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ТЕМА: Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 2 дн. назад #130269
Привет народ!
Проблемка тут случилась... Понадобилось мне значит скачать плагин InputKeyTime: rpgmaker.ru/forum/mini/63614-nazhatie-kl...tvedennoe-vremya-qte А ссылка у него скрыта для гостей. И всё бы хорошо, но я то не гость) Правда правда, иначе как я это пишу?) Но скачать нужный плагин не могу( Потому, если у кого этот плагин есть, поделитесь пожалуйста рабочей ссылкой. |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 2 дн. назад #130270
Странно, у меня всё работает, файл уже скачал.
Но на всякий случай лучше текстом его вставлю, так ссылка точно не сломается) //=============================================================================
// InputKeyTime.js
Title: Input Key Time
Author: AL7 (Alexandr_7), DK (Denis Kuznetsov), mjshi
Site DK: https://dk-plugins.ru
Site mjshi: https://mjshi.weebly.com/mv-chain-commands.html
Version: 2.1
Release: 13.04.2020
First release: 06.04.2020
Supported languages: English
* @plugindesc InputKeyTime
* @author AL7, DK and mjshi
* @help
### Info about plugin ###
Title: InputKeyTime
Author: AL7 (Alexandr_7), DK (Denis Kuznetsov), mjshi
Site DK: https://dk-plugins.ru
Site mjshi: https://mjshi.weebly.com/mv-chain-commands.html
Version: 2.1
Release: 13.04.2020
First release: 06.04.2020
Supported languages: English
#### License and terms of use ###
You can:
-Free use the plugin for your commercial and non commercial projects.
-Translate the plugin to other languages (please, inform, if you do this)
You can't:
-Delete or change any information about plugin (Title, authorship, contact information, version and release)
-Change code of plugin out of border "Plugin settings" and "End of plugin settings" (if you found a bug contact me)
#### Important: ###
This authorship of the plugin belongs to 3 persons:
* Alexander 7
* Dk
* mjshi
Any of them has the right to prohibit the distribution of the plugin.
* @param PVariables
* @text --- Variables ---
* @default ---------------------------------
* @param PDefaultSettings
* @text --- Standard mini-game settings ---
* @default ---------------------------------
* @param PSettings
* @text --- Settings ---
* @default ---------------------------------
* @param Var Id Out Status Game
* @parent PVariables
* @desc Variable with the status of the end of the game. 1 - Victory. 2 - Losses.
* @type variable
* @default 1
* @param Number of keys
* @parent PDefaultSettings
* @desc The number of keys displayed on the screen.
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 5
* @param Number of Key Lists
* @parent PDefaultSettings
* @desc The number of lists of keys to press.
* Number of keys to press total = "Number of Key Lists" * "Number of keys"
* @type number
* @min 1
* @default 5
* @param Number of attempts
* @parent PDefaultSettings
* @desc The number of attempts before losing.
* 0 - Infinite number of attempts.
* @type number
* @min 0
* @default 3
* @param Defeat behavior
* @parent PDefaultSettings
* @desc The behavior of the game when the number of attempts is greater than zero or infinite.
* @type select
* @option Start with the same keys.
* @value 0
* @option Start with a new key generation
* @value 1
* @option Start from the beginning
* @value 2
* @default 0
* @param Game timer
* @parent PDefaultSettings
* @desc Game timer
* 60 - 1 sec.
