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ТЕМА: Отображение различных деталей на персе
Отображение различных деталей на персе 10 года 2 нед. назад #75448
Анн, а нет этого скрипта для Асе?
Последнее редактирование: 10 года 2 нед. назад от AnnTenna.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Отображение различных деталей на персе 10 года 2 нед. назад #75449
Morok пишет:
Анн, а нет этого скрипта для Асе? Есть! ВНИМАНИЕ: Спойлер! [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] #==============================================================================
# Composite Graphics / Visual Equipment
# Version: 1.0.1
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: January 13, 2013
# Description:
# This script allows you to "compose" face and character graphics out of
# multiple graphics. This permits you to make it so that equipment worn by
# a character can change the appearance of that actor's sprite and/or face.
# Unlike my VX version, this script has a lot of new and improved features,
# including, but not limited to: support for faces and not just character
# sprites; a more flexible configuration scheme; the ability to set one
# equipment to draw different graphics onto different actors (useful, for
# instance, if you want an equipment to show a different graphic on males
# than it would on females).
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor (F11), above Main
# but below Materials.
# I hope that this script is fairly straightforward to set up. The
# configuration may look daunting at first, and I have obviously gone a bit
# overboard on the volume of instructions I gave, but I trust that once you
# take a look you will find it to be quite easy and that really, all the
# codes are basically identical. I will start by going over how to setup
# actors, then move on to equipment, and then move on to events.
# Actors:
# The first thing to mention about actors is that the default character
# sprite is retained, so if the face or character sprite you setup there is
# sufficient, you do not have to spend much time configuring actors.
# There are three codes you can use in an Actor's note box. Of these, \cc
# and \cf are identical as to how they are configured - the only difference
# is that \cc is setting up a character sprite while \cf is setting up a
# face. For that reason, I will go over these codes together. The general
# format for these codes are as follows (note that where there are numbers,
# such as 0 or 255, then that simply means that is the default value of that
# parameter - that is what you replace when you are setting it). It may seem
# a little daunting at first, but note that only the filename is a required
# parameter - the rest are just additional features.
# \cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \cf["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# "filename" : this should be the name of the character or face file you
