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Правила раздела:
1 Задавайте конкретные вопросы. Для болтовни есть свободный раздел.
2 По возможности давайте конкретные ответы.
3 Один вопрос=одна тема. Если хотите задать ещё вопрос, то начинайте новую тему.
4 Название темы должно составлять сам вопрос, и быть максимально конкретным. Рекомендуется начинать тему словами "Как", "Что", "Почему". А первый пост повторяет вопрос и даёт расширенные сведения.
5 Рекомендуется указывать версию мейкера (2000, 2003, RMXP, RMVX, ACE, IGM, и.т.д.. Это важно, и всё равно ведь спросят.
6 Темы "Пара вопросов", "Помогите", и подобные им - самый лёгкий путь к бану.
7 Поиск находится вверху справа.
А. Названия подразделов этого раздела уточняются. Советы принимаются.
1 Задавайте конкретные вопросы. Для болтовни есть свободный раздел.
2 По возможности давайте конкретные ответы.
3 Один вопрос=одна тема. Если хотите задать ещё вопрос, то начинайте новую тему.
4 Название темы должно составлять сам вопрос, и быть максимально конкретным. Рекомендуется начинать тему словами "Как", "Что", "Почему". А первый пост повторяет вопрос и даёт расширенные сведения.
5 Рекомендуется указывать версию мейкера (2000, 2003, RMXP, RMVX, ACE, IGM, и.т.д.. Это важно, и всё равно ведь спросят.
6 Темы "Пара вопросов", "Помогите", и подобные им - самый лёгкий путь к бану.
7 Поиск находится вверху справа.
А. Названия подразделов этого раздела уточняются. Советы принимаются.
ТЕМА: YanFly Compatible Customisable ATB/Stami
YanFly Compatible Customisable ATB/Stami 3 года 4 мес. назад #124866
Версия мэйкера: VX Ace
Здраствуйте, хочу добавить в свой проект ATB Battle System, и у меня возникла такая проблема, когда в бою у меня заполняется шкала, благодаря которой я могу выбрать действие, у меня просто выскакивает эта ошибка, указанная на скриншоте. Как быть? Сейчас прикреплю все скрипты, которые я использовал: Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine v1.09 #==============================================================================
# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine v1.09
# -- Last Updated: 2012.02.19
# -- Level: Easy, Normal
# -- Requires: n/a
$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["YEA-CoreEngine"] = true
# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2012.02.19 - Bug Fixed: Parallax updating works properly with looping maps.
# 2012.02.10 - Bug Fixed: Forced actions no longer cancel out other actions
# that have been queued up for later.
# 2012.01.08 - Font resets no longer reset bold and italic to off, but instead
# to whatever default you've set.
# 2011.12.26 - New Bugfix: When using substitute, allies will no longer take
# place of low HP allies for friendly skills.
# 2011.12.20 - New Bugfix: Force Action no longer cancels out an actor's queue.
# Credits to Yami for finding and making the fix for!
# Switch added for those who want removed forced action battlers.
# 2011.12.15 - Updated for better menu gauge appearance.
# 2011.12.10 - Bug Fixed: Right and bottom sides of the map would show
# the left and top sides of the map.
# - Bug Fixed: Viewport sizes didn't refresh from smaller maps.
# 2011.12.07 - New Bugfix: Dual weapon normal attacks will now play both
# animations without one animation interrupting the other.
# 2011.12.04 - Updated certain GUI extensions for increased screen size.
# - More efficient digit grouping method credits to TDS.
# 2011.12.01 - Started Script and Finished.
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This is the core engine for Yanfly Engine Ace, made for RPG Maker VX Ace.
# This script provides various changes made to the main engine including bug
# fixes and GUI upgrades.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Animation Overlay
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - It's the same bug from VX. When an all-screen animation is played against a
# group of enemies, the animation bitmap is actually made multiple times, thus
# causing a pretty extreme overlay when there are a lot of enemies on screen.
# This fix will cause the animation to play only once.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Animation Interruption
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - A new bug. When a character dual wields and attacks a single target, if an
# animation lasts too long, it will interrupt and/or halt the next animation
# from occurring. This script will cause the first animation to finish playing
# and then continue forth.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Battle Turn Order Fix
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Same bug from VX. For those who use the default battle system, once a
# turn's started, the action order for the turn becomes set and unchanged for
# the remainder of that turn. Any changes to a battler's AGI will not be
# altered at all even if the battler were to receive an AGI buff or debuff.
# This fix will cause the speed to be updated properly upon each action.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Forced Action Fix
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - A new bug. When a battler is forced to perform an action, the battler's
# queued action is removed and the battler loses its place in battle. This
# fix will resume queue after a forced action.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Gauge Overlap Fix
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Same bug from VX. When some values exceed certain amounts, gauges can
# overextend past the width they were originally designed to fit in. This fix
# will prevent any overextending from gauges.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Held L and R Menu Scrolling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - Before in VX, you can scroll through menus by holding down L and R buttons
# (Q and W on the keyboard) to scroll through menus quickly. This fix will
# re-enable the ability to scroll through menus in such a fashion. Disable it
# in the module if you wish to.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bug Fix: Substitute Healing
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If an actor has the substitute (cover) flag on them, they will attempt to
# take the place of low HP allies when they're the target of attack. However,
# this is also the case for friendly skills such as heal. This script will fix
# it where if a battler targets an ally, no substitutes will take place.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Feature: Screen Resolution Size
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - The screen can now be resized from 544x416 with ease and still support maps
# that are smaller than 544x416. Maps smaller than 544x416 will be centered on
# the screen without having sprites jumping all over the place.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Feature: Adjust Animation Speed
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - RPG Maker VX Ace plays animations at a rate of 15 FPS by default. Speed up
# the animations by changing a simple constant in the module.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Feature: GUI Modifications
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - There are quite a lot of different modifications you can do to the GUI.