* @type number
* @min 300
* @default 1500
* @param Settings key
* @parent PSettings
* @desc Settings key
* @type struct<Keys>
* @default {"Keys":"[\"{\\\"Name Key\\\":\\\"down\\\",\\\"Key Picture\\\":\\\"iconIKT_down\\\",\\\"Picture of a pressed key\\\":\\\"iconIKT_down_Pressed\\\"}\",\"{\\\"Name Key\\\":\\\"left\\\",\\\"Key Picture\\\":\\\"iconIKT_left\\\",\\\"Picture of a pressed key\\\":\\\"iconIKT_left_Pressed\\\"}\",\"{\\\"Name Key\\\":\\\"right\\\",\\\"Key Picture\\\":\\\"iconIKT_right\\\",\\\"Picture of a pressed key\\\":\\\"iconIKT_right_Pressed\\\"}\",\"{\\\"Name Key\\\":\\\"up\\\",\\\"Key Picture\\\":\\\"iconIKT_up\\\",\\\"Picture of a pressed key\\\":\\\"iconIKT_up_Pressed\\\"}\"]","Position":"{\"Type X Position\":\"2\",\"Cusstom X Position / X Offset\":\"0\",\"Type Y Position\":\"0\",\"Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset\":\"299\"}"}
* @param Style Game
* @parent PSettings
* @desc Style Game
* @type struct<StyleGame>
* @default {"Background":"{\"Enabled Background\":\"true\",\"Background\":\"bg\",\"Background X Position\":\"0\",\"Background Y Position\":\"-608\",\"Background Opacity\":\"0\",\"Enabled Background Move\":\"true\",\"Background Move Timer\":\"60\",\"Background Move X Position\":\"0\",\"Background Move Y Position\":\"0\",\"Background Move Opacity\":\"255\"}","Timer bar":"{\"Enabled\":\"true\",\"Bar BG\":\"{\\\"Background\\\":\\\"bar_empty\\\",\\\"Bar Position\\\":\\\"{\\\\\\\"Type X Position\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"2\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Cusstom X Position / X Offset\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Type Y Position\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"255\\\\\\\"}\\\"}\",\"Bar FG\":\"{\\\"Foreground\\\":\\\"bar_full\\\",\\\"Meter X Shift\\\":\\\"5\\\",\\\"Meter Y Shift\\\":\\\"5\\\",\\\"Meter Width\\\":\\\"236\\\",\\\"Meter Height\\\":\\\"7\\\"}\",\"Enabled Animation Filling / Descending\":\"true\",\"Timer Animation Filling / Descending\":\"60\"}","Game completion bar":"{\"Enabled\":\"true\",\"Bar BG\":\"{\\\"Background\\\":\\\"bar_empty\\\",\\\"Bar Position\\\":\\\"{\\\\\\\"Type X Position\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"2\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Cusstom X Position / X Offset\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Type Y Position\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\",\\\\\\\"Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"346\\\\\\\"}\\\"}\",\"Bar FG\":\"{\\\"Foreground\\\":\\\"bar_full\\\",\\\"Meter X Shift\\\":\\\"5\\\",\\\"Meter Y Shift\\\":\\\"5\\\",\\\"Meter Width\\\":\\\"236\\\",\\\"Meter Height\\\":\\\"7\\\"}\",\"Enabled Animation Filling / Descending\":\"true\",\"Timer Animation Filling / Descending\":\"60\"}","Background for key":"{\"Enabled\":\"true\",\"Key Background\":\"BGIKT_NoSelect\",\"Background pressed key\":\"BGIKT_NoSelect\",\"Background of selected key\":\"BGIKT_Select\"}"}
* @param Sounds Game
* @parent PSettings
* @desc Sounds Game
* @type struct<SoundsGame>
* @default {"Success SFX":"{\"File\":\"Cursor1\",\"Volume\":\"100\",\"Pitch\":\"100\",\"Pan\":\"0\"}","Error SFX":"{\"File\":\"Buzzer1\",\"Volume\":\"100\",\"Pitch\":\"100\",\"Pan\":\"0\"}","Success List SFX":"{\"File\":\"Absorb2\",\"Volume\":\"100\",\"Pitch\":\"100\",\"Pan\":\"0\"}"}
* @param Delay next list / end of game
* @parent PSettings
* @desc Delay before displaying the next list of keys or ending the game. 60 frames - 1 second.
* @type number
* @default 60
//#region Структура настройки клавишь
* @param Keys
* @desc Keys
* @type struct<Key>[]
* @param Position
* @desc Position (Custom X position is indicated only for the 1st picture. The rest follows 1st.)
* @type struct<Position>
* @param Name Key
* @desc The name of the key from the "DKTools_Full_Input" plugin.
