_choices(start_index)
start_cmd = @list[start_index]
fallback_choices = start_cmd.parameters[0]
indent = start_cmd.indent
choices = []
branch_index = start_index + 1
choice_ended = false
while branch_index <= @list.size && !choice_ended do
current_cmd = @list[branch_index]
return nil if current_cmd.code != 402 || current_cmd.indent != indent
choice_text = grb_get_choice_text_from_comment(branch_index + 1 , indent + 1)
if choice_text
branch_index += 1
next_cmd = (@list)[branch_index]
while branch_index <= @list.length do
if next_cmd.code === 404 && next_cmd.indent == indent
choice_ended = true
elsif next_cmd.code === 402 && next_cmd.indent == indent
branch_index += 1
next_cmd = @list[branch_index]
#problems with the event command structure:
return nil if !choice_ended
return nil if choices.size != fallback_choices.size
return choices
class Window_ChoiceList < Window_Command
def grb_item_height(index)
text = $game_message.choices[index]
return line_height if text.nil?
text.split("\n").size * line_height
def item_rect(index)
rect = Rect.new
rect.width = item_width
rect.height = grb_item_height(index)
rect.x = 0
rect.y = 0
for i in (0 .. index-1) do
h_part = grb_item_height(i)
rect.y += h_part if !h_part.nil?
def max_choice_width
($game_message.choices.collect do |s|
s.split("\n").collect { |l| text_size(l).width }.max
def contents_height
h = 0
for i in 0 .. $game_message.choices.size do
h += grb_item_height(i)
def update_placement
self.width = [max_choice_width + 12, 96].max + padding * 2
self.width = [width, Graphics.width].min
self.height = contents_height
self.x = Graphics.width - width
if @message_window.y >= Graphics.height / 2
self.y = @message_window.y - height
self.y = @message_window.y + @message_window.height
end Проект-пример: скачать TestLargeChoices.zip (1,5 МБ; или с зеркала на mega.co.nz; открывать в мейкере VX Ace). Идею плагина подсказал Ruido в теме Как увел. количество строчек в диалоге выбора (спасибо ему!). |
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 11 мес. назад от Dmy.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 11 мес. назад #109815
Прикольно, а для Mv такого не встречал?
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 11 мес. назад #109816
У меня по какой то причине не видит текст написанный в комментарии.
Скопировал с демки чтобы точно косяков не было, толку нет. (Есть вероятность конфликта с Title Large Choices Author: Hime долго мучился с переставлением скриптов местами, если твой ставить в самом верху то все работает, при этом должен быть исправен Window_NameInput иначе будет пустота в любом случае. У меня Window_NameInput оказался не рабочим. Как связанно мне не понятно, и нашел случайно, исправляя другой косяк. |
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 10 мес. назад от akito66.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: Dmy
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 11 мес. назад #109817
Коута Дмай вверху подписал специально что такой же сделал для МВ. Попрошу быть внимательнее.
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 11 мес. назад от akito66.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: Dmy
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 10 мес. назад #110676
Dmy при тестировании более детальном из-за скрипта Title Large Choices
Author: Hime возникает периодическое обрубание половины вариантов выбора, он не стабильный, то есть то нет. Детально разобравшись и обнаружил что с версией 13 года проблем нет. а вот со скриптом 15 года есть проблемы. Возможно стоило бы Dmy выпустить патч совместимости, потому что вместе они будут просто шикарным дополнением к выбору! : ) (Вот два кода от скрипта) 1 =begin
Title Large Choices
Author: Hime
Date: Nov 18, 2013
** Change log
Nov 18, 2013
- updated to preserve the event page's original list
Apr 10, 2013
- added option to disable automatic show combining
Mar 26, 2013
- fixed bug where cancel choice was not properly updated
Jan 12, 2013
- fixed bug where the first set of nested options were numbered incorrectly
Dec 7, 2012
- implemented proper branch canceling
Dec 6, 2012
- Initial release
** Terms of Use
* Free to use in non-commercial projects
* Contact me for commercial use
* No real support. The script is provided as-is
* Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
* Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
* Preserve this header
** Description
This script combines groups of "show choice" options together as one large
command. This allows you to create more than 4 choices by simply creating
several "show choice" commands.