# want to load. You MUST put the quotation marks around it. Ie. if you
# wanted to load a character graphic from Actor1, you would put "Actor1"
# i0 : this is the index of the character or face you want in the
# characterset or faceset. The indices correspond to a particular
# graphic in the characterset or faceset, in the following manner:
# 0 1 2 3
# 4 5 6 7
# So if you want the third face in a faceset, you would put i2. Note
# that you can exclude the i and just put 2.
# h0 : this allows you to change the hue of a character or face
# graphic you select. It can be anything between 0 and 360. Ie. h65
# would change the hue by 65 degrees.
# o255 : this allows you to change the transparency of the character
# or face graphic selected. 255 is fully opaque, while 0 is fully
# transparent. Ie. o128 would add the face graphic but make it half
# see-through.
# z0 : this determines the order in which each of the graphics in
# a composite set are drawn. Those with lower z values are drawn before
# ones with higher z values. So, if you want to make sure that the hair
# is drawn over the skin, you need to set it so that the z value is
# higher. This can also be negative. Example: if you have four graphics
# on an actor, one with z-2, one with z2, one with z0, and one with z4,
# then the z-2 will be drawn first, then the z0, then the z2, and then
# the z4.
# r0 : The R-code is a way of setting up graphics that are
# replaced if one with a greater r-code is applied. It is useful for
# instance, if you want your actor to normally have a full head of hair,
# but want the hair to be removed if an actor is wearing a helmet. In
# that case, all you need to do is make sure they have the same r-code.
# Graphics with r-code of 0 all show up and are not replaced.
# There are a lot of options here, but I note that you only need to fill in
# the filename and the rest of the parameters will default to the value above.
# In other words, if you want the hue to be 0, opacity to be 255, and R-code
# to to be 0, then you could exclude them all together and just specify the
# filename, index, and z value. Additionally, I should note that the default
# graphic of an actor you set through the normal way has only the filename and
# index set - the rest of the values are all default.
# \cc["Actor1", 2]
# This will set it so that the third character graphic in the "Actor1"
# character set is drawn onto the character. Since no other values are
# set, they default to h0, o255, z0, r0.
# \cf["BackHair1", 3, z-1, h105, r1]
# This will set it so that the fourth face graphic in the "BackHair1"
# faceset will have its hue changed by 105 degrees and then drawn onto
# the actor's face graphic. Since it's z is -1, it will be drawn below
# anything with a higher z value, including the default face. It's r-code
# is 1, so if the actor equips anything else that has an r-code of 1,
# this graphic will not show up at all. Since the opacity is not set, it
# defaults to 255.
# There is only one further setting you can configure in the Actor notebox,
# and it will probably make a little more sense once we look at equipment,
# but it is the following:
# \ct[x, y, ..., z]
# where x, y, and z are just a series of integers. What this feature does is
# set this actor's composite types, which will let you make equipments that
# draw different graphics depending on which actor is equipping the item. As
# I mentioned, this will become clearer once we look at equipment. Note that
# type 0 is automatically applied to all actors, and will be drawn on all
# actors.
# \ct[2, 5]
# This actor has composite sets 2 and 5, so any equipment graphics of
# those types will be drawn on this actor.
# Weapons & Armor:
# The codes for equipment are, in almost every respect, the same as that for
# actors. The only difference is that you have the option to set "type" for
# each graphic, in which case that graphic will only be drawn on an actor
# equipping this weapon or armor if that actor has the correct type. To set
# this, you use this code:
# \cc0["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \cf0["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# As you can see, the stuff inside the square brackets is exactly the same
# as for actors. The difference lies in the number you place which lies
# directly before the square brackets. It is optional - if you do not place
# a number there at all (or if you put 0 there) then it will apply to every
# actor who equips the weapon or armor. However, if you put any integer above
# 0, then it will only apply to actors who have that ID listed in their \ct[]
# code.
# \cf["Helmet1", 2, z1, r1]
# Any actor who equips this item will have the 3rd graphic in the
# "Helmet1" faceset drawn oon their face. If that actor has as one of its
# base graphics something with an r-code of 1, then that will be erased and
# only the Helmet will show up.
# \cc4["Actor1", 5]
# The 6th character in the "Actor1" characterset will be drawn onto an
# an actor when he or she equips this item, but only if 4 is in that
# actor's \ct[] code.
# Events:
# You can also set up events to use composite characters, though not faces.
# To do so, you need to create a comment at the very top of a new page (must
# be the first line in the page), and in that comment you can use the exact
# same character codes as you can for actors:
# \cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# It is the exact same as with Actors. Additionally, you can use the
# following codes:
# \cc[a1] - This allows you to set an event to the composite character of
# the actor with the specified ID. All you do is replace the 1 with the
# ID of the actor you want, so \cc[a5], for example, would make it so
# this event looked exactly like Actor 5, including equipment.
# \cc[p1] - This is similar, except the index you give corresponds
# instead to the actor in that position in the party. It starts at one,
# so \cc[p1] would show the party leader, \cc[p2] the second member in
# the party, etc.
# \cc[w1] - This will show the graphic you set for the weapon with that
# ID. So, for instance, \cc[w8] would apply the composite graphic of the
# weapon with ID 8 to the event.
# \cc[ar1] - This will show the graphic you set for the armor with that
# ID. So, for instance, \cc[ar3] would apply the composite graphic of the
# armor with ID 3 to the event.
# Given that you can apply weapon and armor character graphics to an event,
# you can also use the \ct[] codes from Actor here if you are using that
# feature.
# Messages:
# This script introduces two new codes which can be used in messages to show
# actor faces, since otherwise you would be unable to show composite faces in
# messages. The codes are:
# \af[x] - this will show the face of the actor with ID x
# \pf[x] - this will show the face of the party member in xth place. It
# starts at 1, so \pf[1] would show the face of the party leader,
# \pf[2] would show the second member's face, etc.
# Adding & Removing Composite Graphics:
# Firstly, I will note that the regular event command of Change Actor
# Graphic does work, but it will only change the basic sprite - it will not
# remove any of the composite graphics you set up through the notebox.
# To add or remove composite graphics from events, you use the following
# code in a comment (NOT a script call!), wherever you want it to happen in
# the sequence of events:
# \add_e1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \remove_e1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# As you can see, the arguments ("filename", etc.) are all identical to
