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ТЕМА: Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx
Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx 5 года 7 мес. назад #110332
По факту мне от этого плагина нужна была только одна функция. Запуск определенных ивентов не героем а кликом мыши или тачскрином. Так вот, при портировании на андроид обнаружился баг process is not defined.
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 7 мес. назад от Leprikon01.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx 5 года 7 мес. назад #110334
Leprikon01 пишет:
Так вот, при портировании на андроид обнаружился баг process is not defined. Это странно, так как в коде плагина вообще нет переменной process. Или у нас разный код плагина? У вас последняя версия? |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx 5 года 7 мес. назад #110337
Dmy пишет:
Leprikon01 пишет:
у меня TDDP_MouseSystemEx 1.8.2(fix v.1.2) Оригинал не работает на новых версиях мейкера.Так вот, при портировании на андроид обнаружился баг process is not defined. Это странно, так как в коде плагина вообще нет переменной process. Или у нас разный код плагина? У вас последняя версия?код: ВНИМАНИЕ: Спойлер! [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] //============================================================================= // TDDP_MouseSystemEx.js //============================================================================= var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.TDDP_MouseSystemEx = "1.8.2"; //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc 1.8.2(fix v.1.2) Custom mouse cursors, highlight menu items on hover, custom event mouse interaction and much more! See Help. id:TDDP_MouseSystemEx * * @author Tor Damian Design / Galenmereth * * @param ---Custom Cursor--- * @desc This is a heading, no need to touch it. * @default * * @param Use Custom Cursor? * @desc Whether you want to use a custom mouse cursor image. * true => ON false => OFF * @default false * * @param Custom Cursor Image * @desc The filename for the custom cursor. It looks for this in your project's Custom Cursor Folder. * @default default.png * * @param Custom Cursors Folder * @desc The folder you wish to store the custom cursors in. Must end with a forward slash. Default: img/cursors/ * @default img/cursors/ * * @param ---Auto Change Cursors--- * @desc Options for automatically changing the mouse cursor when hovering over events with the given event commands in them. * @default * * @param Show Text Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Show Text commands in them. * * @param Transfer Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Transfer Player commands in them. * * @param Change Gold Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Change Gold commands in them. * * @param Change Items Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Change Items commands in them. * * @param Change Weapons Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Change Weapons commands in them. * * @param Change Armors Cursor * @desc Automatically show this custom cursor image when hovering over events with Change Armors commands in them. * * @param Battle Processing Cursor * @desc Automatically show this cursor when hovering over events with Battle Processing commands in them. * * @param ---Auto Change Icons--- * @desc Options for automatically showing an icon when hovering over events with the given event commands in them. * @default * * @param Show Text Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Show Text commands in them. * * @param Transfer Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Transfer Player commands in them. * * @param Change Gold Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Change Gold commands in them. * * @param Change Items Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Change Items commands in them. * * @param Change Weapons Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Change Weapons commands in them. * * @param Change Armors Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Change Armors commands in them. * * @param Battle Processing Icon * @desc Automatically show this icon when hovering over events with Battle Processing commands in them. * * @param ---Hover Select--- * @desc This is a heading, no need to touch it. * @default * * @param Highlight On Hover * @desc Highlight menu items when hovering over them with the mouse. * true => ON false => OFF * @default false * * @param Hover SE Cooldown * @desc Audio cooldown (in frames) between playing Cursor SE when Highlight On Hover is set to true. Default 4. * @default 4 * * @param ---Customizeable Notetags--- * @desc These are options for activating events by mouse interaction instead of player character. * @default * * @param No Auto Cursor Notetag * @desc The notetag used to disable auto cursor switching on this event or event page. * @default no_auto_cursor! * * @param No Auto Icon Notetag * @desc The notetag used to disable auto icon switching on this event or event page. * @default no_auto_icon! * * @param Click Notetag * @desc The