** Installation
Place this script below Materials and above Main
** Usage
Add a show choice command.
If you want more choices, add another one, and fill it out as usual.
Note that you should only specify one cancel choice (if you specify more than
one, then the last one is taken).
For "branch" canceling, note that *all* cancel branches are executed.
You should only have a cancel branch on the last set of choices
You can disable automatic choice combining by enabling the "Manual Combine"
option, which will require you to make this script call before the first
show choice command
In order to combine choices together
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["TH_LargeChoices"] = true
# ** Configuration
module TH
module Large_Choices
# Turning this option on will require you to manually specify that
# a sequence of Show Choice options should be combined
Manual_Combine = false
# ** Rest of the script
Code_Filter = [402, 403, 404]
Regex = /<large choices>/i
class Game_Temp
# temp solution to get this working
attr_accessor :branch_choice
def branch_choice
@branch_choice || 5
class Game_Interpreter
# Clean up
alias :th_large_choices_clear :clear
def clear
@first_choice_cmd = nil
@choice_search = 0
@combine_choices = false
# Prepare for more choices
alias :th_large_choices_setup_choices :setup_choices
def setup_choices(params)
# Make a copy of our list so we don't modify the original
@list = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@list))
# start with our original choices
return if TH::Large_Choices::Manual_Combine && !@combine_choices
# store our "first" choice in the sequence
@first_choice_cmd = @list[@index]
# reset branch choice
$game_temp.branch_choice = @first_choice_cmd.parameters[1]
# Start searching for more choices
@num_choices = $game_message.choices.size
@choice_search = @index + 1
def combine_choices
@combine_choices = true
# New. Check whether the next command (after all branches) is another choice
# command. If so, merge it with the first choice command.
def search_more_choices
next_cmd = @list[@choice_search]
# Next command isn't a "show choice" so we're done
return if next_cmd.code != 102
@choice_search += 1
# Otherwise, push the choices into the first choice command to merge
# the commands.
# Update all cases to reflect merged choices
# delete the command to effectively merge the branches
# Now search for more
# New. Update the options for the first "show choice" command
def update_show_choices(params)
params[0].each {|s| $game_message.choices.push(s) }
# New. If cancel specified, update it to reflect merged choice numbers
# The last one is taken if multiple cancel choices are specified
def update_cancel_choice(params)
# disallow, just ignore
return if params[1] == 0
# branch on cancel
return update_branch_choice if params[1] == 5
# num_choices is not one-based
cancel_choice = params[1] + (@num_choices)
# update cancel choice, as well as the first choice command
$game_message.choice_cancel_type = cancel_choice
@first_choice_cmd.parameters[1] = cancel_choice
# New. Set the initial choice command to "branch cancel"
def update_branch_choice
branch_choice = $game_message.choices.size + 1
$game_message.choice_cancel_type = branch_choice
$game_temp.branch_choice = branch_choice
@first_choice_cmd.parameters[1] = branch_choice
def command_403
command_skip if @branch[@indent] != $game_temp.branch_choice - 1
# New. For each branch, update it to reflect the merged choice numbers.
def update_choice_numbers
# Begin searching immediately after cmd 102 (show choice)
i = @choice_search
# Rough search for "When" commands. The search must skip nested commands
while TH::Large_Choices::Code_Filter.include?(@list[i].code) || @list[i].indent != @indent
if @list[i].code == 402 && @list[i].indent == @indent
@list[i].parameters[0] = @num_choices
@num_choices += 1
i += 1
# New. Returns the next command after our choice branches
def skip_choice_branches
# start search at the next command
# skip all choice branch-related commands and any branches
while TH::Large_Choices::Code_Filter.include?(@list[@choice_search].code) || @list[@choice_search].indent != @indent
@choice_search += 1
return @choice_search
end 2
Title: Choice Options
Author: Hime
Date: Sep 13, 2015
** Change log
Sep 13, 2015
- fixed cancel choice
Jun 14, 2015
- multiple conditional texts can be applied. The ones added later have
higher priority
May 2, 2015
- added support for conditional text
Jan 2, 2015
- fixed bug where choice window doesn't reflect choice size
Nov 29, 2014
- removed choice scrolling and visible choice limits
Jul 6, 2014
- fixed bug where disabling choices will produce incorrect cancel branching
Jul 5, 2014
- fixed bug where cancel branch was not included in the choices
Nov 17, 2013
- choice formulas are now evaluated in the interpreter (rather than
Oct 18, 2013
- added "disable_color" option
Jun 9, 2013
- bug fix: last choice was not colored correctly
Apr 10, 2013
- new lines automatically removed for "text" option
Apr 9, 2013
- added "text" choice option
Mar 8, 2013
- fixed a copy-by-reference issue
Mar 6, 2013
- hidden choice fixed
- new script interface added
Dec 6, 2012
- removed multiple choice implementation to be more flexible
- implemented scrolling choices
Dec 4, 2012
- added support for built-in choice editor
- initial release
** Terms of Use
* Free to use in non-commercial projects
* Contact me for commercial use
* No real support. The script is provided as-is
* Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
* Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
* Preserve this header
** Description
This script provides extended control over choices.