* @type string
* @param Key Picture
* @desc Picture for not pressed key.
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @require
* @param Picture of a pressed key
* @desc Picture for pressed key
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @require
* @param Background
* @desc Background Game
* @type struct<StyleGameBackground>
* @param Timer bar
* @desc Timer bar options
* @type struct<Bar>
* @param Game completion bar
* @desc Game completion bar
* @type struct<Bar>
* @param Background for key
* @desc Background Pictures for Key
* @type struct<BackgroundKey>
//#region Структура Фона
* @param Enabled Background
* @desc Enabled Background
* @type boolean
* @param Background
* @desc Background
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @param Background X Position
* @desc Background X Position
* @type number
* @min -10000
* @max 10000
* @param Background Y Position
* @desc Background X Position
* @type number
* @min -10000
* @max 10000
* @param Background Opacity
* @desc Background Opacity
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 255
* @param Enabled Background Move
* @desc Enabled Background Move
* @type boolean
* @param Background Move Timer
* @desc Background Move Timer (60 = 1 sec) (If "Enabled Background Move" is true)
* @type number
* @param Background Move X Position
* @desc Background Move X Position (If "Enabled Background Move" is true)
* @type number
* @min -10000
* @max 10000
* @param Background Move Y Position
* @desc Background Move Y Position (If "Enabled Background Move" is true)
* @type number
* @min -10000
* @max 10000
* @param Background Move Opacity
* @desc Background Move Opacity (If "Enabled Background Move" is true)
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 255
//#region Структура полоски
* @param Enabled
* @desc Enabled Bar
* @type boolean
* @param Bar BG
* @desc Bar background
* @type struct<BarBG>
* @param Bar FG
* @desc Bar foreground
* @type struct<BarFG>
* @param Enabled Animation Filling / Descending
* @desc Enabled Background Move
* @type boolean
* @param Timer Animation Filling / Descending
* @desc Timer (60 = 1 sec) (If "Enabled Animation Filling / Descending" is true)
* @type number
* @param Background
* @desc Background Bar
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @param Bar Position
* @desc position of the bar background.
* @type struct<Position>
* @param Foreground
* @desc Foreground
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @param Meter X Shift
* @desc X position of the meter relative to Bar BG's X position.
* @type number
* @param Meter Y Shift
* @desc Y position of the meter relative to Bar BG's Y position.
* @type number
* @param Meter Width
* @desc Width of the meter image.
* @type number
* @param Meter Height
* @desc Height of the meter image.
* @type number
//#region Структура фона клавишь
* @param Enabled
* @desc Enabled Background for key
* @type boolean
* @param Key Background
* @desc Background for not selected and not pressed key
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @param Background pressed key
* @desc Background for pressed key
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
* @param Background of selected key
* @desc Background for selected not pressed key
* @type file
* @dir img/IKTSystem/
//#region Структура звуков
* @param Success SFX
* @desc The sound to play when the sequence is complete.
* @type struct<SoundsGameSFX>
* @param Error SFX
* @desc The sound to play when an incorrect button is pressed.
* @type struct<SoundsGameSFX>
* @param Success List SFX
* @desc The sound to play when the sequence is complete list.
* @type struct<SoundsGameSFX>
* @param File
* @desc The sound to play when the sequence is complete.
* @type file
* @dir audio/se
* @param Volume
* @desc Volume SFX.
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 100
* @param Pitch
* @desc Pitch SFX.
* @type number
* @min 0
* @max 150
* @param Pan
* @desc Pan SFX.