# those with which you should now be familiar. The biggest difference is that
# you need to put remove_e1 or add_e1 before that stuff. Note, the 1 after e
# is the ID of the event. So, it can be any integer and the graphic will be
# added to or removed from the event with that ID. If you don't provide any
# ID, then it will go to the event from which it is called.
# It is important to note that when you use a remove code, you do not need
# to specify every aspect of the code - what the script will do is simply get
# rid of every graphic that shares the parameters you do set in. So all you
# need to do is be specific enough with the arguments that you don't
# accidentally delete more than you want to delete.
# The codes for actors are similar:
# \add_a1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \remove_a1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \add_a1_cf["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \remove_a1_cf["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# Again, replace the 1 after the a with the ID of the actor whose composite
# graphic you want to change.
# Finally, you can also use the commands:
# \add_p1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \remove_p1_cc["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \add_p1_cf["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# \remove_p1_cf["filename", i0, h0, o255, z0, r0]
# That will change the composite graphic selected for the party member in
# that order. So, p1 would be the leader of the party, p2 the second actor
# in the party, etc...
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_CompositeGraphics] = true
# *** RPG
# Summary of Changes:
# new module - MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic, mixed in with Actor & EquipItem
# modified class - Actor
module RPG
# *** MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic
# This module holds a method to retrieve composite graphics. It is to be
# mixed in with the relevant data classes
module MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic
# * Composite Character and Composite Face methods - lazy instantiation
[:character, :face].each { |method|
define_method(:"macgve_composite_#{method}") do |*args|
id, = *args
# Define @macgve_composite_ if undefined
if !instance_variable_defined?(:"@macgve_composite_#{method}")
instance_variable_set(:"@macgve_composite_#{method}", {})
if !instance_variable_get(:"@macgve_composite_#{method}")[id]
instance_variable_get(:"@macgve_composite_#{method}")[id] = []
idtos = id == 0 ? "0?" : id.to_s
note.scan(/\\C#{method.to_s[0,1] + idtos}\[(.+?)\]/im) { |str|
str[0].gsub!(/[\r\n]/, "")
cg = MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic.interpret_composite_graphic_string(str[0])
instance_variable_get(:"@macgve_composite_#{method}")[id] << cg
# * Interpret Composite Graphic String
def self.interpret_composite_graphic_string(string, cg = MA_Composite_Graphic.new("", 0, 0, 255, 0, 0))
if cg.is_a?(Hash)
string.sub!(/["'](.+)["']/) { cg[:filename] = $1; "" } # Filename: ""
string.sub!(/[Zz](-?\d+)/) { cg[:z] = $1.to_i; "" } # Z: 0
string.sub!(/[Hh](\d+)/) { cg[:hue] = $1.to_i; "" } # Hue: 0
string.sub!(/[Oo](\d+)/) { cg[:opacity] = $1.to_i; "" } # Opacity: 255
string.sub!(/[Rr](\d+)/) { cg[:rcode] = $1.to_i; "" } # R-Code: 0
string.sub!(/[Ii]?(\d+)/) { cg[:index] = $1.to_i; "" } # Index: 0
elsif cg.is_a?(MA_Composite_Graphic)
string.sub!(/["'](.+)["']/) { cg.filename = $1; "" } # Filename: ""
string.sub!(/[Zz](-?\d+)/) { cg.z = $1.to_i; "" } # Z: 0
string.sub!(/[Hh](\d+)/) { cg.hue = $1.to_i; "" } # Hue: 0
string.sub!(/[Oo](\d+)/) { cg.opacity = $1.to_i; "" } # Opacity: 255
string.sub!(/[Rr](\d+)/) { cg.rcode = $1.to_i; "" } # R-Code: 0
string.sub!(/[Ii]?(\d+)/) { cg.index = $1.to_i; "" } # Index: 0
# ** Actor, EquipItem
# Summary of Changes:
# MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic included in both classes
# new method in Actor - macgve_composite_type
class Actor
# * Composite Type
# This is a type set to an actor - mostly used to distinguish between
# visual equipment assigned to particular genders
def macgve_composite_types
if !@macgve_composite_types
@macgve_composite_types = [0]
if note[/\\CT\[(.+)\]/i]
match = $1
match.scan(/\d+/).each { |id| @macgve_composite_types << id.to_i }
EquipItem.send(:include, MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic)
# *** Cache
# Summary of Changes:
# new methods - self.macgve_composite_graphic_name; self.make_unique_name;
# self.macgve_create_composite_graphic; self.macgve_src_rect;
# self.macgve_get_individual_graphic; self.macgve_get_key;
# self.macgve_get_path; self.macgve_tidy_cg_array
# aliased method - clear; load_bitmap
module Cache
class << self
alias macgve_clearcach_2jh5 clear
alias macgve_lodbmp_3nj6 load_bitmap
# * Clear Cache
def self.clear(*args, &block)
@macgve_name_cache ||= { face: {}, character: {} }
@macgve_unique_name_id ||= 0
macgve_clearcach_2jh5(*args, &block)
# * Load Bitmap
def self.load_bitmap(folder_name, filename, *args)
path = folder_name + filename
if @cache && @cache[path] && @cache[path].disposed? && filename[0, 8] == "$macgve_"
retrieved_ary = macgve_cgary_from_name(filename)
recache_cg_from_key(*retrieved_ary) if retrieved_ary
macgve_lodbmp_3nj6(folder_name, filename, *args) # Call original method
# * Composite Graphic
def self.macgve_composite_graphic_name(type, composite_graphics)
cg_array = macgve_tidy_cg_array(composite_graphics)
return "" if cg_array.empty?
