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ТЕМА: Отображение ивента с плагином Minimap

Отображение ивента с плагином Minimap 8 года 3 мес. назад #93712

  • HaMHamilio
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Люди добрые прошу помочь разобраться с плагином
Silvers Advanced Minimap
Саму мини карту я сделал и всё отображается и чар и сама картинка карты (с этим проблем не было)
Проблема состоит в том что я хочу чтобы в мини карте изображалось событие ( миссия) точкой каким либо цветом или знаком вопроса (когда событие действует) чтобы игрок видел куда нужно идти.
как я понял в самом плагине эта функция присутствует, но как её реализовать я не могу понять, целый день убил на это и сдался. помогите кто сможет объяснить куда какую команду нужно писать для того чтобы на мини карте игрок увидел куда ему нужно идти.
вот HELP самого плагина.
1. Make a mapshot of your map. You may use forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/49711-orange-mapshot/
2. Install this script: pastebin.com/FF6jh3S0 and make sure to put it above the minimap script.
3. Copy the files to:
4. /img/minimap/Overlay.png
5. /img/minimap/DebugGrid01.png
6. /img/system/Window_Minimap.png
7. Place your mapshots in the /img/minimap/ directory and rename them 001.png, 002.png etc. (matching the id of your map)

- If you prefer to use automatic generated maps instead, use the map-notetags and you then obviously do not require mapshots of course.
- To enable Fog of War, copy the new FoW.png to the <project>/img/minimap/ folder and set the parameter "FoW Enabled" to true. And make sure that the current map has a minimap of course ;).
FoW also works for generated maps. POI's and Events however will always be displayed on top of the FoW. This is intended.

Yanfly's Main Menu Manager Setup (optional)

1. Download & Install YEP_MainMenuManager.js
2. Configure the parameters as follow:
Menu Name: "Map"
Menu Symbol: silvMap
Menu Show: true
Menu Enabled: Silv.Minimap.Menu.Enabled
Menu Main Bind: this.commandSilvMap.bind(this)

Map notetags (most are case sensitive!)
<mm_req_itm:item_id1 item_id2 etc>
Example: <mm_req_itm:1, 2, 3>


Example: <mm_frameskip:1>
Note: overrides the global frameskip parameter for this map

Example: <mm_mapzoom:0.15>
Note: overrides the global mapzoom parameter for this map

Example: <mm_allowmanualscroll:false>
Allowed values: true/false
Note: overrides the global "Allow Manual Scrolling" parameter for this map

Example: <mm_menuzoom:0.75>
Note: overrides the global "Menu Zoom" parameter for this map

<mm_size:x y>
Example: <mm_size:128 128>
Note: overrides the global "Width" and "Height" parameters for this map

Allow/disallow teleportation.
Example: <mm_tp_allow:false>
Note: overrides the global "Allow Teleportation" parameter for this map

Generate a worldmap-minimap if there is no image (does increase load-time, the first time, for the map)

Generate regular map (same as mm_generate_overworld but uses a different parameter-color-generator-tag)

Generate and overlay a generated passability-map on top of the minimap

Change the player-blip
Example to use the realtime player graphic:
Example to use a custom blip graphic:
Note that in the above example, the game requires the image /img/minimap/myCustomPlayerBlip.png"

Use another map's mapshot (handy for duplicate maps)
Example: <mm_mapshot:2>
Note: leading zero's are optional but not required.

To use a different map-image for the map-scene:
Example: <mm_menu_bg:myFantasticMap>
Note1: Must be in png-format
Note2: Must be placed in the same folder that also stores the mapshots
Note3: If the size differs from the real mapshot (or generated map) then positioning of objects like the player-location may occur. So respect the original size!

<mm_fow_enabled:value> // value: true/false
Example: <mm_fow_enabled:false>
Note: overrides the default "FoW Enabled" parameter

<mm_fow_ov:value> // value: name of PNG-image placed in <project>/img/minimap/
Example: <mm_fow_enabled:FoW2>
Note: overrides the default "Default FoW Overlay" parameter

<mm_fow_radius:value> // value is an integer value with a minimum value of 0.

<mm_fow_completion:value> // an integer value (positive or negative) that will add/subtract to the total amount of 'explorable' tiles count for the Fog of War. This will only affect the completion % (how many tiles the player revealed for that map).

Event notetags (not case sensitive)

Plugin Commands (not case-sensitive)
Minimap Hide
Minimap Show
Minimap FadeOut
Minimap FadeReset
Minimap Refresh
Minimap RefreshEvents
Minimap IncreaseScroll <x> <y>
Minimap SetScroll <x> <y>
Minimap DeletePOI <poi_id>
Minimap Generate_Passability_Overlay <true/false>
Minimap Gen_Pass_Ov <true/false>
Minimap ShowMapMenu
Minimap SetPlayerBlip <filename/:player>

Minimap SetFollowTarget <type> <value>
Minimap setcamera <type> <value>
Allowed types: player, event, coordinate
Note: the player-type has no value parameter.
Minimap SetFollowTarget player
Minimap SetFollowTarget event 1
Minimap SetFollowTarget coordinate 10 20

Minimap POIDesc <description>
Example: Minimap POIDesc An Awesome City!