* @type number
* @min -100
* @max 100
* @param Type X Position
* @desc Type X Position
* @type select
* @option Custom
* @value 0
* @option Left
* @value 1
* @option Center
* @value 2
* @option Right
* @value 3
* @param Cusstom X Position / X Offset
* @type number
* @param Type Y Position
* @desc Type Y Position
* @type select
* @option Custom
* @value 0
* @option Up
* @value 1
* @option Center
* @value 2
* @option Down
* @value 3
* @param Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset
* @type number
"use strict";
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.DKTools_Input_Key_Time = "1.0";
if (Imported.DKTools && Imported.DKTools_Full_Input) {
DKTools.PluginManager.requirePlugin("DKTools", "8.0.1");
DKTools.PluginManager.requirePlugin("DKTools_Full_Input", "3.0");
} else {
throw new Error('No plugin "DKTools" or "DKTools_Full_Input"! Plugin "Input Key Time" will not work!');
const InputKeyTimeParam = new DKTools.ParameterManager("InputKeyTime");
var InputKeyTime = InputKeyTime || {};
InputKeyTime.DirMG = "img/IKTSystem/";
///Количество кнопок на 1 список
InputKeyTime.countKeys = InputKeyTimeParam.get("Number of keys");
///Количество Списков
InputKeyTime.countListKeys = InputKeyTimeParam.get("Number of Key Lists");
//Количество попыток
InputKeyTime.countAttempts = InputKeyTimeParam.get("Number of attempts");
//Поведение игры если остались попытки и допущена ошибка
InputKeyTime.defeatBehavior = InputKeyTimeParam.get("Defeat behavior");
//Таймер игры в кадрах
InputKeyTime.frameTimer = InputKeyTimeParam.get("Game timer");
InputKeyTime.keys = {
position: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Settings key", "Position"),
/* arrKeys: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Settings key", "Keys").reduce(
(acc, data) => {
Object.values(data["Name Key"]).forEach((key) => {
acc["Name Key"][key] = {
"Key Picture": ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, data["Key Picture"]),
"Picture of a pressed key": ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, data["Picture of a pressed key"]),
return acc;
{ "Name Key": {}, "Key Picture": {}, "Picture of a pressed key": {} }
), */
arrKeys: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Settings key", "Keys").reduce(
(acc, data) => {
acc["Name Key"].push(data["Name Key"]);
acc["Key Picture"].push(ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, data["Key Picture"]));
acc["Picture of a pressed key"].push(ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, data["Picture of a pressed key"]));
return acc;
{ "Name Key": [], "Key Picture": [], "Picture of a pressed key": [] }
InputKeyTime.bgGame = {
isEnabled: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Enabled Background" }),
img: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background" })),
x: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background X Position" }),
y: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Y Position" }),
opacity: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Opacity" }),
isMoveEnabled: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Enabled Background Move" }),
animationTimer: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Move Timer" }),
moveX: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Move X Position" }),
moveY: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Move Y Position" }),
moveOpacity: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background", { key: "Background Move Opacity" }),
InputKeyTime.barTimer = {
isEnabled: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Enabled" }),
background: {
img: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar BG" })["Background"]),
position: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar BG" })["Bar Position"],
foreground: {
img: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Foreground"]),
shiftX: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter X Shift"],
shiftY: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Y Shift"],
width: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Width"],
height: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Height"],
isAnimation: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Enabled Animation Filling / Descending" }),
animationTimer: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Timer bar", { key: "Timer Animation Filling / Descending" }),
InputKeyTime.barList = {
isEnabled: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Enabled" }),
background: {
img: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar BG" })["Background"]),
position: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar BG" })["Bar Position"],
foreground: {
img: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Foreground"]),
shiftX: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter X Shift"],
shiftY: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Y Shift"],
width: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Width"],
height: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Bar FG" })["Meter Height"],
isAnimation: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Enabled Animation Filling / Descending" }),
animationTimer: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Game completion bar", { key: "Timer Animation Filling / Descending" }),
InputKeyTime.bgKeys = {
isEnabled: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background for key", { key: "Enabled" }),
background: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background for key", { key: "Key Background" })),
backgroundPress: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background for key", { key: "Background pressed key" })),
backgroundSelect: ImageManager.loadBitmap(InputKeyTime.DirMG, InputKeyTimeParam.get("Style Game", "Background for key", { key: "Background of selected key" })),
InputKeyTime.soundFX = {
keyNext: {
name: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success SFX", { key: "File" }),
pan: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success SFX", { key: "Pan" }),
pitch: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success SFX", { key: "Pitch" }),
volume: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success SFX", { key: "Volume" }),
keyError: {
name: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Error SFX", { key: "File" }),
pan: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Error SFX", { key: "Pan" }),
pitch: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Error SFX", { key: "Pitch" }),
volume: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Error SFX", { key: "Volume" }),
listNext: {
name: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success List SFX", { key: "File" }),
pan: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success List SFX", { key: "Pan" }),
pitch: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success List SFX", { key: "Pitch" }),
volume: InputKeyTimeParam.get("Sounds Game", "Success List SFX", { key: "Volume" }),
function Scene_InputKeyTime() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype = Object.create(Scene_Base.prototype);
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.constructor = Scene_InputKeyTime;
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.create = function () {
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.createGame = function () {
//this.stringKeys - Массив нажимаемых клавишь
//this.bg - Фон игры.