key = macgve_get_key(cg_array)
path = macgve_get_path(type)
@macgve_name_cache ||= { face: {}, character: {} }
# If no graphic for this cached
if !@macgve_name_cache[type].has_key?(key) ||
!include?(path + @macgve_name_cache[type][key])
name = macgve_make_unique_name(cg_array)
# Create new graphic and cache it
@cache[path + name] = macgve_create_composite_graphic(type, cg_array)
@macgve_name_cache[type][key] = name
@macgve_name_cache[type][key] # Return cached graphic
# * Tidy Composite Graphic Array
def self.macgve_tidy_cg_array(cg_array)
cg_array = cg_array.select {|cg| cg.is_a?(MA_Composite_Graphic) && !cg.filename.empty? }
# Delete subordinate R-Codes - preserve latest of each type
rcodes = cg_array.collect { |cg| cg.rcode }
cg_array.delete_if { |cg| rcodes.shift != 0 && rcodes.include?(cg.rcode) }
cg_array.sort! {|a, b| a.z <=> b.z }
# * Get Key
def self.macgve_get_key(cg_array)
cg_array.collect {|cg| Array(cg)[0, 4] }.flatten
# * Get Path
def self.macgve_get_path(type)
type == :character ? "Graphics/Characters/" : "Graphics/Faces/"
# * Make Unique Name
def self.macgve_make_unique_name(cg_array = [])
@macgve_unique_name_id ||= 0
@macgve_unique_name_id += 1
# Create a mostly garbage name to avoid accidental overwrite
char_ary = Array(0..9).collect {|i| i.to_s } + Array("a".."z") + Array("A".."Z")
rand_s = ""
24.times do rand_s += char_ary.sample end
result = "$macgve_#{rand_s}_#{@macgve_unique_name_id}"
result.insert(0, '!') if cg_array.any? {|cg| cg.filename[/^!/] != nil }
# * Create Composite Graphic
def self.macgve_create_composite_graphic(type, cg_array)
bmp_array = cg_array.collect {|cg| macgve_get_individual_graphic(type, cg) }
w = bmp_array.max_by { |bmp| bmp.width }.width
h = bmp_array.max_by { |bmp| bmp.height }.height
bitmap = Bitmap.new(w, h)
bmp_array.each { |bmp| bitmap.blt((bitmap.width - bmp.width) / 2,
bitmap.height - bmp.height, bmp, bmp.rect) }
bitmap # Return bitmap
# * Collect Individual Graphics
def self.macgve_get_individual_graphic(type, cg)
bmp = send(type, cg.filename) # Get graphic from file
src_rect = macgve_src_rect(type, bmp, cg)
bitmap = Bitmap.new(src_rect.width, src_rect.height)
bitmap.blt(0, 0, bmp, src_rect, cg.opacity)
bitmap.hue_change(cg.hue) if cg.hue != 0
# * Get Source Rectangle
def self.macgve_src_rect(type, bmp, cg)
if type == :face || type == :character
sign = cg.filename[/^[\!\$]./]
if sign && sign.include?('$')
w, h = bmp.width, bmp.height
w, h = bmp.width / 4, bmp.height / 2
w, h = bmp.width, bmp.height # Full graphic if unrecognized type
Rect.new((cg.index % 4) * w, (cg.index / 4) * h, w, h)
# * Get CG Array from Name
def self.macgve_cgary_from_name(name)
@macgve_name_cache.keys.each { |key|
@macgve_name_cache[key].each_pair { |cg_key, cg_name|
return [key, name, cg_key] if cg_name == name } }
# * Recache CG from Key
def self.recache_cg_from_key(type, name, key)
return [] if !key || key.empty?
