# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials. If you are using another message system, such as Yanfly's
# Ace Message System, I recommend that this script be placed underneath it.
# You can change the default setting for paragraph formatting at line 127.
# Currently, it is set to true, which means that it will be operative in
# every message unless you specifically turn it off. To change this default
# value in-game, use one of the following codes in a script call:
# ats_all(:paragraph_format, true) # Turns paragraph format on
# ats_all(:paragraph_format, false) # Turns paragraph format off
# Similarly, you can change it for just the very next display text command.
# Simply use one of the following codes in a script call:
# ats_next(:paragraph_format, true) # Turns paragraph format on
# ats_next(:paragraph_format, false) # Turns paragraph format off
# Alternatively, you can turn paragraph format on or off for a message by
# message codes. See the special message codes list at lines 96 and 97.
# You can change the default setting for appended text at line 135. If true,
# then any immediately subsequent display text commands with the same
# same settings (same face, background, position) will be added to the
# message shown.
# Similar to paragraph format, you can use the following commands in a
# script call
# ats_all(:append_text, true) # Turns default appended text on
# ats_all(:append_text, false) # Turns default appended text off
# ats_next(:append_text, true) # Turns appended text on for next message
# ats_next(:append_text, false) # Turns appended text off for next message
# Finally, you can also change the alignment of text with the special
# message codes listed below at lines 100, 101 & 102.
# Lastly, I would draw your attention to the \n and \pn codes, which allows
# you to make new lines and new pages, respectively. These are useful for
# when you are using paragraph format and appended text, as it allows you
# more control. They are described at line 98 and 99.
# List of Special Message Codes Added:
# \pf - Turn on paragraph format for this message.
# /pf - Turn off paragraph format for this message.
# \n - Start a new line.
# \lb - Start a new line.
# \pn - Start a new page.
# \a[L] - Aligns the text to the left for this line. Can also use \a[0].
# \a[C] - Aligns the text to the centre for this line. Can also use \a[1].
# \a[R] - Aligns the text to the right for this line. Can also use \a[2].