//this.imageKeys - Массив спрайтов клавишь
this.animation = [];
//#region Создания фона сцены
this.addChild(new Sprite(SceneManager.backgroundBitmap()));
this.bg = new DKTools.Sprite();
this.bg.x = 0;
this.bg.y = 0;
if (InputKeyTime.bgGame.isEnabled === true) {
this.bg.x = InputKeyTime.bgGame.x;
this.bg.y = InputKeyTime.bgGame.y;
if (InputKeyTime.bgGame.isMoveEnabled) {
//#region Вывод основного ProgressBar
if (InputKeyTime.barTimer.isEnabled) {
this.timerBar = {};
let setX = 0;
let setY = 0;
this.timerBar.bgBar = new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.img);
switch (InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Type X Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setX = InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
case 2:
setX = Graphics.boxWidth / 2 - this.timerBar.bgBar.width / 2 + InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
case 3:
Graphics.boxWidth - this.timerBar.bgBar.width - InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
switch (InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Type Y Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setY = InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 2:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight / 2 - this.timerBar.bgBar.height / 2 + InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 3:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight - this.timerBar.bgBar.height - InputKeyTime.barTimer.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
this.timerBar.bgBar.x = setX;
this.timerBar.bgBar.y = setY;
this.timerBar.fgBar = new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.img);
this.timerBar.fgBar.x = InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.shiftX;
this.timerBar.fgBar.y = InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.shiftY;
if (InputKeyTime.barTimer.isAnimation) {
this.timerBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, 0, InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.height);
InputKeyTime.bgGame.animationTimer + InputKeyTime.barTimer.animationTimer,
InputKeyTime.bgGame.animationTimer + InputKeyTime.barTimer.animationTimer,
} else this.timerBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.width, InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.height);
//#region Вывод 2го ProgressBar
if (InputKeyTime.barList.isEnabled) {
this.listBar = {};
let setX = 0;
let setY = 0;
this.listBar.bgBar = new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.barList.background.img);
switch (InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Type X Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setX = InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
case 2:
setX = Graphics.boxWidth / 2 - this.listBar.bgBar.width / 2 + InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
case 3:
Graphics.boxWidth - this.listBar.bgBar.width - InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
switch (InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Type Y Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setY = InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 2:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight / 2 - this.listBar.bgBar.height / 2 + InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 3:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight - this.listBar.bgBar.height - InputKeyTime.barList.background.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
this.listBar.bgBar.x = setX;
this.listBar.bgBar.y = setY;
this.listBar.fgBar = new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.img);
this.listBar.fgBar.x = InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.shiftX;
this.listBar.fgBar.y = InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.shiftY;
if (InputKeyTime.barList.isAnimation) {
this.listBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.width, InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.height);
InputKeyTime.barTimer.animationTimer + (InputKeyTime.bgGame.animationTimer + InputKeyTime.barList.animationTimer),
InputKeyTime.barTimer.animationTimer + InputKeyTime.bgGame.animationTimer,
InputKeyTime.barTimer.animationTimer + (InputKeyTime.bgGame.animationTimer + InputKeyTime.barList.animationTimer),
} else this.listBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, 0, InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.height);