You can add "choice options" to each choice for further control over how
they should appear, when they should appear, ...
** Installation
Place this script below Materials and above Main
** Usage
To add choice option, use one of the methods defined in the reference section.
For example, if you want to hide a choice 1 if actor 1's level is less than 5,
you would write
hide_choice(1, "$game_actors[1].level < 5")
** Reference
The following options are available
Method: disable_choice
Effect: disables choice if condition is met
Usage: Takes a string representing a boolean statement. For example,
"$game_actors[1].level > 5" means that the condition will only be
selectable if actor 1's level is greater than 5.
Method: hide_choice
Effect: hides choice if condition is met
Usage: Takes a string representing a boolean statement. For example,
"$game_party.gold < 2000" means that the condition will not be shown
if the party's gold is less than 2000
Method: color_choice
Effect: Very simple text color changing based on system colors
Usage: Takes an integer as the text color, based on the system colors.
(eg: 2 is red by default). Check the "Window.png" file in your
RTP folder to see the default colors
Method: text_choice
Effect: Sets the text of the choice to the custom text.
Usage: Takes a string that will replace whatever you place in the choice
editor. This allows you to exceed the 50-char limit. Additionally,
you can specify a second string which is a condition. If the condition
is met, only then will this text be applied. When multiple text choice
calls are applied, priority is given to the last script call.
** Compatibility
This script must be placed below Large Choices
** Credits
Enelvon, for scrolling choices implementation
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["TH_ChoiceOptions"] = true
# ** Configuration
module Tsuki
module Choice_Options
# ** Rest of the script
class Game_Message
attr_reader :choice_map
attr_accessor :orig_choices
attr_accessor :choice_options
alias :th_choice_options_clear :clear
def clear
@choice_map = []
@orig_choices = []
def clear_choice_map
# Hardcode...
def clear_choice_options
@choice_options = {}
@choice_options[:condition] = {}
@choice_options[:hidden] = {}
@choice_options[:color] = {}
@choice_options[:text] = {}
@choice_options[:cond_text] = {}
@choice_options[:disable_color] = {}
# Just hardcode. Refactor later.
def set_choice_option(type, num, arg)
case type
when :condition
@choice_options[type][num] = arg
when :hidden
@choice_options[type][num] = arg
when :color
@choice_options[type][num] = arg.to_i
when :text
arg[0].gsub!("\n", "")
@choice_options[type][num] ||= []
@choice_options[type][num] << arg
when :disable_color
@choice_options[type][num] = arg.to_i
def get_choice_option(type, num)
return @choice_options[type][num]
def choice_hidden?(num)
return @choice_options[:hidden][num]
class Game_Interpreter
alias :th_choice_options_setup_choices :setup_choices
def setup_choices(params)
# start with our original choices
def replace_choice_texts
$game_message.choices.size.times do |i|
data = $game_message.get_choice_option(:text, i+1)
next unless data
data.reverse.each do |text, cond|
if eval_choice_condition(cond)
