// Galv's Diagonal Movement
// GALV_DiagonalMovement.js
// 2016-10-05 - Version 1.4 - modified how diag speed was coded for
// compatibility purposes
// 2016-08-26 - Version 1.3 - changed alias methods
// - fixed turn direction move route after diag move
// 2016-05-17 - Version 1.2 - diagonal block option added to prevent moving
// - diagonally past blocking tiles.
// - added ability to disable diagonal movement
// - during game
// 2016-02-04 - Version 1.1 - added option to slow diagonal move speed
// 2015-12-12 - Version 1.0 - release
// Terms can be found at:
// galvs-scripts.com
var Imported = Imported || {};
Imported.Galv_DiagonalMovement = true;
var Galv = Galv || {};
Galv.DM = Galv.DM || {};
* @plugindesc (v.1.3) Just a basic diagonal movement plugin. Written for compatibility with other Galv plugins.
* @author Galv - galvs-scripts.com
* @param Diagonal Mouse
* @desc true or false for diagonal pathfinding movement on mouse click. true may conflict with pathfinding plugins.
* @default false
* @param Diagonal Charset
* @desc true or false if you want to use diagonal charactersets (see help for more)
* @default true
* @param Diagonal Speed
* @desc % of move speed characters move while travelling diagonally
* @default 90
* @param Block Diagonal
* @desc true or false - if diagonal movement is blocked when moving past an impassable tile or not.
* @default false
* @help
* Galv's Diagonal Movement
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Plug and play. If this doesn't play nice with other plugins, try putting it
* at the top of the plugin list. It overwrites the default diagonal function.
* If this conflicts with other pathfinding plugins you might have, change
* 'Diagonal Mouse' setting to false.
* When 'Diagonal Charsets' is true, the plugin will change the sprite if the
* character is on a diagonal. The new sprite used will be in the position
* directly below the selected character graphic. This means that only sprites
* on the top of a character sheet will be able to have diagonal graphics.
* Sprites on the bottom will not have diagonal graphics.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $gameSystem.disableVert = true; // DISABLE diagonal movement
* $gameSystem.disableVert = false; // ENABLE diagonal movement
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(function() {
Galv.DM.mouseMove = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_DiagonalMovement')["Diagonal Mouse"].toLowerCase() == 'true';
Galv.DM.diagGraphic = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_DiagonalMovement')["Diagonal Charset"].toLowerCase() == 'true';
Galv.DM.diagMod = Number(PluginManager.parameters('Galv_DiagonalMovement')["Diagonal Speed"]) * 0.01;
Galv.DM.diagBlocked = PluginManager.parameters('Galv_DiagonalMovement')["Block Diagonal"].toLowerCase() == 'true';
Game_CharacterBase.prototype._cframes = 3;
Galv.DM.Game_CharacterBase_realMoveSpeed = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.realMoveSpeed;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.realMoveSpeed = function() {
var spd = Galv.DM.Game_CharacterBase_realMoveSpeed.call(this);
return this._diagDir ? spd * Galv.DM.diagMod : spd;
// overwrite
Game_Follower.prototype.realMoveSpeed = function() {
return $gamePlayer.realMoveSpeed();
Galv.DM.getHorzVertDirs = function(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case 1: return [4,2];
case 3: return [6,2];
case 7: return [4,8];
case 9: return [6,8];
default: return [0,0];
Galv.DM.getDir = function(horz,vert) {
if (horz == 4 && vert == 2) return 1;
if (horz == 6 && vert == 2) return 3;
if (horz == 4 && vert == 8) return 7;
if (horz == 6 && vert == 8) return 9;
return 0;
Galv.DM.diagRow = {
3: 0,
1: 1,
9: 2,
7: 3
Galv.DM.Game_CharacterBase_moveStraight = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveStraight;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveStraight = function(d) {
this._diagDir = false;
Galv.DM.Game_CharacterBase_setDirection = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirection;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirection = function(d) {
if (this._diagStraigten) this._diagDir = false;
if (Galv.DM.diagBlocked) {
Game_Player.prototype.canPassDiagonally = function(x, y, horz, vert) {
var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, horz);
var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, vert);
if (this.canPass(x, y, vert) && this.canPass(x, y2, horz) && this.canPass(x, y, horz) && this.canPass(x2, y, vert)) {
return true;
return false;
Galv.DM.Game_Player_canPassDiagonally = Game_Player.prototype.canPassDiagonally;
Game_Player.prototype.canPassDiagonally = function(x, y, horz, vert) {
if ($gameSystem.disableVert) return false;
return Galv.DM.Game_Player_canPassDiagonally.call(this,x,y,horz,vert);
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.moveDiagonally = function(horz, vert) {
var diag = this.canPassDiagonally(this._x, this._y, horz, vert);
var norm = this.canPass(this._x, this._y, horz) || this.canPass(this._x, this._y, vert);
if (diag) {
this._diagDir = Galv.DM.getDir(horz,vert);
this._x = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this._x, horz);
this._y = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this._y, vert);
this._realX = $gameMap.xWithDirection(this._x, this.reverseDir(horz));