//#region Вывод клавишь и фона клавишь если возможно
this.imageKeys = [];
if (InputKeyTime.bgKeys.isEnabled === true) this.bgKeys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < InputKeyTime.countKeys; i++) {
this.imageKeys.push(new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Key Picture"][this.stringKeys[i]]));
let setX = 0;
let setY = 0;
switch (InputKeyTime.keys.position["Type X Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setX = InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"] + i * this.imageKeys[i].width;
case 2:
setX =
Graphics.boxWidth / 2 -
(this.imageKeys[i].width * InputKeyTime.countKeys) / 2 +
i * this.imageKeys[i].width +
InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
case 3:
Graphics.boxWidth - this.imageKeys[i].width * InputKeyTime.countKeys - InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom X Position / X Offset"];
switch (InputKeyTime.keys.position["Type Y Position"]) {
case 0:
case 1:
setY = InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 2:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight / 2 - this.imageKeys[i].height / 2 + InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
case 3:
setY = Graphics.boxHeight - this.imageKeys[i].height - InputKeyTime.keys.position["Cusstom Y Position / Y Offset"];
if (InputKeyTime.bgKeys.isEnabled === true) {
if (i === 0) this.bgKeys.push(new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.bgKeys.backgroundSelect));
else this.bgKeys.push(new DKTools.Sprite(InputKeyTime.bgKeys.background));
this.bgKeys[i].x = setX;
this.bgKeys[i].y = setY;
this.imageKeys[i].x = setX;
this.imageKeys[i].y = setY;
//#region Последние настройки
this.indexKey = 0;
this.indexListKeys = 0;
this.countAttempts = InputKeyTime.countAttempts;
this.maxTimer = InputKeyTime.frameTimer;
this.timer = InputKeyTime.frameTimer;
this.isDelay = false;
this.isInputKey = true;
//#region Метод создания анимаций
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.createAnimations = function (
_x = undefined,
_y = undefined,
_opacity = undefined,
_rectX = undefined,
_rectY = undefined,
_rectWidth = undefined,
_rectHeight = undefined
) {
new DKTools.Animation({
type: "update",
repeats: 0,
repeatTime: _repeatTime,
if (_x != undefined && _y != undefined) {
this.animation[this.animation.length - 1].addAction(
startTime: _startTime,
endTime: _endTime,
target: _elemetAnimation,
data: new Point(_x, _y),
if (_opacity != undefined) {
this.animation[this.animation.length - 1].addAction(
startTime: _startTime,
endTime: _endTime,
target: _elemetAnimation,
data: _opacity,
if (_rectX != undefined && _rectY != undefined && _rectWidth != undefined && _rectHeight != undefined) {
this.animation[this.animation.length - 1].addAction(
startTime: _startTime,
endTime: _endTime,
target: _elemetAnimation,
data: new Rectangle(_rectX, _rectY, _rectWidth, _rectHeight),
_elemetAnimation.addAnimation(this.animation[this.animation.length - 1]);
//#region Метод генерации нажимаемых клавишь
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.generateArrayKeys = function () {
var getRandomInRange = function (min, max) {
return DKTools.Utils.Random.getInt(max - min) + min;
this.stringKeys = [];
let cnt = InputKeyTime.countKeys;
while (cnt) {
this.stringKeys.push(getRandomInRange(0, InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Name Key"].length - 1));
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.update = function () {
if (this.animation.length === 0 || this.animation.every((a) => a.isFinished())) {
//Игровой процесс
if (this.isDelay === true) {
if (this._wait > 0) this._wait--;
else {
if (this.indexListKeys < InputKeyTime.countListKeys - 1) this.updateList();
else {
this.isInputKey = true;
this.isDelay = false;
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.updateBar = function () {
if (this.timer > 0) {
var prcBar = this.timer / this.maxTimer;
this.timerBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.width * prcBar, InputKeyTime.barTimer.foreground.height);
} else {
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.isProcessInput = function () {
if (this.isInputKey === true) {
var pressKey = Input.anyTriggered(InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Name Key"], false);
if (pressKey != null) {