$game_message.choices[i] = text
# New. Go through hidden choices and map the indices appropriately.
# The list of choices should only contain the list of visible choices
# since other classes probably don't expect to have to check whether
# a choice is hidden or not
def setup_choice_map
$game_message.orig_choices = $game_message.choices.clone
$game_message.orig_choices.each_with_index do |choice, i|
next if choice_hidden?(i+1)
# Add "branch" choice to the list. Remember to subtract 1 since it's always
# the last one. The assumption here is that the branch choice is never
# hidden...
if $game_message.choice_cancel_type > 0
$game_message.choice_map.push($game_message.orig_choices.size )
# We need to update the cancel choice.
# Cancel choice of 0 means it is disallowed.
if $game_message.choice_cancel_type == 0
# By default, the last choice is the branch choice, so we just set it to the
# last one in our choice map
elsif $game_message.choice_cancel_type == $game_message.orig_choices.size + 1
$game_message.choice_cancel_type = $game_message.choice_map.size
# Canceling is allowed, but the cancel choice is hidden, so we disallow
# canceling by setting it to zero
elsif choice_hidden?($game_message.choice_cancel_type) || choice_disabled?($game_message.choice_cancel_type)
$game_message.choice_cancel_type = 0
# redefine the choice proc
$game_message.choice_proc = Proc.new {|n|
@branch[@indent] = $game_message.choice_map[n] || 4
# Return true if the choice is hidden
def choice_hidden?(n)
$game_message.get_choice_option(:hidden, n)
def choice_disabled?(n)
$game_message.get_choice_option(:condition, n)
# add a choice option
def choice_option(type, choice_num, arg)
$game_message.set_choice_option(type.to_sym, choice_num, arg)
def hide_choice(choice_num, condition)
$game_message.set_choice_option(:hidden, choice_num, eval_choice_condition(condition))
def disable_choice(choice_num, condition)
$game_message.set_choice_option(:condition, choice_num, eval_choice_condition(condition))
def color_choice(choice_num, value)
$game_message.set_choice_option(:color, choice_num, value)
def disable_color_choice(choice_num, value)
$game_message.set_choice_option(:disable_color, choice_num, value)
def text_choice(choice_num, text, condition="")
$game_message.set_choice_option(:text, choice_num, [text, condition])
def eval_choice_condition(condition, p=$game_party, t=$game_troop, s=$game_switches, v=$game_variables)
return true if condition.empty?
class Window_ChoiceList < Window_Command
def update_placement
self.width = [max_choice_width + 12, 96].max + padding * 2
self.width = [width, Graphics.width].min
self.height = fitting_height($game_message.choices.size)
self.x = Graphics.width - width
if @message_window.y >= Graphics.height / 2
self.y = @message_window.y - height
self.y = @message_window.y + @message_window.height
# Overwrite. Apply choice options when making text
def make_command_list
$game_message.orig_choices.each_with_index do |choice, i|
next if $game_message.choice_hidden?(i+1)
condition = $game_message.get_choice_option(:condition, i+1)
condition_met = condition.nil? ? true : !condition
add_command(choice, :choice, condition_met)
# Apply font-related choice options when drawing choices
alias :th_multiple_choice_draw_item :draw_item
def draw_item(index)
# I have my own font settings for each option so don't need the default
def reset_font_settings
# New. Apply font settings
def set_choice_color(index)
color = $game_message.get_choice_option(:color, $game_message.choice_map[index] + 1)
disable_color = $game_message.get_choice_option(:disable_color, $game_message.choice_map[index] + 1)
if color && command_enabled?(index)
change_color(text_color(color), command_enabled?(index))
elsif disable_color && !command_enabled?(index)
change_color(text_color(disable_color), command_enabled?(index))
change_color(normal_color, command_enabled?(index))
end |
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 10 мес. назад от akito66.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: Dmy
[VX Ace] GRB_Larger Choices (многострочные выборы) 5 года 10 мес. назад #110677
Их очень сложно сделать совместимыми. (Оба влияют на одну и ту же вещь — на команду показа выбора. Причём Large Choices добавляет в неё прокрутку, а мой плагин делает размеры разных пунктов неравными. В мейкере весь код прокрутки рассчитан на то, что пункты равного размера, поэтому это сочетание требует переписать много стандартной логики прокрутки.)
Чтобы сделать их совместимыми, нужно написать больше кода, чем уже написано в самом плагине. Скорее всего я этого делать не буду, увы. |
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 10 мес. назад от Dmy.
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