notetag used to trigger the event when it is clicked on. * Default: click_activate! * @default click_activate! * * @param Hover Notetag * @desc The notetag used to trigger the event when the mouse is over it. * Default: hover_activate! * @default hover_activate! * * @param Leave Notetag * @desc The notetag used to trigger the event when the mouse leaves it. * Default: leave_activate! * @default leave_activate! * * @param ---Mouse Icons--- * @desc This is a heading, no need to touch it. * @default * * @param Hide Cursor * @desc Hide the default mouse cursor when an icon is shown. * true => ON false => OFF * @default false * * @param Icon Offset X * @desc The icon's offset from the mouse horizontally. * Default: 9 * @default 9 * * @param Icon Offset Y * @desc The icon's offset from the mouse vertically. * Default: 14 * @default 14 * * @param ---Mouse Icon Tags--- * @desc This is a heading, no need to touch it. * @default * * @param Icon Tag 1 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default quest: 191 * * @param Icon Tag 2 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default chest: 210 * * @param Icon Tag 3 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default door: 106 * * @param Icon Tag 4 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default world_map: 190 * * @param Icon Tag 5 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default potion: 176 * * @param Icon Tag 6 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default poison: 177 * * @param Icon Tag 7 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default four_leaf_clover: 182 * * @param Icon Tag 8 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default notebook: 187 * * @param Icon Tag 9 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default letter: 192 * * @param Icon Tag 10 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @param Icon Tag 11 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @param Icon Tag 12 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @param Icon Tag 13 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @param Icon Tag 14 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @param Icon Tag 15 * @desc Set up an icon tag shortcut to be used with the Mouse Hover Icons notetag. See plugin Help for more information. * @default key: 195 * * @help =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ * Information * =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ * TDDP - MouseSystem is a collection of methods for modifying mouse-based * interaction in your games. You can set custom mouse cursors, show icons beside * the mouse when hovering over events, activate events by mouse, and more. * * For updates and easy to use documentation, please go to the plugin's website: * mvplugins.tordamian.com/?p=26 * * There you can also download a PDF of the documentation for offline use, and * having the documentation in one cleanly presented place means you can always * be sure it's the most recent available. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Terms & Conditions * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * This plugin is free for both non-commercial and commercial use. Please see * mvplugins.tordamian.com/terms-of-use for the full terms of use. * * A big thank you to Degica for making this plugin free for commercial use for * everyone! */ //============================================================================= // All anonymous/helper functions are registered on this object for the convenience of other plugins. var TDDP_MouseSystemEx = {}; (function($) { "use strict"; /** * Return .png if no file extension present in filename */ $._ext = function(filename) { if (String(filename).split(".").length > 1) { return filename; } else { // Default filetype extension return filename + ".png"; } } //============================================================================= // Setting up parameters //============================================================================= var parameters = $plugins.filter(function(p){return p.description.contains("id:TDDP_MouseSystemEx")})[0].parameters; // Auto change cursors $.showTextCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.changeGoldCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.changeItemCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.changeWeaponCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.changeArmorCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.transferPlayerCursor = String(parameters) || false; $.battleProcessingCursor = String(parameters) || false; // Auto change icons $.showTextIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.changeGoldIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.changeItemIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.changeWeaponIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.changeArmorIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.transferPlayerIcon = String(parameters) || false; $.battleProcessingIcon = String(parameters) || false; // Settings $.highlightOnHover = Boolean(parameters === 'true' || false); $.audioCooldownOnHover = Number(parameters || 4) $.hideCursor = Boolean(parameters === 'true' || false); $.iconOffsetX = Number(parameters) || 0; $.iconOffsetY = Number(parameters) || 0; $.noAutoCursorNotetag = String(parameters); $.noAutoIconNotetag = String(parameters); $.clickToActivateNote = String(parameters); $.hoverToActivateNote = String(parameters); $.leaveToActivateNote = String(parameters); $.useCustomCursor = Boolean(parameters === 'true' || false); $.cursorImage = $._ext(String(parameters)); $.defaultCursorImage = $.cursorImage; $.customCursorPath = String(parameters); $._cursorFilenameInUse = null; // Helper to compare changes $._lastUpdateFrame = 0; // Last frame cursor got updated $._cssClassPrefix = "TDDP_customCursor_"; $._indexFilename = "_index.json"; // Add all mouse icon tags $.mouseIconTags = {} for(var i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { var tag = parameters if (!tag) continue; tag = tag.split(":"); var key = tag[0]; var val = tag[1].replace(' ', ''); $.mouseIconTags[key] = val; } /** * Load and setup the custom cursor CSS additions */ $._loadAndSetupCustomCursorCSS = function() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = this.customCursorPath + this._indexFilename; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status < 400) { var dummyContainerElement = document.createElement('div'); dummyContainerElement.id = "TDD_MS_CursorDummies"; document.body.appendChild(dummyContainerElement); // Next we iterate the cached cursor list var classPrefix = this._cssClassPrefix; var cachedCursors = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); for (var i=0, max=cachedCursors.length; i<max; i++) { var cursor = cachedCursors; var cursorName = cursor.split(".")[0]; var ox = 0; cursorName = cursorName.replace(/_x(\d*)/g, function(m, p1) { if (p1) ox = p1; return ""; }); var oy = 0; cursorName = cursorName.replace(/_y(\d*)/, function(m, p1){ if (p1) oy = p1; return ""; }); var cursorPath = this.customCursorPath + cursor; var sheet = window.document.styleSheets[0]; sheet.insertRule('.' + classPrefix + cursorName + ' { cursor: url(../' + cursorPath + ')' + ox + ' ' + oy + ', default; }', sheet.cssRules.length); // To ensure all the cursors get prefetched by browsers, we create dummy divs to hold all the styles... var dummyLoaderElement = document.createElement('div'); dummyLoaderElement.id = cursorName + "_dummy"; dummyContainerElement.appendChild(dummyLoaderElement); dummyLoaderElement.className = classPrefix + cursorName; } } }.bind(this); xhr.onerror = function() { // }; xhr.send(); } /** * Pre-cache all custom cursors when in test mode */ // Check if playtest; if so, store file. If not, read stored $._precacheCustomCursors = function() { if (StorageManager.isLocalMode() && Utils.isOptionValid('test')) { var fs = require('fs'); // Find that relative local path var path = require('path'); path = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename) path = path + '/' + this.customCursorPath path = decodeURIComponent(path); // Check if cursors dir exists, make if not if (!fs.existsSync(path)) { alert('TDDP MouseSystemEx\nThe chosen cursor folder "' + this.customCursorPath + '" has been created for you. Please put any custom cursor image files in this folder.'); fs.mkdirSync(path); } // Read dir var files = fs.readdirSync(path).filter(function(v) { if(v != this._indexFilename && v[1]) return v; }.bind(this)); // Store in json fs.writeFile(path + this._indexFilename, JSON.stringify(files), 'utf8', this._loadAndSetupCustomCursorCSS.bind(this)); } else { // Read stored file this._loadAndSetupCustomCursorCSS(); } }.apply(TDDP_MouseSystemEx); //============================================================================= // Game_Interpreter - register plugin commands //============================================================================= /** * Alias and extend pluginCommand */ var Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) { Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args) if (command === 'SetCustomCursor') $._setCustomCursor(args[0]); if (command === 'ResetCustomCursor') $._resetCustomCursor(); }; //============================================================================= // Helper functions //============================================================================= /** * Get events at x and y coordinates. Separate function for compatibility * * @method _eventsXy * @param x {Number} Map X coordinate * @param y {Number} Map Y coordinate * @return {Array} of events at given coordinates */ $._eventsXy = function(x, y) { return $gameMap.eventsXy(x, y); } /** * Show custom cursor */ $._showCustomCursor = function(filename) { var filename = filename || this.cursorImage; document.body.className = this._cssClassPrefix + filename.split(".")