Minimap POI_TP <poi_id x_offset y_offset direction fadeType>
Example: Minimap POI_TP 1 1 0 0 0
Note that teleporting with both offsets set to 0, will teleport the player straight into the center of the poi.

Minimap RenderVehicle All true/false
Minimap RenderVehicle Boat true/false
Minimap RenderVehicle Ship true/false
Minimap RenderVehicle Airship true/false
Minimap RenderVehicle ForceAll true/false // This plugin-command is for custom vehicles.

Adding POI's (advanced plugin command!):
Minimap AddPOI unique_poi_id, name, real_x, real_y, bitmap folder, bitmap filename, s_x, s_y, s_w, s_h, draw_w, draw_h
Example that draws Actor1_3 on tile 10,10:
Minimap AddPOI 1 A_Friend 10 10 img/enemies/ Actor1_3 0 0 254 225 64 64
- The real_x & real_y are in maptiles and not in coordinates. 0,0 is in the upper left corner.
- name-value replaces underscores _ with spaces.

Minimap FoWShowTile x y
Minimap FoWHideTile x y
Example: Minimap FoWShowTile 10 15
Note: no sanity-checks are performed for these 2 plugin commands. So for example: if you show/hide a tile outside of the map boundaries or supply a NaN-value or other weird value for the x&y, it's your problem.

Minimap FoWChangeTiles x1 y1 x2 y2 reveal // reveal: true/false
Example to reveal all tiles between 10,10 and 15,15:
Minimap FoWChangeTiles 10 10 15 15 true

Minimap FoWRevealTiles x1, y1, x2, y2
Minimap FoWHideTiles x1, y1, x2, y2
Minimap FoWRevealAll

To fully cover the map again in FoW:
Minimap FoWReset value // value is optional and defaults to true. value: true/false. When the value is set to false, the minimap won't remove the FoW around the player immediately after this plugin command.
Minimap FoWHideAll // is same as "Minimap FoWReset" shown above.
Event comment-tags (case sentitive!)
To show an event on the minimap:

To add a description to an event (for the minimap-scene)

To add teleport to the event:
<mm_tp:offset_x offset_y direction fadeType>
Example: <mm_tp:1 0 2 0>
- Offset is the offset in tiles with the event-location itself being 0 0
- Possible direction values: 2 (down), 4 (left), 6 (right), 8 (up). Or use a value of 0 to maintain the current player-facing-direction
- Possible fadeType values: 0 (black), 1 (white), 2 (none)

Note to other scripters: You can access the variable that contains the window through this: "Silv.Minimap.Window" w/o the quotes.

Script Calls & Event triggers (for advanced users & scripters ONLY!)
Getting a reference to the minimap window:

Retrieving the Fog of War completion status:
Note 1: mapId is optional (if a map is active) and when left out, it will be replaced with the id of the current map.
Note 2: It will return an object

Silv.Minimap.Window.onFullyRevealedMap(x, y) is called whenever the map is fully revealed (no more Fog of War tiles left) by the player and the x, y are the coordinates of the last revealed tile.

License / Terms
For the license and/or terms see: forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/...h-fog-of-war/&page=1
They are subject to change.

#Version #History:
v1.14a (17 February 2016) [Updated Parameters]
- Fixed a bug that refused to render the minimap mapshots when the project is deployed.
- Added support for vehicles including new parameters and plugin commands for this.
- Fixed a map-generation-color-bug that I accidentally caused in v1.13.
- Removed a circular reference from 1.14. RPG Maker MV is just not compatible with those...

v1.13 (09 February 2016) [Updated Parameters]
- Added a new parameter to assign the default map visibility.
- The plugin command "Minimap Refresh" can now be called when there is no active minimap.
- The minimap now automatically attempts to create itself upon gaining the required map-item while the player is on that same map.
- Automatic map-generation can now also be performed through regions. Regions override tile-tags but both can be used simultaneously.

v1.12 (28 January 2016)
- Fixed a crash when the height of the map was bigger than it's width.

v1.11 (03 January 2016) [Updated Parameters]
- Added Fog of War with new plugin commands. It obviously also works with looping maps, comes with persistence and you can determine what maps have FoW and which don't.
- You can optionally customize the Fog overlay image on a per-map-basis.
- Added a sample Fog of War overlay-image (FoW.png) to the forum post. I made it using the "The Gimp".
- New map-notetags: <mm_fow_enabled:value> <mm_fow_ov:value> <mm_fow_radius:value> <mm_fow_completion:value>
- Added a script-call to retrieve the FoW completion status: Silv.Minimap.getFowCompletion(mapId);
- Performs well even on super large (overworld) maps. It does use ~60-120MB of RAM on super large maps and only takes up to ~17kb of savegame file-size for super large maps.
- Added a new help section: "Script Calls & Event triggers".

