// Smart Pathfinding
// by Shaz
// Last Updated: 2015.10.26
* @plugindesc Allows events or players to do smart Pathfinding
* @author Shaz
* @help
* This is merely a fork of Shaz's SMARTPATH plugin. I've added some extra
* functionality to be able to auto-cancel the pathfinding as well as to
* have the event interpreter WAIT while the pathing takes place.
* Plugin Command:
* SmartPath eventId1 eventId2 # Makes event 1 find path to event 2
* SmartPath eventId x y # Makes event find a path to location x, y
* SmartPath eventId cancel # Cancel Pathfinding for event
* event = number for specific event
* event = 0 for "this" event
* event = -1 for player
* event = $gameVariables.value(x) to get the event id from variable x
* x, y = coordinates or $gameVariables.value(#) to use a variable coordinate
* Update by DragoonKain:
* Use Game_Interpreter.findEvent to allow specifying events by name.
* Added Wait, Auto_Cancel and Auto_Cancel_Near.
(function() {
var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand;
Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function(command, args) {
_Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args);
if (command.toUpperCase() === 'SMARTPATH') {
subject = this.findEvent
? this.findEvent(args[0])
: this.character(eval(args[0]));
if (args[1].toUpperCase() === 'CANCEL') {
} else if (args[1].toUpperCase() === 'WAIT') {
if (subject._target && !subject.isOnTarget(subject._targetX, subject._targetY)) {
} else if (args[1].toUpperCase() == 'AUTO_CANCEL') {
} else if (args[1].toUpperCase() == 'AUTO_CANCEL_NEAR') {
if (args.length > 2) {
} else if (args.length > 2) {
subject.setTarget(null, eval(args[1]), eval(args[2]));
} else {
var target = this.findEvent
? this.findEvent(args[1])
: this.character(eval(args[1]));
var _Game_CharacterBase_initMembers = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.initMembers = function() {
this._target = null;
this._targetX = null;
this._targetY = null;
this._targetAutoCancel = false; // 'on', 'near', false
this._targetAutoCancelThreshold = 1;
this._break = false;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setTarget = function(target, targetX, targetY) {
this._target = target;
if (this._target) {
this._targetX = this._target.x;
this._targetY = this._target.y;
} else {
this._targetX = targetX;
this._targetY = targetY;
this._targetAutoCancel = false;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setTargetAutoCancel = function(targetAutoCancel) {
this._targetAutoCancel = targetAutoCancel;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setTargetAutoCancelThreshold = function(threshold) {
this._targetAutoCancelThreshold = threshold;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.clearTarget = function() {
this._target = null;
this._targetX = null;
this._targetY = null;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isNearTarget = function(x, y) {
var isNear = Math.abs(this.x - x) <= this._targetAutoCancelThreshold &&
Math.abs(this.y - y) <= this._targetAutoCancelThreshold;
return isNear;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isOnTarget = function(x, y) {
return this.x == x &&
this.y == y;
var _Game_CharacterBase_updateStop = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateStop;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateStop = function() {
if (this._target) {
this._targetX = this._target.x;
this._targetY = this._target.y;
if (this._targetX != null) {
direction = this.findDirectionTo(this._targetX, this._targetY);
if (direction > 0)
if (this._target && this._targetAutoCancel) {
if (this._targetAutoCancel.toUpperCase() === 'ON') {
if (this.isOnTarget(this._targetX, this._targetY)) {
} else if (this._targetAutoCancel.toUpperCase() === 'NEAR') {
if (this.isNearTarget(this._targetX, this._targetY)) {