[0]; } /** * Set new default custom cursor */ $._setCustomCursor = function(filename) { this.cursorImage = filename; this._showCustomCursor(TouchInput.cursorImage); } /** * Reset custom cursor to parameter setting defaults */ $._resetCustomCursor = function() { this._setCustomCursor(this.defaultCursorImage); } /** * Show the mouse cursor */ $._showMouseCursor = function() { if (this.useCustomCursor) { document.body.style.cursor = ''; this._showCustomCursor(); } else { document.body.style.cursor = 'inherit'; } } /** * Hide the mouse cursor */ $._hideMouseCursor = function() { document.body.style.cursor = 'none'; } /** * Return Comments from event page. Multiline comments require an additional check (408) */ $._filterComments = function(pageListObject) { var comments = (pageListObject.code == 108 || pageListObject.code == 408) ? true : false; return comments; } /** * Return Show Text messages from event page */ $._filterMessages = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 401; } /** * Return Transfer Player events from event page */ $._filterTransferPlayer = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 201; } /** * Return Battle Processing events from event page */ $._filterBattleProcess = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 301; } /** * Return Change Gold events from event page */ $._filterChangeGold = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 125; } /** * Return Change Items events from event page */ $._filterChangeItems = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 126; } /** * Return Change Weapons events from event page */ $._filterChangeWeapons = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 127; } /** * Return Change Armors events from event page */ $._filterChangeArmors = function(pageListObject) { return pageListObject.code == 128; } /** * Check if current scene is of the type Scene_Map */ $._isSceneMap = function() { return (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map); } /** * Find a given notetag either in a game_event's Note box or Comment box on current active page */ $._findInEventNotetags = function(game_event, notetag, onMatch) { if (!game_event.page()) return false; var comments = game_event.page().list.filter(this._filterComments); var result = null; var foundMatch = false; var matchInString = function(string) { result = string.match(notetag); if (result !== null) { foundMatch = true; } } // First see if there's a relevant page comment, has higher priority if (comments.length > 0) { comments.forEach(function(comment) { if (foundMatch) return; matchInString(comment.parameters[0]); }) } // If nothing found in page comment, check Note box if (!foundMatch) { if (game_event.event().note) { matchInString(game_event.event().note); } } if (foundMatch){ onMatch.call(game_event, result); } } /** * Arrays of pairs of cursors/icons and filters to run to check if they should be used */ $.autoCursorFilters = [ // The order is the priority; the first match stops further lookup [$.battleProcessingCursor, $._filterBattleProcess], [$.transferPlayerCursor, $._filterTransferPlayer], [$.changeGoldCursor, $._filterChangeGold], [$.changeItemCursor, $._filterChangeItems], [$.changeWeaponCursor, $._filterChangeWeapons], [$.changeArmorCursor, $._filterChangeArmors], [$.showTextCursor, $._filterMessages], ]; $.autoIconFilters = [ // The order is the priority; the first match stops further lookup [$.battleProcessingIcon, $._filterBattleProcess], [$.transferPlayerIcon, $._filterTransferPlayer], [$.changeGoldIcon, $._filterChangeGold], [$.changeItemIcon, $._filterChangeItems], [$.changeWeaponIcon, $._filterChangeWeapons], [$.changeArmorIcon, $._filterChangeArmors], [$.showTextIcon, $._filterMessages], ]; /** * Function to check whether conditions are prime to check for events under the mouse */ $.conditionsValidForMouseHoverCheck = function() { return (SceneManager.isCurrentSceneStarted() && this._isSceneMap() && $gameMap !== null && $dataMap !== null && !$gameMap._interpreter.isRunning()); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // START - Highlight On Hover option // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if ($.highlightOnHover){ //========================================================================= // TouchInput modifications //========================================================================= /** * Removing the check for whether _mousePressed is active to facilitate hover events */ TouchInput._onMouseMove = function(event) { var x = Graphics.pageToCanvasX(event.pageX); var y = Graphics.pageToCanvasY(event.pageY); this._onMove(x, y); }; //========================================================================= // Window_Selectable modifications //========================================================================= /** * Aliased update function, adds processMouseMoved() call */ var _Window_Selectable_update = Window_Selectable.prototype.update; Window_Selectable.prototype.update = function() { this.processMouseMoved(); _Window_Selectable_update.call(this); }; /** * Check if conditions are right for calling onTouch when using mouse movement (for hover activation) */ Window_Selectable.prototype.processMouseMoved = function() { if (this.isOpenAndActive() && TouchInput.isMoved() && this.cursorIsWithinWindow()) { this.onTouch(false); } }; /** * Check if cursor is within window */ Window_Selectable.prototype.cursorIsWithinWindow = function() { var _x = this.canvasToLocalX(TouchInput.x); var _y = this.canvasToLocalY(TouchInput.y); if (_x > this.padding && _x <= this.width - this.padding) { if (_y > this.padding && _y < this.height - this.padding) { return true; } } return false; } //============================================================================= // SoundManager modifications //============================================================================= /* * Static var to keep track of last played cursor SE frame */ SoundManager._lastPlayCursorFrame = 0; /** * Aliased function to add check for whether playCursor should play, based on cooldown setting */ var _SoundManager_playCursor = SoundManager.playCursor; SoundManager.playCursor = function() { var _canPlay = SoundManager._lastPlayCursorFrame > Graphics.frameCount || Graphics.frameCount > SoundManager._lastPlayCursorFrame + $.audioCooldownOnHover; if (_canPlay) { _SoundManager_playCursor.call(this); SoundManager._lastPlayCursorFrame = Graphics.frameCount; } }; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // END - Highlight On Hover option // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //============================================================================= // TouchInput modifications //============================================================================= /** * Alias and extend initialize() with _setupCursorIconObject() */ var _TouchInput_initialize = TouchInput.initialize; TouchInput.initialize = function() { this._setupCursorIconObject(); _TouchInput_initialize.call(this); }; /** * Setup cursorIcon object */ TouchInput._setupCursorIconObject = function() { this.cursorIcon = new Sprite(); this.cursorIcon.drawIcon = Window_Base.prototype.drawIcon; this.cursorIcon.bitmap = new Bitmap(Window_Base._iconWidth, Window_Base._iconHeight); this.cursorIcon.contents = this.cursorIcon.bitmap; this.cursorIcon.iconIndex = null; } /** * Alias and extend _onMouseMove() to use new function _checkCursorStatus() */ var _TouchInput_onMouseMove = TouchInput._onMouseMove; TouchInput._onMouseMove = function(event) { _TouchInput_onMouseMove.call(this, event); this._checkCursorStatus(event.pageX, event.pageY); }; /** * Check cursor's status and whether to alter cursor * @method _checkCursorStatus * @param pageX {Number} Mouse page X coordinate * @param pageY {Number} Mouse page Y coordinate */ TouchInput._checkCursorStatus = function(pageX, pageY) { // Check for events under mouse and perform actions, and get event in result var overEvents = this._checkForEventUnderMouse(pageX, pageY); // Update cursor icon position if (this.cursorIcon.iconIndex) { this.cursorIcon.x = Graphics.pageToCanvasX(pageX) + (this.cursorIcon.customOffsetX !== null ? this.cursorIcon.customOffsetX : $.iconOffsetX); this.cursorIcon.y = Graphics.pageToCanvasY(pageY) + (this.cursorIcon.customOffsetY !== null ? this.cursorIcon.customOffsetY : $.iconOffsetY); this.cursorIcon.visible = true; } // Check if leave activate is to be triggered for a previously active event this._activeEvents = this._activeEvents || []; while (this._activeEvents.length > 0) { var activeEvent = this._activeEvents.shift(); if (activeEvent.TDDP_MS.leaveActivate) { if (!overEvents || overEvents.length == 0 || overEvents.indexOf(activeEvent) == -1) { activeEvent.start(); } } } // Reset active events if new over events this._activeEvents = overEvents || this._activeEvents; } /** * Alias and extend update() to store last event coords for checking if cursor has left an event */ var _TouchInput_update = TouchInput.update; TouchInput.update = function() { _TouchInput_update.call(this); if (this._lastEventPageX == this._curEventPageX && this._lastEventPageY == this._curEventPageY) { this._checkCursorStatus(this._lastEventPageX, this._lastEventPageY); } this._lastEventPageX = this._curEventPageX; this._lastEventPageY = this._curEventPageY; } /** * Perform check for event under mouse and perform functions depending on parsed notetag properties * @method _checkForEventUnderMouse * @param pageX {Number} Mouse page X coordinate * @param pageY {Number} Mouse page Y coordinate * @return {Array} of found events or {Boolean} false if none. */ TouchInput._checkForEventUnderMouse = function(pageX, pageY) { this._curEventPageX = pageX; this._curEventPageY = pageY; if ($.conditionsValidForMouseHoverCheck()) { var x = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(Graphics.pageToCanvasX(pageX)); var y = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(Graphics.pageToCanvasY(pageY)); var events = $._eventsXy(x, y); events.reverse().forEach(function(game_event) { if (game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon) { TouchInput._updateCursorIcon(game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon); if ($.hideCursor) $._hideMouseCursor(); } else { TouchInput._hideCursorIcon(); }; if (game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverActivate && !$gameMessage.isBusy()) { game_event.start(); }; if (game_event.TDDP_MS.hideCursor) { $._hideMouseCursor(); }; if (game_event.TDDP_MS.customOffsetX && game_event.TDDP_MS.customOffsetY) { TouchInput.cursorIcon.customOffsetX = game_event.TDDP_MS.customOffsetX; TouchInput.cursorIcon.customOffsetY = game_event.TDDP_MS.customOffsetY; }; if ($.useCustomCursor) { if (game_event.TDDP_MS.customCursor) { $._showCustomCursor(game_event.TDDP_MS.customCursor); } else { $._showCustomCursor(); } }; if (game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch) { var key = [$gameMap._mapId, game_event._eventId, game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch.key] $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, game_event.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch.val === 'true') }; }); if (events && events.length > 0) return events; } // If no events found under cursor perform default actions TouchInput._hideCursorIcon(); $._showMouseCursor(); return false; }; /** * Update the cursor icon * @method _updateCursorIcon * @param iconIndex {Number} The icon index to show next to the cursor */ TouchInput._updateCursorIcon = function(iconIndex) { if (this.cursorIcon.iconIndex != iconIndex) { this.cursorIcon.iconIndex = iconIndex; this.cursorIcon.contents.clear(); this.cursorIcon.drawIcon(iconIndex, 0, 0); this.cursorIcon.visible = false; } }; /** * Hide the cursor icon * @method _hideCursorIcon */ TouchInput._hideCursorIcon = function() { this.cursorIcon.iconIndex = null; this.cursorIcon.visible = false; this.cursorIcon.customOffsetX = null; this.cursorIcon.customOffsetY = null; } /** * Alias and extend _onTrigger() to only fire if we're not activating on click */ var _TouchInput_onTrigger = TouchInput._onTrigger; TouchInput._onTrigger = function(x, y) { if (TouchInput._activateClickEvents(x, y)) { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); // Invalidate destination } else { _TouchInput_onTrigger.call(this, x, y); } }; /** * Activate click events if valid and return true if so * @method _activateClickEvents * @param x {Number} Map X coordinate * @param y {Number} Map Y coordinate */ TouchInput._activateClickEvents = function(x, y) { var found_click_event = false; if ($.conditionsValidForMouseHoverCheck()) { var x = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(x); var y = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(y); $._eventsXy(x, y).reverse().forEach(function(game_event) { if (game_event.TDDP_MS.clickActivate) { game_event.start(); found_click_event = true; }; if (game_event.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch) { var key = [$gameMap._mapId, game_event._eventId, game_event.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch.key] $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, game_event.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch.val === 'true'); found_click_event = true; }; }); } return found_click_event; } //============================================================================= // Spriteset_Map modifications //============================================================================= /** * Alias and extend createScreenSprites() to also create cursor icon holder sprite */ var _Spriteset_Map_createScreenSprites = Spriteset_Map.prototype.createScreenSprites; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createScreenSprites = function() { _Spriteset_Map_createScreenSprites.call(this); this.createCursorIconSprite(); }; /** * Create a container sprite for the cursor icon */ Spriteset_Map.prototype.createCursorIconSprite = function() { this._cursorIconSprite = new Sprite(); this._cursorIconSprite.setFrame(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this._cursorIconSprite.addChild(TouchInput.cursorIcon); this.addChild(this._cursorIconSprite); }; //============================================================================= // Game_Event modifications //============================================================================= /** * Alias and extend setupPage() to also setup mouse system properties */ var _Game_Event_setupPage = Game_Event.prototype.setupPage; Game_Event.prototype.setupPage = function() { _Game_Event_setupPage.call(this); this.setupMouseSystemProperties(); }; /** * Setup mouse system properties on events, for storing notetag parsing on page updates */ Game_Event.prototype.setupMouseSystemProperties = function() { this.TDDP_MS = {}; this.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon = false; this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoCursor = true; this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoIcon = true; this.TDDP_MS.clickActivate = false; this.TDDP_MS.hoverActivate = false; this.TDDP_MS.leaveActivate = false; this.TDDP_MS.hideCursor = false; this.TDDP_MS.customOffsetX = false; this.TDDP_MS.customOffsetY = false; this.TDDP_MS.customCursor = false; this.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch = false; this.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch = false; $._findInEventNotetags(this, /hover_icon\s(.*?);/i, function(result) { if (!result) return; result = result[result.length - 1]; if ($.mouseIconTags[result]) { result = $.mouseIconTags[result]; } this.