v1.10 (30 December 2015)
- Added the requested option to use a custom map-scene-image that is different from the actual map displayed in the minimap.
- Added a new mapnotetag: <mm_menu_bg:customImageName>

v1.09 (27 December 2015)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when events (other than the last one) were deleted (in the map-editor) leaving behind null-values in the $dataMap.
- Renamed the plugin-command alias (before, there was a possible compatibility issue with some of my other scripts).
- Minor refactoring again and applied my new coding standards. Aliases are now stored outside of the anonymous function in a single variable.

v1.08 (22 December 2015)
- Fixed a crash when getting onto a vehicle in the overworld when no minimap was active (line 1099) and when getting off a vehicle.
- Improved error reporting
- Switched to the Imported-variable. Thus this plugin now requires Silvers Key plugin 1.02!

v1.07 (12 December 2015)
- New feature: Automatically shows vehicles on the minimap as the playerblip when entering a vehicle. Only applies if "Player Blip Graphic" is set to :player .
- Fixed a crash when generating an overworld map without a minimap-image and with the passability-overlay enabled.
- Is now compatible with dynamic map/dungeon generators. You can now recreate the minimap by calling: Silv.Minimap.setup(); after generating your random map.

v1.06 (06 December 2015)
- This plugin is now compatible with Yanfly's "Main Menu Manager" plugin. It also automatically disables (or even hides if you want) the map-menu-command if
you do not have an active minimap or simply do not possess the required items.
- Added a new mapnotetag: <mm_mapshot:map_id>. This one is used to display a mapshot from a different map in the current map. Handy in case you have duplicate maps
to prevent ending up with duplicate minimap images in your project folder.
- Removed a console.log() that I forgot to remove in 1.05 before release.

v1.05 (30 November 2015)
- I accidentally had some global variables declared above the window-initialization, I made them local now to save memory and to prevent incompatibility issues with other scripts.
- Fixed a crash when fading the scene without an active minimap.

v1.04 (27 November 2015) [Updated Parameters]
- Disabled strict-mode (Either Javascript or RPG Maker seems not to support this fully...).
- Fixed a typo that caused the minimap to not resize in height.
- Grouped the player-blink parameters together and removed the unused "Draw Player Icon" parameter (v.1.03 only removed it partially).
- New feature: focus the minimap-camera onto (moving-)events, coordinates or the player.
- Minor refactoring.

v1.03 (26 November 2015) [Updated Parameters]
- New feature: Use custom player blip.
- 2 new parameters: "Render Player Blip" & "Player Blip Graphic" and new mapnotetag: <mm_player_blip::player> and a new plugin parameter "Minimap setplayerblip <value>".
- Removed parameter "Draw Player Icon".
- Added a parameter to change minimap-opacity.
- Added plugin commands and map-notetags to switch between AutoScroll and Autofit map-modes, <mm_mapstyle:Scroll/Autofit>

v1.02 (25 November 2015) [Updated Parameters]
- Enabled strict mode.
- Added the 'Minimap ShowMapMenu' plugin-command.
- New feature: can now generate overworld-minimaps (w/o requiring mapshots) with the map-notetag: <mm_generate_worldmap> or <mm_generate_overworld> or <mm_generate_map>].
- New feature: generate passability overlay. Also comes with new map-notetag & plugin command. Supports 4-direction-passability.
- New feature: You can now (optional) open the minimap-menu through a keybinding and also close it with that same keybinding (if the left-menu is active).
- Fixed the minimap-visibility again (it was still not properly fixed in v1.01).
- Now requires Silvers Keybinding script 1.01 instead of 1.00.

v1.01 (24 November 2015) [Updated Parameters]
- Fixed the player-blip becoming invisible when walking on grass. Because of this I had to add 2 more advanced parameters.
- Fixed: The minimap no longer automatically shows itself again when it was manually hidden after opening a menu.
- Updated the version number to 1.01 (it was still 0.91) in the plugin description.
- Cleaned up some more out-commented code.
- Fixed: minimap can now hide again when it contains POI's.
- Fixed a bug that would not 'dispose' the minimap-window when getting rid of a minimap within a scene because the Scene_Map still had a references in it's children to the map. This also increases performance.

v1.00 (23 November 2015)
- First release.

v0.90-0.92 (November 2015)
- First alpha release.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.

Отображение ивента с плагином Minimap 8 года 3 мес. назад #93714

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Написать в заметках у ивента: "mm_show", не? Либо же "<mm_show>".
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 3 мес. назад от Демий.
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За этот пост поблагодарили: HaMHamilio

Отображение ивента с плагином Minimap 8 года 3 мес. назад #93797

  • HaMHamilio
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Да нужно было просто написать в заметках у ивента "<mm_show>".
Огромное спасибо )
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