# This includes placing outlines around your gauges, changing the colours of
# each individual font aspect, and more. Also, you can change the default font
# setting for your games here.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# New Feature: Numeric Digit Grouping
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This will change various scenes to display numbers in groups where they are
# separated by a comma every three digits. Thus, a number like 1234567 will
# show up as 1,234,567. This allows for players to read numbers quicker.
# And that's all for the bug fixes and features!
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# ▼ Compatibility
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
# it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.
module YEA
module CORE
# - Screen Resolution Size -
# RPG Maker VX Ace has the option of having larger width and height for
# your games. Resizing the width and height will have these changes:
# Default Resized Min Tiles Default Min Tiles New
# Width 544 640 17 20
# Height 416 480 13 15
# * Note: Maximum width is 640 while maximum height is 480.
# Minimum width is 110 while maximum height is 10.
# These are limitations set by RPG Maker VX Ace's engine.
# By selecting resize, all of the default menus will have their windows
# adjusted, but scripts provided by non-Yanfly Engine sources may or may
# not adjust themselves properly.
# - Adjust Animation Speed -
# By default, the animation speed played in battles operates at 15 FPS
# (frames per second). For those who would like to speed it up, change this
# constant to one of these values:
# RATE Speed
# 4 15 fps
# 3 20 fps
# 2 30 fps
# 1 60 fps
# - Digit Grouping -
# Setting this to true will cause numbers to be grouped together when they
# are larger than a thousand. For example, 12345 will appear as 12,345.
# - Font Settings -
# Adjust the default font settings for your game here. The various settings
# will be explained below.
FONT_NAME = ["VL Gothic", "Verdana", "Arial", "Courier"]
# This adjusts the fonts used for your game. If the font at the start of
# the array doesn't exist on the player's computer, it'll use the next one.
FONT_SIZE = 24 # Adjusts font size. Default: 24
FONT_BOLD = false # Makes font bold. Default: false
FONT_ITALIC = false # Makes font italic. Default: false
FONT_SHADOW = false # Gives font a shadow. Default: false
FONT_OUTLINE = true # Gives font an outline. Default: true
FONT_COLOUR = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 255) # Default: 255, 255, 255, 255
FONT_OUTLINE_COLOUR = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 128) # Default: 0, 0, 0, 128
# - Forced Action Settings -
# For those who would like to allow the game to remove a forced action
# battler from the queue list, use the switch below. If you don't want to
# use this option, set the switch ID to 0.
# - Gauge Appearance Settings -
# You can modify the way your gauges appear in the game. If you wish for
# them to have an outline, it's possible. You can also adjust the height
# of the gauges, too.
# - Held L and R Menu Scrolling -
# VX gave the ability to scroll through menus quickly through holding the
# L and R buttons (Q and W on the keyboard). VX Ace disabled it. Now, you
# can re-enable the ability to scroll faster by setting this constant to
# true. To disable it, set this constant to false.
# - System Text Colours -
# Sometimes the system text colours are boring as just orange for HP, blue
# for MP, and green for TP. Change the values here. Each number corresponds
# to the colour index of the Window.png skin found in Graphics\System.
# :text => ID
:normal => 0, # Default: 0
:system => 16, # Default: 16
:crisis => 17, # Default: 17
:knockout => 18, # Default: 18
:gauge_back => 19, # Default: 19
:hp_gauge1 => 28, # Default: 20
:hp_gauge2 => 29, # Default: 21
:mp_gauge1 => 22, # Default: 22
:mp_gauge2 => 23, # Default: 23
:mp_cost => 23, # Default: 23
:power_up => 24, # Default: 24
:power_down => 25, # Default: 25
:tp_gauge1 => 10, # Default: 28
:tp_gauge2 => 2, # Default: 29
:tp_cost => 2, # Default: 29
} # Do not remove this.
# - System Text Options -
# Here, you can adjust the transparency used for disabled items, the %
# needed for HP and MP to enter "crisis" mode.
TRANSPARENCY = 160 # Adjusts transparency of disabled items. Default: 160
HP_CRISIS = 0.25 # When HP is considered critical. Default: 0.25
MP_CRISIS = 0.25 # When MP is considered critical. Default: 0.25
ITEM_AMOUNT = "×%s" # The prefix used for item amounts.
end # CORE
end # YEA
# ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
# computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
# halitosis so edit at your own risk.
Font.default_name = YEA::CORE::FONT_NAME
Font.default_size = YEA::CORE::FONT_SIZE
Font.default_bold = YEA::CORE::FONT_BOLD
Font.default_italic = YEA::CORE::FONT_ITALIC
Font.default_shadow = YEA::CORE::FONT_SHADOW
Font.default_outline = YEA::CORE::FONT_OUTLINE
Font.default_color = YEA::CORE::FONT_COLOUR
Font.default_out_color = YEA::CORE::FONT_OUTLINE_COLOUR
# ■ Numeric
class Numeric
# new method: group_digits
def group
return self.to_s unless YEA::CORE::GROUP_DIGITS
end # Numeric
# ■ Switch
module Switch
# self.forced_action_remove
def self.forced_action_remove
end # Switch
# ■ BattleManager
module BattleManager
# overwrite method: turn_start
def self.turn_start
@phase = :turn
@performed_battlers = []
# overwrite method: next_subject
def self.next_subject
@performed_battlers = [] if @performed_battlers.nil?
loop do
@action_battlers -= @performed_battlers
battler = @action_battlers.shift
return nil unless battler
next unless battler.index && battler.alive?
return battler
# overwrite method: force_action
def self.force_action(battler)
@action_forced = [] if @action_forced == nil
return unless Switch.forced_action_remove
# overwrite method: action_forced?
def self.action_forced?
@action_forced != nil
# overwrite method: action_forced_battler
def self.action_forced_battler
# overwrite method: clear_action_force
def self.clear_action_force
@action_forced = nil if @action_forced.empty?
end # BattleManager
# ■ Game_Battler
class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase
# public instance variables
attr_accessor :pseudo_ani_id
# alias method: clear_sprite_effects
alias game_battler_clear_sprite_effects_ace clear_sprite_effects
def clear_sprite_effects
@pseudo_ani_id = 0
# alias method: force_action
alias game_battler_force_action_ace force_action
def force_action(skill_id, target_index)
game_battler_force_action_ace(skill_id, target_index)
# new method: clone_current_actions
def clone_current_actions
@cloned_actions = @actions.dup
# new method: restore_cloned_actions
def restore_cloned_actions
return if @cloned_actions.nil?
@actions = @cloned_actions.dup
@cloned_actions = nil
# alias method: on_action_end
alias game_battler_on_action_end_ace on_action_end
def on_action_end
# alias method: on_battle_end
alias game_battler_on_battle_end_ace on_battle_end
def on_battle_end
@cloned_actions = nil
end # Game_Battler
# ■ Game_Troop
class Game_Troop < Game_Unit
# overwrite method: setup
def setup(troop_id)
@troop_id = troop_id
@enemies = []
troop.members.each do |member|
next unless $data_enemies[member.enemy_id]
enemy = Game_Enemy.new(@enemies.size, member.enemy_id)
enemy.hide if member.hidden
enemy.screen_x = member.x + (Graphics.width - 544)/2
enemy.screen_y = member.y + (Graphics.height - 416)
end # Game_Troop
# ■ Game_Map
class Game_Map
# overwrite method: scroll_down
def scroll_down(distance)
if loop_vertical?