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon = Number(result); }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, $.noAutoCursorNotetag, function() { this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoCursor = false; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, $.noAutoIconNotetag, function() { this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoIcon = false; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, $.clickToActivateNote, function() { this.TDDP_MS.clickActivate = true; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, $.hoverToActivateNote, function() { this.TDDP_MS.hoverActivate = true; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, $.leaveToActivateNote, function() { this.TDDP_MS.leaveActivate = true; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, 'hide_cursor!', function() { this.TDDP_MS.hideCursor = true; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, /icon_offset\s(.*?)\s(.*?);/i, function(result) { this.TDDP_MS.customOffsetX = Number(result[1]); this.TDDP_MS.customOffsetY = Number(result[2]); }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, /hover_cursor\s(.*?);/i, function(result) { this.TDDP_MS.customCursor = result[result.length - 1]; }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, /click_switch\s(.*?)\s(.*?);/i, function(result) { this.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch = {}; this.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch.key = String(result[1]); this.TDDP_MS.clickSwitch.val = String(result[2]); }); $._findInEventNotetags(this, /hover_switch\s(.*?)\s(.*?);/i, function(result) { this.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch = {}; this.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch.key = String(result[1]); this.TDDP_MS.hoverSwitch.val = String(result[2]); }); // If no active event page, there's no event commands to go through if (!this.page()) return; // Auto cursor checks, only if there's a page and allowed if (this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoCursor) { for (var i=0, max=$.autoCursorFilters.length; i < max; i++) { if (this.TDDP_MS.customCursor) break; var entry = $.autoCursorFilters; var cursor = entry[0]; var filter = entry[1]; if (typeof cursor == "string") { var matches = this.page().list.filter(filter); if (matches.length > 0) { this.TDDP_MS.customCursor = cursor; } } } } // Auto icon checks if (this.TDDP_MS.allowAutoIcon) { for (var i=0, max=$.autoIconFilters.length; i < max; i++) { if (this.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon) break; var entry = $.autoIconFilters; var icon = entry[0]; var filter = entry[1]; if (typeof icon == "string") { var matches = this.page().list.filter(filter); if (matches.length > 0) { if (isNaN(icon)) { // Icon is a string, so let's look in Icon Tags icon = $.mouseIconTags[icon] } this.TDDP_MS.hoverIcon = Number(icon); } } } } } Graphics.isFontLoaded = function(name) { if (Graphics._cssFontLoading && process.versions.chromium !== '41.0.2272.76') { if(Graphics._fontLoaded){ return Graphics._fontLoaded.check('10px "'+name+'"'); } return false; } else { if (!this._hiddenCanvas) { this._hiddenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); } var context = this._hiddenCanvas.getContext('2d'); var text = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var width1, width2; context.font = '40px ' + name + ', sans-serif'; width1 = context.measureText(text).width; context.font = '40px sans-serif'; width2 = context.measureText(text).width; return width1 !== width2; } }; })(TDDP_MouseSystemEx); |
Последнее редактирование: 5 года 7 мес. назад от Leprikon01.
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За этот пост поблагодарили: Dmy
Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx 5 года 7 мес. назад #110345
У меня сейчас нет возможности разбираться с кодом подробно, но попробуйте заменить вот эту строчку (у меня это №343):
if (StorageManager.isLocalMode() && Utils.isOptionValid('test')) { На вот такую: if (StorageManager.isLocalMode() && Utils.isOptionValid('test') && typeof process !== 'undefined') { (Ну, то есть добавьте && typeof process !== 'undefined' в конце условия). И в конце замените строчку (у меня это строка 931). Сейчас она выглядит вот так: if (Graphics._cssFontLoading && process.versions.chromium !== '41.0.2272.76') { if (Graphics._cssFontLoading && typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions.chromium !== '41.0.2272.76') { (То есть добавьте ту же проверку && typeof process !== 'undefined' в середине условия.) По идее должно помочь. Если не поможет — напишите новую ошибку, исправим и её _____________________ P.S. Лучше использовать тег [code=javascript]...[/code] вокруг своего кода, потому что иначе Светлая его неправильно показывает. Чтобы разместить этот код, можно использовать кнопку на панели: |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: Leprikon01
Есть ли альтернатива плагину TDDP_MouseSystemEx 5 года 7 мес. назад #110346
Сработало. Теперь бы победить черный экран после показа заставки, но это уже для другой темы.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: Dmy
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