this._realY = $gameMap.yWithDirection(this._y, this.reverseDir(vert));
} else if (norm) {
this._diagDir = false;
this._diagStraigten = false;
if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(horz)) this.setDirection(horz);
if (this._direction === this.reverseDir(vert)) this.setDirection(vert);
this._diagStraigten = true;
Game_CharacterBase.prototype.getOtherdir = function(horz, vert) {
return this.canPass(this._x, this._y, horz) ? horz : vert;
Game_Player.prototype.getInputDirection = function() {
return Input.dir8;
Galv.DM.Game_Player_executeMove = Game_Player.prototype.executeMove;
Game_Player.prototype.executeMove = function(direction) {
if (direction % 2 == 0) {
} else if (Math.abs(direction % 2) == 1) {
var dirArray = Galv.DM.getHorzVertDirs(direction);
// If using Diaonal Charset
if (Galv.DM.diagGraphic) {
Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterPatternY = Sprite_Character.prototype.characterPatternY;
Sprite_Character.prototype.characterPatternY = function() {
if (!this._isBigCharacter && this._character._diagDir && this._character.characterIndex() < 4) {
return Galv.DM.diagRow[this._character._diagDir];
} else {
return Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterPatternY.call(this);
Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterBlockX = Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockX;
Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockX = function() {
if (!this._isBigCharacter && this._character._diagDir && this._character.characterIndex() < 4) {
var index = this._character.characterIndex() + 4;
return index % 4 * this._character._cframes;
} else {
return Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterBlockX.call(this);
Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterBlockY = Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockY;
Sprite_Character.prototype.characterBlockY = function() {
if (!this._isBigCharacter && this._character._diagDir && this._character.characterIndex() < 4) {
var index = this._character.characterIndex() + 4;
return Math.floor(index / 4) * 4;
} else {
return Galv.DM.Sprite_Character_characterBlockY.call(this);
// If using diagonal mouse movement:
if (Galv.DM.mouseMove) {
Galv.DM.Game_Character_findDirectionTo = Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo;
Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo = function(goalX, goalY) {
if ($gameSystem.disableVert) {
return Galv.DM.Game_Character_findDirectionTo.call(this,goalX,goalY);
} else {
var searchLimit = this.searchLimit();
var mapWidth = $gameMap.width();
var nodeList = [];
var openList = [];
var closedList = [];
var start = {};
var best = start;
if (this.x === goalX && this.y === goalY) {
return 0;
start.parent = null;
start.x = this.x;
start.y = this.y;
start.g = 0;
start.f = $gameMap.distance(start.x, start.y, goalX, goalY);
openList.push(start.y * mapWidth + start.x);
while (nodeList.length > 0) {
var bestIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
if (nodeList[i].f < nodeList[bestIndex].f) {
bestIndex = i;
var current = nodeList[bestIndex];
var x1 = current.x;
var y1 = current.y;
var pos1 = y1 * mapWidth + x1;
var g1 = current.g;
nodeList.splice(bestIndex, 1);
openList.splice(openList.indexOf(pos1), 1);
if (current.x === goalX && current.y === goalY) {
best = current;
goaled = true;
if (g1 >= searchLimit) {
for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
var direction = 1 + j;
if (direction === 5) continue;
var diag = Math.abs(direction % 2) == 1;
var dirs = Galv.DM.getHorzVertDirs(direction);
var horz = dirs[0];
var vert = dirs[1];
if (diag && this.canPassDiagonally(x1, y1, horz, vert) && (this.canPass(x1, y1, horz) || this.canPass(x1, y1, vert))) {
// If can go diagonally and a horizontal dir isn't blocking
var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, horz);
var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, vert);
} else if (this.canPass(x1, y1, direction)) {
var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x1, direction);
var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y1, direction);
} else {
var pos2 = y2 * mapWidth + x2;
if (closedList.contains(pos2)) {
var g2 = g1 + 1;
var index2 = openList.indexOf(pos2);
if (index2 < 0 || g2 < nodeList[index2].g) {
var neighbor;
if (index2 >= 0) {
neighbor = nodeList[index2];
} else {
neighbor = {};
neighbor.parent = current;
neighbor.x = x2;
neighbor.y = y2;
neighbor.g = g2;
neighbor.f = g2 + $gameMap.distance(x2, y2, goalX, goalY);
if (!best || neighbor.f - neighbor.g < best.f - best.g) {
best = neighbor;
var node = best;
while (node.parent && node.parent !== start) {
node = node.parent;
var deltaX1 = $gameMap.deltaX(node.x, start.x);
var deltaY1 = $gameMap.deltaY(node.y, start.y);
if (deltaY1 > 0 && deltaX1 > 0) {
return 3;
} else if (deltaY1 > 0 && deltaX1 < 0) {
return 1;
} else if (deltaY1 < 0 && deltaX1 < 0) {
return 7;
} else if (deltaY1 < 0 && deltaX1 > 0) {
return 9;
if (deltaY1 > 0) {
return 2;
} else if (deltaX1 < 0) {
return 4;
} else if (deltaX1 > 0) {
return 6;
} else if (deltaY1 < 0) {
return 8;
var deltaX2 = this.deltaXFrom(goalX);
var deltaY2 = this.deltaYFrom(goalY);
if (Math.abs(deltaX2) > Math.abs(deltaY2)) {
return deltaX2 > 0 ? 4 : 6;
} else if (deltaY2 !== 0) {
return deltaY2 > 0 ? 8 : 2;
return 0;