if (pressKey === InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Name Key"][this.stringKeys[this.indexKey]]) {
} else {
if (this.countAttempts > 0 || this.countAttempts < 0) {
switch (InputKeyTime.defeatBehavior) {
case 0:
case 1:
this.stringKeys = [];
this.stringKeys = InputKeyTime.rndKeys(InputKeyTime.countKeys);
case 2:
} else if (this.countAttempts === 0) {
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.updateButtons = function () {
if (InputKeyTime.bgKeys.isEnabled === true) {
if (this.indexKey < InputKeyTime.countKeys - 1) this.bgKeys[this.indexKey + 1].setBitmap(InputKeyTime.bgKeys.backgroundSelect);
this.imageKeys[this.indexKey].setBitmap(InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Picture of a pressed key"][this.stringKeys[this.indexKey]]);
if (this.indexKey < InputKeyTime.countKeys - 1) {
} else {
if (InputKeyTime.barList.isEnabled === true) this.updateListBar(this.indexListKeys + 1);
this.wait(InputKeyTimeParam.get("Delay next list / end of game"));
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.updateList = function () {
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.clearList = function () {
this.indexListKeys = 0;
if (InputKeyTime.isEnableListBar === true) this.updateListBar(this.indexListKeys);
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.clearButtons = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < InputKeyTime.countKeys; i++) {
if (InputKeyTime.bgKeys.isEnabled === true) {
if (i === 0) this.bgKeys[i].setBitmap(InputKeyTime.bgKeys.backgroundSelect);
else this.bgKeys[i].setBitmap(InputKeyTime.bgKeys.background);
this.imageKeys[i].setBitmap(InputKeyTime.keys.arrKeys["Key Picture"][this.stringKeys[i]]);
this.indexKey = 0;
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.updateListBar = function (realListKey) {
var prcBar = realListKey / InputKeyTime.countListKeys;
this.listBar.fgBar.setFrame(0, 0, InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.width * prcBar, InputKeyTime.barList.foreground.height);
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.wait = function (wait) {
this._wait = wait;
this.isInputKey = false;
this.isDelay = true;
Scene_InputKeyTime.prototype.endGame = function (statusGame) {
$gameVariables.setValue(InputKeyTimeParam.get("Var Id Out Status Game"), statusGame);
InputKeyTime.script = class {
static startStandartGame() {
static startGame(_min, _sec, _frame, _countKeys, _countListKeys, _countAttempts, _defeatBehavior) {
InputKeyTime.countKeys = _countKeys;
InputKeyTime.countListKeys = _countListKeys;
InputKeyTime.countAttempts = _countAttempts;
InputKeyTime.frameTimer = _min * 60 * 60 + _sec * 60 + _frame;
InputKeyTime.defeatBehavior = _defeatBehavior;
var $InputKeyTime = InputKeyTime.script;
//Тут должен быть код обработки команд плагинов |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 2 дн. назад #130271
Спасибо большое!
А ещё момент, есть по нему демка? А то там же какие-то графические ресурсы ему ещё нужны ![]() |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 12 ч. назад #130282
Точно такой же баг с гостем, обычно такое пишет когда впн используешь или ещё что-то такого типа (хотя я не использовала), помогло то, что через другой браузер заходила, потом и в основном заработало. Кстати, вроде на форуме уже есть про этот баг статья, по крайней мере, что-то такое видела
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 2 ч. назад #130285
shirokkuu: Скорее всего, это вариация давно известного бага: rpgmaker.ru/forum/nash-portal/65224-oshi...opytkoj-napisat-temu |
Последнее редактирование: 7 мес. 2 ч. назад от ajir.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: shirokkuu
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 1 ч. назад #130286
да-да, как раз про эту статью и говорила
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Баг на форуме, не могу скачать плагин 7 мес. 1 ч. назад #130287
SirAndriy пишет:
Спасибо большое! А ещё момент, есть по нему демка? А то там же какие-то графические ресурсы ему ещё нужны ![]() У меня всё работает, файл скачал. А вот и демка |
My projects/Мои проекты Я ухожу — не говорю «пока», Я прихожу — не говоря «привета»… Когда по небу бродят облака — Никто не осуждает их за это!
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: SirAndriy
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