@display_y += distance
@display_y %= @map.height * 256
@parallax_y += distance if @parallax_loop_y
last_y = @display_y
dh = Graphics.height > height * 32 ? height : screen_tile_y
@display_y = [@display_y + distance, height - dh].min
@parallax_y += @display_y - last_y
# overwrite method: scroll_right
def scroll_right(distance)
if loop_horizontal?
@display_x += distance
@display_x %= @map.width * 256
@parallax_x += distance if @parallax_loop_x
last_x = @display_x
dw = Graphics.width > width * 32 ? width : screen_tile_x
@display_x = [@display_x + distance, width - dw].min
@parallax_x += @display_x - last_x
end # Game_Map
# ■ Game_Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# overwrite method: near_the_screen?
def near_the_screen?(dx = nil, dy = nil)
dx = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 256].min/32 - 5 if dx.nil?
dy = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 256].min/32 - 5 if dy.nil?
ax = $game_map.adjust_x(@real_x) - Graphics.width / 2 / 32
ay = $game_map.adjust_y(@real_y) - Graphics.height / 2 / 32
ax >= -dx && ax <= dx && ay >= -dy && ay <= dy
end # Game_Event
# ■ Sprite_Base
class Sprite_Base < Sprite
# overwrite method: set_animation_rate
def set_animation_rate
# new method: start_pseudo_animation
def start_pseudo_animation(animation, mirror = false)
@animation = animation
return if @animation.nil?
@ani_mirror = mirror
@ani_duration = @animation.frame_max * @ani_rate + 1
@ani_sprites = []
end # Sprite_Base
# ■ Sprite_Battler
class Sprite_Battler < Sprite_Base
# alias method: setup_new_animation
alias sprite_battler_setup_new_animation_ace setup_new_animation
def setup_new_animation
return if @battler.nil?
return if @battler.pseudo_ani_id.nil?
return if @battler.pseudo_ani_id <= 0
animation = $data_animations[@battler.pseudo_ani_id]
mirror = @battler.animation_mirror
start_pseudo_animation(animation, mirror)
@battler.pseudo_ani_id = 0
end # Sprite_Battler
# ■ Spriteset_Map
class Spriteset_Map
# overwrite method: create_viewports
def create_viewports
if Graphics.width > $game_map.width * 32 && !$game_map.loop_horizontal?
dx = (Graphics.width - $game_map.width * 32) / 2
dx = 0
dw = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 32].min
dw = Graphics.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
if Graphics.height > $game_map.height * 32 && !$game_map.loop_vertical?
dy = (Graphics.height - $game_map.height * 32) / 2
dy = 0
dh = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 32].min
dh = Graphics.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
@viewport1 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
@viewport2 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
@viewport3 = Viewport.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
@viewport2.z = 50
@viewport3.z = 100
# new method: update_viewport_sizes
def update_viewport_sizes
if Graphics.width > $game_map.width * 32 && !$game_map.loop_horizontal?
dx = (Graphics.width - $game_map.width * 32) / 2
dx = 0
dw = [Graphics.width, $game_map.width * 32].min
dw = Graphics.width if $game_map.loop_horizontal?
if Graphics.height > $game_map.height * 32 && !$game_map.loop_vertical?
dy = (Graphics.height - $game_map.height * 32) / 2
dy = 0
dh = [Graphics.height, $game_map.height * 32].min
dh = Graphics.height if $game_map.loop_vertical?
rect = Rect.new(dx, dy, dw, dh)
for viewport in [@viewport1, @viewport2, @viewport3]
viewport.rect = rect
end # Spriteset_Map
# ■ Window_Base
class Window_Base < Window
# overwrite method: reset_font_settings
def reset_font_settings
contents.font.size = Font.default_size
contents.font.bold = Font.default_bold
contents.font.italic = Font.default_italic
contents.font.out_color = Font.default_out_color
# overwrite methods: color
def normal_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:normal]); end;
def system_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:system]); end;
def crisis_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:crisis]); end;
def knockout_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:knockout]); end;
def gauge_back_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:gauge_back]); end;
def hp_gauge_color1; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:hp_gauge1]); end;
def hp_gauge_color2; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:hp_gauge2]); end;
def mp_gauge_color1; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:mp_gauge1]); end;
def mp_gauge_color2; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:mp_gauge2]); end;
def mp_cost_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:mp_cost]); end;
def power_up_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:power_up]); end;
def power_down_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:power_down]); end;
def tp_gauge_color1; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:tp_gauge1]); end;
def tp_gauge_color2; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:tp_gauge2]); end;
def tp_cost_color; text_color(YEA::CORE::COLOURS[:tp_cost]); end;
# overwrite method: translucent_alpha
def translucent_alpha
# overwrite method: hp_color
def hp_color(actor)
return knockout_color if actor.hp == 0
return crisis_color if actor.hp < actor.mhp * YEA::CORE::HP_CRISIS
return normal_color
# overwrite method: mp_color
def mp_color(actor)
return crisis_color if actor.mp < actor.mmp * YEA::CORE::MP_CRISIS
return normal_color
# overwrite method: draw_gauge
def draw_gauge(dx, dy, dw, rate, color1, color2)
fill_w = [(dw * rate).to_i, dw].min
gauge_y = dy + line_height - 2 - gauge_h
outline_colour = gauge_back_color
outline_colour.alpha = translucent_alpha
contents.fill_rect(dx, gauge_y-1, dw+2, gauge_h+2, outline_colour)
dx += 1
contents.fill_rect(dx, gauge_y, dw, gauge_h, gauge_back_color)
contents.gradient_fill_rect(dx, gauge_y, fill_w, gauge_h, color1, color2)
# overwrite method: draw_actor_level
def draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy)
draw_text(dx, dy, 32, line_height, Vocab::level_a)
draw_text(dx + 32, dy, 24, line_height, actor.level.group, 2)
# overwrite method: draw_current_and_max_values
def draw_current_and_max_values(dx, dy, dw, current, max, color1, color2)
total = current.group + "/" + max.group
if dw < text_size(total).width + text_size(Vocab.hp_a).width
draw_text(dx, dy, dw, line_height, current.group, 2)
xr = dx + text_size(Vocab.hp_a).width
dw -= text_size(Vocab.hp_a).width
text = "/" + max.group
draw_text(xr, dy, dw, line_height, text, 2)
dw -= text_size(text).width
draw_text(xr, dy, dw, line_height, current.group, 2)
# overwrite method: draw_actor_tp
def draw_actor_tp(actor, x, y, width = 124)
draw_gauge(x, y, width, actor.tp_rate, tp_gauge_color1, tp_gauge_color2)
draw_text(x, y, 30, line_height, Vocab::tp_a)
draw_text(x + width - 42, y, 42, line_height, actor.tp.to_i.group, 2)
# overwrite method: draw_actor_param
def draw_actor_param(actor, x, y, param_id)
draw_text(x, y, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
draw_text(x + 120, y, 36, line_height, actor.param(param_id).group, 2)
# overwrite method: draw_currency_value
def draw_currency_value(value, unit, x, y, width)
cx = text_size(unit).width
draw_text(x, y, width - cx - 2, line_height, value.group, 2)
draw_text(x, y, width, line_height, unit, 2)
# overwrite method: draw_actor_simple_status
def draw_actor_simple_status(actor, dx, dy)
draw_actor_name(actor, dx, dy)
draw_actor_level(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 1)
draw_actor_icons(actor, dx, dy + line_height * 2)
dw = contents.width - dx - 124
draw_actor_class(actor, dx + 120, dy, dw)
draw_actor_hp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 1, dw)
draw_actor_mp(actor, dx + 120, dy + line_height * 2, dw)
end # Window_Base
# ■ Window_Selectable
class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
# overwrite method: process_cursor_move
def process_cursor_move
return unless cursor_movable?
last_index = @index
cursor_down (Input.trigger?(:DOWN)) if Input.repeat?(:DOWN)
cursor_up (Input.trigger?(:UP)) if Input.repeat?(:UP)
cursor_right(Input.trigger?(:RIGHT)) if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT)
cursor_left (Input.trigger?(:LEFT)) if Input.repeat?(:LEFT)
cursor_pagedown if !handle?(:pagedown) && Input.repeat?(:R)
cursor_pageup if !handle?(:pageup) && Input.repeat?(:L)
Sound.play_cursor if @index != last_index
end # Window_Selectable
# ■ Window_ItemList
class Window_ItemList < Window_Selectable
# overwrite method: draw_item
def draw_item(index)
item = @data[index]
return if item.nil?
rect = item_rect(index)
rect.width -= 4
draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item), rect.width - 24)
draw_item_number(rect, item)
# overwrite method: draw_item_number
def draw_item_number(rect, item)
text = sprintf(YEA::CORE::ITEM_AMOUNT, $game_party.item_number(item).group)
draw_text(rect, text, 2)
end # Window_ItemList
# ■ Window_SkillList
class Window_SkillList < Window_Selectable
# draw_item
def draw_item(index)
skill = @data[index]
return if skill.nil?
rect = item_rect(index)
rect.width -= 4
draw_item_name(skill, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(skill), rect.width - 24)
draw_skill_cost(rect, skill)
end # Window_SkillList
# ■ Window_Status
class Window_Status < Window_Selectable
# overwrite method: draw_exp_info
def draw_exp_info(x, y)
s1 = @actor.max_level? ? "-------" : @actor.exp
s2 = @actor.max_level? ? "-------" : @actor.next_level_exp - @actor.exp
s_next = sprintf(Vocab::ExpNext, Vocab::level)
draw_text(x, y + line_height * 0, 180, line_height, Vocab::ExpTotal)
draw_text(x, y + line_height * 2, 180, line_height, s_next)
s1 = s1.group if s1.is_a?(Integer)
s2 = s2.group if s2.is_a?(Integer)
draw_text(x, y + line_height * 1, 180, line_height, s1, 2)
draw_text(x, y + line_height * 3, 180, line_height, s2, 2)
end # Window_Status
# ■ Window_ShopBuy
class Window_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable
# overwrite method: draw_item
def draw_item(index)
item = @data[index]
rect = item_rect(index)
draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item))
rect.width -= 4
draw_text(rect, price(item).group, 2)
end # Window_ShopBuy
# ■ Scene_Map
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
# alias method: post_transfer
alias scene_map_post_transfer_ace post_transfer
def post_transfer
end # Scene_Map
# ■ Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
# alias method: check_substitute
alias scene_battle_check_substitute_ace check_substitute
def check_substitute(target, item)
return false if @subject.actor? == target.actor?
return scene_battle_check_substitute_ace(target, item)
# overwrite method: process_forced_action
def process_forced_action
while BattleManager.action_forced?
last_subject = @subject
@subject = BattleManager.action_forced_battler
@subject = last_subject
# overwrite method: show_attack_animation
def show_attack_animation(targets)
if @subject.actor?
show_normal_animation(targets, @subject.atk_animation_id1, false)
show_normal_animation(targets, @subject.atk_animation_id2, true)
# overwrite method: show_normal_animation
def show_normal_animation(targets, animation_id, mirror = false)
animation = $data_animations[animation_id]
return if animation.nil?
ani_check = false
targets.each do |target|
if ani_check && target.animation_id <= 0
target.pseudo_ani_id = animation_id
target.animation_id = animation_id
target.animation_mirror = mirror
abs_wait_short unless animation.to_screen?
ani_check = true if animation.to_screen?
abs_wait_short if animation.to_screen?
end # Scene_Battle
# ▼ End of File
#============================================================================== Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine v1.22 #============================================================================== # # �� Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine v1.22 # -- Last Updated: 2012.03.04 # -- Level: Normal, Hard # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] = true #============================================================================== # �� Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2012.03.04 - Bug fixed: Input crash bug. # 2012.02.13 - Bug fixed: Odd Victory game crash fixed. # 2012.02.12 - Bug fixed: Displayed damage in combat log is correct now. # 2012.01.29 - Visual Changes: Buff stacks now show one popup upon one skill. # 2012.01.24 - Compatibility Update: Enemy Levels # 2012.01.18 - Bug Fixed: Help Window clears text upon selecting nil items. # 2012.01.11 - Added <one animation> tag for multi-hit skills to play an # animation only once. # - Reduced lag from battle system constantly recreating bitmaps. # 2012.01.10 - Compatibility Update: Battle System FTB # 2012.01.09 - Anticrash methods implemented. # - Damage Popups are now separate for damage formulas and recovery. # 2012.01.05 - Bug fixed: Game no longer crashes with escape skills/items. # 2012.01.02 - Compatibility Update: Target Manager # - Added Option: AUTO_FAST # - Random hits now show animations individually. # 2011.12.30 - Compatibility Update: Enemy Levels # - Added Option to center the actors in the HUD. # 2011.12.27 - Bug fixed: TP Damage skills and items no longer crash game. # - Default battle system bug fixes are now included from YEA's Ace # Core Engine. # - Groundwork is also made to support future battle system types. # - Multi-hit actions no longer linger when a target dies during the # middle of one of the hits. # - Compatibility Update: Lunatic Objects v1.02 # 2011.12.26 - Bug fixed: Multi-hit popups occured even after an enemy's dead. # 2011.12.22 - Bug fixed: Elemental Resistance popup didn't show. # 2011.12.20 - Bug fixed: Death state popups against immortal states. # - Bug fixed: During State popup fix. # - Added HIDE_POPUP_SWITCH. # 2011.12.17 - Compatibiilty Update: Cast Animations # 2011.12.15 - Compatibility Update: Battle Command List # 2011.12.14 - Compatibility Update: Lunatic Objects # 2011.12.13 - Compatibility Update: Command Party # 2011.12.12 - Bug fixed: Turn stalling if no inputable members. # 2011.12.10 - Compatibility update for Automatic Party HUD. # - Popup graphical bug fixed. # - Bug fixed: Didn't wait for boss dead animations. # - Bug fixed: Surprise attacks that froze the game. # - Bug fixed: Popups didn't show for straight recovery effects. # 2011.12.08 - Finished Script. # 2011.12.04 - Started Script. # #============================================================================== # �� Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # Ace Battle Engine works as a foundation for future battle engine add-ons. It # allows for easier management of the battle engine without adding too many # features, allowing users to customize what they want as they see fit. While # the Ace Battle Engine isn't an entirely new engine, it gives users control # that RPG Maker VX Ace didn't originally give them. # # Furthermore, this script provides some new features. They are as follows: # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animation Fixes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Though the Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine script contains these fixes, # these fixes are included in this script as well to ensure it's working for # the battle script in the event someone chooses not to work with the Ace Core # Engine script. The animation fixes prevent excessive animation overlaying # (and making the screen look really ugly) and prevents animation clashing # between two dual wielding normal attack animations. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enemy Animations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enemies now show battle animations when they deliver attacks and skills # against the player's party. Before in RPG Maker VX Ace, it was nothing more # than just sound effects and the screen shaking. Now, animations play where # the status window is and relative to the position of each party member. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Left/Right Command Selection # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # While choosing actions, the player can press Left or Right to move freely # between (alive) actors to change their skills. Players no longer have to # cancel all the way back to change one person's skill and reselect everything. # On that note, there is now the option that when a battle starts or at the # end of a turn, players will start immediately at command selection rather # than needing to select "Fight" in the Party Command Window. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Popups # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dealing damage, inflicting states, adding buffs, landing critical hits, # striking weaknesses, missing attacks, you name it, there's probably a popup # for it. Popups deliver information to the player in a quick or orderly # fashion without requiring the player to read lines of text. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Targeting Window # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # When targeting enemies, the window is no longer displayed. Instead, the # targeted enemies are highlighted and their names are shown at the top of the # screen in a help window. Another thing that's changed is when skills that # target multiple targets are selected, there is a confirmation step that the # player must take before continuing. In this confirmation step, all of the # multiple targets are selected and in the help window would display the scope # of the skill (such as "All Foes" or "Random Foes"). RPG Maker VX Ace skipped # this step by default. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Toggling On and Off Special Effects and Text # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Not everybody likes having the screen shake or the enemies blink when they # take damage. These effects can now be toggled on and off. Certain text can # also be toggled on and off from appearing. A lot of the displayed text has # been rendered redundant through the use of popups. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Visual Battle Status Window # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rather than just having rows of names with HP and MP bars next to them, the # Battle Status Window now displays actors' faces and their gauges aligned at # the bottom. More status effects can be shown in addition to showing more # members on screen at once. The Battle Status Window is also optimized to # refresh less (thus, removing potential lag from the system). # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Window Position Changes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Windows such as the Skill Window and Item Window have been rearranged to # always provide the player a clear view of the battlefield rather than opening # up and covering everything. As such, the window positions are placed at the # bottom of the screen and are repositioned. # #============================================================================== # �� Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below �� Materials/�f�� but above �� Main. Remember to save. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Skill Notetags - These notetags go in the skills notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <one animation> # Causes the action to display the action animation only once, even if it's a # multi-hit action. This is used primarily for non-all scope targeting. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Item Notetags - These notetags go in the items notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <one animation> # Causes the action to display the action animation only once, even if it's a # multi-hit action. This is used primarily for non-all scope targeting. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enemy Notetags - These notetags go in the enemy notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <atk ani 1: x> # <atk ani 2: x> # Changes the normal attack animation of the particular enemy to animation x. # Attack animation 1 is the first one that plays. If there's a second animation # then the second one will play after in mirrored form. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # State Notetags - These notetags go in the state notebox in the database. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <popup add: string> # <popup rem: string> # <popup dur: string> # Status effects now create popups whenever they're inflicted. However, if you # don't like that a certain status effect uses a particular colour setting, # change "string" to one of the rulesets below to cause that popup to use a # different ruleset. # # <popup hide add> # <popup hide rem> # <popup hide dur> # Not everybody wants status effects to show popups when inflicted. When this # is the case, insert the respective tag to hide popups from appearing when the # state is added, removed, or during the stand-by phases. # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Tools - These tools only work during Test Play. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - F5 Key - # Recovers all actors. Restores their HP and MP to max. Does not affect TP. # All states and buffs are removed whether they are positive or negative. # # - F6 Key - # Sets all actors to have 1 HP, 0 MP, and 0 TP. States are unaffected. # # - F7 Key - # Sets all actors to have max TP. Everything else is unaffected. # # - F8 Key - # Kills all enemies in battle. Ends the battle quickly. # #============================================================================== # �� Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module BATTLE #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - General Battle Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # These settings are adjusted for the overall battle system. These are # various miscellaneous options to adjust. Each of the settings below will # explain what they do. Change default enemy battle animations here, too. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLINK_EFFECTS = false # Blink sprite when damaged? FLASH_WHITE_EFFECT = true # Flash enemy white when it starts an attack. SCREEN_SHAKE = false # Shake screen in battle? SKIP_PARTY_COMMAND = true # Skips the Fight/Escape menu. AUTO_FAST = true # Causes message windows to not wait. ENEMY_ATK_ANI = 36 # Sets default attack animation for enemies. # If this switch is ON, popups will be hidden. If OFF, the popups will be # shown. If you do not wish to use this switch, set it to 0. HIDE_POPUP_SWITCH = 0 #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Battle Status Window - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This sets the default battle system your game will use. If your game # doesn't have any other battle systems installed, it will use :dtb. # # Battle System Requirement # :dtb - Default Turn Battle. Default system. # :ftb - YEA Battle System Add-On: Free Turn Battle #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DEFAULT_BATTLE_SYSTEM = :dtb # Default battle system set. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Battle Status Window - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Here, you can adjust the settings for the battle status window. The # battle status window, by default, will show the actor's face, HP, MP, TP # (if viable), and any inflicted status effects. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BATTLESTATUS_NAME_FONT_SIZE = 20 # Font size used for name. BATTLESTATUS_TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 16 # Font size used for HP, MP, TP. BATTLESTATUS_NO_ACTION_ICON = 185 # No action icon. BATTLESTATUS_HPGAUGE_Y_PLUS = 11 # Y Location buffer used for HP gauge. BATTLESTATUS_CENTER_FACES = false # Center faces for the Battle Status. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Help Window Text - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # When selecting a target to attack, this is the text that will be shown # in place of a target's name for special cases. These special cases are # for selections that were originally non-targetable battle scopes. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HELP_TEXT_ALL_FOES = "All Foes" HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_FOE = "One Random Foe" HELP_TEXT_MANY_RANDOM_FOE = "%d Random Foes" HELP_TEXT_ALL_ALLIES = "All Allies" HELP_TEXT_ALL_DEAD_ALLIES = "All Dead Allies" HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_ALLY = "One Random Ally" HELP_TEXT_RANDOM_ALLIES = "%d Random Allies" #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Popup Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # These settings will adjust the popups that appear in battle. Popups # deliver information to your player as battlers deal damage, inflict # status effects, and more. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ENABLE_POPUPS = true # Set this to false if you wish to disable them. FLASH_CRITICAL = true # Sets critical hits to flash. # This hash adjusts the popup settings that will govern how popups appear. # Adjust them accordingly. POPUP_SETTINGS ={ :offset => -24, # Height offset of a popup. :fade => 12, # Fade rate for each popup. :full => 60, # Frames before a popup fades. :hp_dmg => "-%s ", # SprintF for HP damage. :hp_heal => "+%s ", # SprintF for HP healing. :mp_dmg => "-%s MP", # SprintF for MP damage. :mp_heal => "+%s MP", # SprintF for MP healing. :tp_dmg => "-%s TP", # SprintF for MP damage. :tp_heal => "+%s TP", # SprintF for MP healing. :drained => "DRAIN", # Text display for draining HP/MP. :critical => "CRITICAL!", # Text display for critical hit. :missed => "MISS", # Text display for missed attack. :evaded => "EVADE!", # Text display for evaded attack. :nulled => "NULL", # Text display for nulled attack. :failed => "FAILED", # Text display for a failed attack. :add_state => "+%s", # SprintF for added states. :rem_state => "-%s", # SprintF for removed states. :dur_state => "%s", # SprintF for during states. :ele_rates => true, # This will display elemental affinities. :ele_wait => 20, # This is how many frames will wait. :weakpoint => "WEAKPOINT", # Appears if foe is weak to element. :resistant => "RESIST", # Appears if foe is resistant to element. :immune => "IMMUNE", # Appears if foe is immune to element. :absorbed => "ABSORB", # Appears if foe can absorb the element. :add_buff => "%s�{", # Appears when a positive buff is applied. :add_debuff => "%s�|", # Appears when a negative buff is applied. } # Do not remove this. # This is the default font used for the popups. Adjust them accordingly # or even add new ones. DEFAULT = ["VL Gothic", "Verdana", "Arial", "Courier"] # The following are the various rules that govern the individual popup # types that will appear. Adjust them accordingly. Here is a list of what # each category does. # Zoom1 The zoom the popup starts at. Values over 2.0 may cause lag. # Zoom2 The zoom the popup goes to. Values over 2.0 may cause lag. # Sz The font size used for the popup text. # Bold Applying bold for the popup text. # Italic Applying italic for the popup text. # Red The red value of the popup text. # Grn The green value of the popup text. # Blu The blue value of the popup text. # Font The font used for the popup text. POPUP_RULES ={ # Type => [ Zoom1, Zoom2, Sz, Bold, Italic, Red, Grn, Blu, Font] "DEFAULT" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 255, 255, DEFAULT], "CRITICAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 80, 80, DEFAULT], "HP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 255, 255, 255, DEFAULT], "HP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 130, 250, 130, DEFAULT], "MP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 220, 180, 255, DEFAULT], "MP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 160, 230, 255, DEFAULT], "TP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 242, 108, 78, DEFAULT], "TP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 251, 175, 92, DEFAULT], "ADDSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 240, 100, 100, DEFAULT], "REMSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 125, 170, 225, DEFAULT], "DURSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 240, 150, DEFAULT], "DRAIN" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 250, 190, 255, DEFAULT], "POSITIVE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 110, 210, 245, DEFAULT], "NEGATIVE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 245, 155, 195, DEFAULT], "WEAK_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 240, 110, 80, DEFAULT], "IMMU_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 185, 235, 255, DEFAULT], "REST_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 145, 230, 180, DEFAULT], "ABSB_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 250, 190, 255, DEFAULT], "BUFF" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 240, 100, DEFAULT], "DEBUFF" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 160, 130, 200, DEFAULT], } # Do not remove this. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Streamlined Messages - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Want to remove some of those annoying messages that appear all the time? # Now you can! Select which messages you want to enable or disable. Some of # these messages will be rendered useless due to popups. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MSG_ENEMY_APPEARS = false # Message when enemy appears start of battle. MSG_C[code type=ruby]#============================================================================== # # �� Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Battle Engine v1.22 # -- Last Updated: 2012.03.04 # -- Level: Normal, Hard # -- Requires: n/a # #============================================================================== $imported = {} if $imported.nil? $imported["YEA-BattleEngine"] = true #============================================================================== # �� Updates # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # 2012.03.04 - Bug fixed: Input crash bug. # 2012.02.13 - Bug fixed: Odd Victory game crash fixed. # 2012.02.12 - Bug fixed: Displayed damage in combat log is correct now. # 2012.01.29 - Visual Changes: Buff stacks now show one popup upon one skill. # 2012.01.24 - Compatibility Update: Enemy Levels # 2012.01.18 - Bug Fixed: Help Window clears text upon selecting nil items. # 2012.01.11 - Added <one animation> tag for multi-hit skills to play an # animation only once. # - Reduced lag from battle system constantly recreating bitmaps. # 2012.01.10 - Compatibility Update: Battle System FTB # 2012.01.09 - Anticrash methods implemented. # - Damage Popups are now separate for damage formulas and recovery. # 2012.01.05 - Bug fixed: Game no longer crashes with escape skills/items. # 2012.01.02 - Compatibility Update: Target Manager # - Added Option: AUTO_FAST # - Random hits now show animations individually. # 2011.12.30 - Compatibility Update: Enemy Levels # - Added Option to center the actors in the HUD. # 2011.12.27 - Bug fixed: TP Damage skills and items no longer crash game. # - Default battle system bug fixes are now included from YEA's Ace # Core Engine. # - Groundwork is also made to support future battle system types. # - Multi-hit actions no longer linger when a target dies during the # middle of one of the hits. # - Compatibility Update: Lunatic Objects v1.02 # 2011.12.26 - Bug fixed: Multi-hit popups occured even after an enemy's dead. # 2011.12.22 - Bug fixed: Elemental Resistance popup didn't show. # 2011.12.20 - Bug fixed: Death state popups against immortal states. # - Bug fixed: During State popup fix. # - Added HIDE_POPUP_SWITCH. # 2011.12.17 - Compatibiilty Update: Cast Animations # 2011.12.15 - Compatibility Update: Battle Command List # 2011.12.14 - Compatibility Update: Lunatic Objects # 2011.12.13 - Compatibility Update: Command Party # 2011.12.12 - Bug fixed: Turn stalling if no inputable members. # 2011.12.10 - Compatibility update for Automatic Party HUD. # - Popup graphical bug fixed. # - Bug fixed: Didn't wait for boss dead animations. # - Bug fixed: Surprise attacks that froze the game. # - Bug fixed: Popups didn't show for straight recovery effects. # 2011.12.08 - Finished Script. # 2011.12.04 - Started Script. # #============================================================================== # �� Introduction # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # Ace Battle Engine works as a foundation for future battle engine add-ons. It # allows for easier management of the battle engine without adding too many # features, allowing users to customize what they want as they see fit. While # the Ace Battle Engine isn't an entirely new engine, it gives users control # that RPG Maker VX Ace didn't originally give them. # # Furthermore, this script provides some new features. They are as follows: # # # Animation Fixes # # Though the Yanfly Engine Ace - Ace Core Engine script contains these fixes, # these fixes are included in this script as well to ensure it's working for # the battle script in the event someone chooses not to work with the Ace Core # Engine script. The animation fixes prevent excessive animation overlaying # (and making the screen look really ugly) and prevents animation clashing # between two dual wielding normal attack animations. # # # Enemy Animations # # Enemies now show battle animations when they deliver attacks and skills # against the player's party. Before in RPG Maker VX Ace, it was nothing more # than just sound effects and the screen shaking. Now, animations play where # the status window is and relative to the position of each party member. # # # Left/Right Command Selection # # While choosing actions, the player can press Left or Right to move freely # between (alive) actors to change their skills. Players no longer have to # cancel all the way back to change one person's skill and reselect everything. # On that note, there is now the option that when a battle starts or at the # end of a turn, players will start immediately at command selection rather # than needing to select "Fight" in the Party Command Window. # # # Popups # # Dealing damage, inflicting states, adding buffs, landing critical hits, # striking weaknesses, missing attacks, you name it, there's probably a popup # for it. Popups deliver information to the player in a quick or orderly # fashion without requiring the player to read lines of text. # # # Targeting Window # # When targeting enemies, the window is no longer displayed. Instead, the # targeted enemies are highlighted and their names are shown at the top of the # screen in a help window. Another thing that's changed is when skills that # target multiple targets are selected, there is a confirmation step that the # player must take before continuing. In this confirmation step, all of the # multiple targets are selected and in the help window would display the scope # of the skill (such as "All Foes" or "Random Foes"). RPG Maker VX Ace skipped # this step by default. # # # Toggling On and Off Special Effects and Text # # Not everybody likes having the screen shake or the enemies blink when they # take damage. These effects can now be toggled on and off. Certain text can # also be toggled on and off from appearing. A lot of the displayed text has # been rendered redundant through the use of popups. # # # Visual Battle Status Window # # Rather than just having rows of names with HP and MP bars next to them, the # Battle Status Window now displays actors' faces and their gauges aligned at # the bottom. More status effects can be shown in addition to showing more # members on screen at once. The Battle Status Window is also optimized to # refresh less (thus, removing potential lag from the system). # # # Window Position Changes # # Windows such as the Skill Window and Item Window have been rearranged to # always provide the player a clear view of the battlefield rather than opening # up and covering everything. As such, the window positions are placed at the # bottom of the screen and are repositioned. # #============================================================================== # �� Instructions # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script # to an open slot below �� Materials/�f�� but above �� Main. Remember to save. # # # Skill Notetags - These notetags go in the skills notebox in the database. # # <one animation> # Causes the action to display the action animation only once, even if it's a # multi-hit action. This is used primarily for non-all scope targeting. # # # Item Notetags - These notetags go in the items notebox in the database. # # <one animation> # Causes the action to display the action animation only once, even if it's a # multi-hit action. This is used primarily for non-all scope targeting. # # # Enemy Notetags - These notetags go in the enemy notebox in the database. # # <atk ani 1: x> # <atk ani 2: x> # Changes the normal attack animation of the particular enemy to animation x. # Attack animation 1 is the first one that plays. If there's a second animation # then the second one will play after in mirrored form. # # # State Notetags - These notetags go in the state notebox in the database. # # <popup add: string> # <popup rem: string> # <popup dur: string> # Status effects now create popups whenever they're inflicted. However, if you # don't like that a certain status effect uses a particular colour setting, # change "string" to one of the rulesets below to cause that popup to use a # different ruleset. # # <popup hide add> # <popup hide rem> # <popup hide dur> # Not everybody wants status effects to show popups when inflicted. When this # is the case, insert the respective tag to hide popups from appearing when the # state is added, removed, or during the stand-by phases. # # # Debug Tools - These tools only work during Test Play. # # - F5 Key - # Recovers all actors. Restores their HP and MP to max. Does not affect TP. # All states and buffs are removed whether they are positive or negative. # # - F6 Key - # Sets all actors to have 1 HP, 0 MP, and 0 TP. States are unaffected. # # - F7 Key - # Sets all actors to have max TP. Everything else is unaffected. # # - F8 Key - # Kills all enemies in battle. Ends the battle quickly. # #============================================================================== # �� Compatibility # =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= # This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that # it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting. # #============================================================================== module YEA module BATTLE #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - General Battle Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # These settings are adjusted for the overall battle system. These are # various miscellaneous options to adjust. Each of the settings below will # explain what they do. Change default enemy battle animations here, too. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BLINK_EFFECTS = false # Blink sprite when damaged? FLASH_WHITE_EFFECT = true # Flash enemy white when it starts an attack. SCREEN_SHAKE = false # Shake screen in battle? SKIP_PARTY_COMMAND = true # Skips the Fight/Escape menu. AUTO_FAST = true # Causes message windows to not wait. ENEMY_ATK_ANI = 36 # Sets default attack animation for enemies. # If this switch is ON, popups will be hidden. If OFF, the popups will be # shown. If you do not wish to use this switch, set it to 0. HIDE_POPUP_SWITCH = 0 #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Battle Status Window - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # This sets the default battle system your game will use. If your game # doesn't have any other battle systems installed, it will use :dtb. # # Battle System Requirement # :dtb - Default Turn Battle. Default system. # :ftb - YEA Battle System Add-On: Free Turn Battle #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DEFAULT_BATTLE_SYSTEM = :dtb # Default battle system set. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Battle Status Window - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Here, you can adjust the settings for the battle status window. The # battle status window, by default, will show the actor's face, HP, MP, TP # (if viable), and any inflicted status effects. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BATTLESTATUS_NAME_FONT_SIZE = 20 # Font size used for name. BATTLESTATUS_TEXT_FONT_SIZE = 16 # Font size used for HP, MP, TP. BATTLESTATUS_NO_ACTION_ICON = 185 # No action icon. BATTLESTATUS_HPGAUGE_Y_PLUS = 11 # Y Location buffer used for HP gauge. BATTLESTATUS_CENTER_FACES = false # Center faces for the Battle Status. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Help Window Text - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # When selecting a target to attack, this is the text that will be shown # in place of a target's name for special cases. These special cases are # for selections that were originally non-targetable battle scopes. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- HELP_TEXT_ALL_FOES = "All Foes" HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_FOE = "One Random Foe" HELP_TEXT_MANY_RANDOM_FOE = "%d Random Foes" HELP_TEXT_ALL_ALLIES = "All Allies" HELP_TEXT_ALL_DEAD_ALLIES = "All Dead Allies" HELP_TEXT_ONE_RANDOM_ALLY = "One Random Ally" HELP_TEXT_RANDOM_ALLIES = "%d Random Allies" #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Popup Settings - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # These settings will adjust the popups that appear in battle. Popups # deliver information to your player as battlers deal damage, inflict # status effects, and more. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ENABLE_POPUPS = true # Set this to false if you wish to disable them. FLASH_CRITICAL = true # Sets critical hits to flash. # This hash adjusts the popup settings that will govern how popups appear. # Adjust them accordingly. POPUP_SETTINGS ={ :offset => -24, # Height offset of a popup. :fade => 12, # Fade rate for each popup. :full => 60, # Frames before a popup fades. :hp_dmg => "-%s ", # SprintF for HP damage. :hp_heal => "+%s ", # SprintF for HP healing. :mp_dmg => "-%s MP", # SprintF for MP damage. :mp_heal => "+%s MP", # SprintF for MP healing. :tp_dmg => "-%s TP", # SprintF for MP damage. :tp_heal => "+%s TP", # SprintF for MP healing. :drained => "DRAIN", # Text display for draining HP/MP. :critical => "CRITICAL!", # Text display for critical hit. :missed => "MISS", # Text display for missed attack. :evaded => "EVADE!", # Text display for evaded attack. :nulled => "NULL", # Text display for nulled attack. :failed => "FAILED", # Text display for a failed attack. :add_state => "+%s", # SprintF for added states. :rem_state => "-%s", # SprintF for removed states. :dur_state => "%s", # SprintF for during states. :ele_rates => true, # This will display elemental affinities. :ele_wait => 20, # This is how many frames will wait. :weakpoint => "WEAKPOINT", # Appears if foe is weak to element. :resistant => "RESIST", # Appears if foe is resistant to element. :immune => "IMMUNE", # Appears if foe is immune to element. :absorbed => "ABSORB", # Appears if foe can absorb the element. :add_buff => "%s�{", # Appears when a positive buff is applied. :add_debuff => "%s�|", # Appears when a negative buff is applied. } # Do not remove this. # This is the default font used for the popups. Adjust them accordingly # or even add new ones. DEFAULT = ["VL Gothic", "Verdana", "Arial", "Courier"] # The following are the various rules that govern the individual popup # types that will appear. Adjust them accordingly. Here is a list of what # each category does. # Zoom1 The zoom the popup starts at. Values over 2.0 may cause lag. # Zoom2 The zoom the popup goes to. Values over 2.0 may cause lag. # Sz The font size used for the popup text. # Bold Applying bold for the popup text. # Italic Applying italic for the popup text. # Red The red value of the popup text. # Grn The green value of the popup text. # Blu The blue value of the popup text. # Font The font used for the popup text. POPUP_RULES ={ # Type => [ Zoom1, Zoom2, Sz, Bold, Italic, Red, Grn, Blu, Font] "DEFAULT" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 255, 255, DEFAULT], "CRITICAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 80, 80, DEFAULT], "HP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 255, 255, 255, DEFAULT], "HP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 130, 250, 130, DEFAULT], "MP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 220, 180, 255, DEFAULT], "MP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 160, 230, 255, DEFAULT], "TP_DMG" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 242, 108, 78, DEFAULT], "TP_HEAL" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 251, 175, 92, DEFAULT], "ADDSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 240, 100, 100, DEFAULT], "REMSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 125, 170, 225, DEFAULT], "DURSTATE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 240, 150, DEFAULT], "DRAIN" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 36, true, false, 250, 190, 255, DEFAULT], "POSITIVE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 110, 210, 245, DEFAULT], "NEGATIVE" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 245, 155, 195, DEFAULT], "WEAK_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 240, 110, 80, DEFAULT], "IMMU_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 185, 235, 255, DEFAULT], "REST_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 145, 230, 180, DEFAULT], "ABSB_ELE" => [ 0.5, 1.0, 24, true, false, 250, 190, 255, DEFAULT], "BUFF" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 255, 240, 100, DEFAULT], "DEBUFF" => [ 2.0, 1.0, 24, true, false, 160, 130, 200, DEFAULT], } # Do not remove this. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # - Streamlined Messages - #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- # Want to remove some of those annoying messages that appear all the time? # Now you can! Select which messages you want to enable or disable. Some of # these messages will be rendered useless due to popups. #=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MSG_ENEMY_APPEARS = false # Message when enemy appears start of battle. MSG_C
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