cg_array = []
for i in 0...(key.size / 4)
cg_array.push(MA_Composite_Graphic.new(*(key.slice!(0, 4) + [i, 0])))
@cache[macgve_get_path(type) + name] = macgve_create_composite_graphic(type, cg_array)
@macgve_name_cache ||= { face: {}, character: {} }
@macgve_name_cache[type][key] = name
# *** DataManager
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - extract_save_contents; make_save_header; load_header
module DataManager
class << self
alias macgve_extractsave_2wm5 extract_save_contents
alias macgve_savehedr_2df6 make_save_header
alias macgve_ldheadr_6hk8 load_header
# * Extract Save Contents
def self.extract_save_contents(contents, *args, &block)
macgve_extractsave_2wm5(contents, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
# Initialize new data for actors if old save file
for i in 1...$data_actors.size
# If actor has been initialized in this save file but data not setup
if $game_actors.macgve_actor_init?(i) && !$game_actors[i].composite_equip_types
# * Make Save Header
def self.make_save_header(*args, &block)
result = macgve_savehedr_2df6(*args, &block)
result[:cache_cgs] = []
# Cycle through all values of the header (while :characters holds the
# characters by default, this is intended to check for the possibility
# that another script adds it under a different key - :face, for instance
result.values.flatten.each { |el|
if el.is_a?(String)
r = Cache.macgve_cgary_from_name(el)
result[:cache_cgs].push(r) if r
# * Load Header
def self.load_header(*args, &block)
result = macgve_ldheadr_6hk8(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
if result && result[:cache_cgs]
result[:cache_cgs].each { |type, name, cg_key|
cg_array = Cache.recache_cg_from_key(type, name, cg_key)
# *** MACGVE_BaseItem_Refresh
# This module is intended to be mixed in with instances of Game_BaseItem that
# handle equipment, and it refreshes the player whenever equipment changes
module MACGVE_BaseItem_Refresh
# * Set Object
def object=(*args, &block)
result = super(*args, &block)
# ** Composite_Graphic
# This Struct holds data for composite graphics
class MA_Composite_Graphic < Struct.new(:filename, :index, :hue, :opacity, :z, :rcode)
# * Equality?
def eql?(other)
# Don't check for z or rcode equality
other.is_a?(MA_Composite_Graphic) && @filename == other.filename &&
@index == other.index && @hue == other.hue && @opacity == other.opacity
alias == eql?
# ** Game Actor
# Summary of Changes:
# new public instance variables - composite_equip_types;
# base_composite_characte; base_composite_face;
# aliased methods - init_graphics; init_equips; character_name,
# character_index, face_name, face_index
# new methods - macgve_composite_character; macgve_composite_face;
# macgve_add_cg; macgve_remove_cg;
# macgve_initialize_composite_graphics
class Game_Actor
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :composite_equip_types
attr_accessor :base_composite_character
attr_accessor :base_composite_face
[:character, :face].each { |method|
# * Compose Character/Face
define_method(:"macgve_composite_#{method}") do |*args|
# Add all composite graphics from actor, equipments and states
basic = MA_Composite_Graphic.new(instance_variable_get(:"@#{method}_name"),
instance_variable_get("@#{method}_index"), 0, 255, 0, 0)
result = [basic] + instance_variable_get(:"@base_composite_#{method}")
equips.compact.each { |equip|
composite_equip_types.each { |t|
result += equip.send(:"macgve_composite_#{method}", t) } }
# * Character/Face Name
alias_method(:"macgve_#{method}nm_2qa5", :"#{method}_name")
define_method(:"#{method}_name") do |*args|
if send(:"macgve_composite_#{method}").size > 1
Cache.macgve_composite_graphic_name(method, send(:"macgve_composite_#{method}"))
send(:"macgve_#{method}nm_2qa5", *args)
# * Character/Face Index
alias_method(:"macgve_#{method}ix_3fm9", :"#{method}_index")
define_method(:"#{method}_index") do |*args|
send(:"macgve_composite_#{method}").size > 1 ? 0 :
send(:"macgve_#{method}ix_3fm9", *args)
# * Initialize Graphics
alias macgve_initlzgraph_3dk4 init_graphics
def init_graphics(*args, &block)
macgve_initlzgraph_3dk4(*args, &block)
# * Initialize Composite Graphics
def macgve_initialize_composite_graphics
@composite_equip_types = actor.macgve_composite_types
@base_composite_character = actor.macgve_composite_character
@base_composite_face = actor.macgve_composite_face
# * Initialize Equips
alias macgve_initequpment_2gu7 init_equips
def init_equips(*args, &block)
macgve_initequpment_2gu7(*args, &block)
# * Extend Equips to Refresh
def macgve_extend_equips_to_refresh
@equips.each { |eqp| eqp.send(:extend, MACGVE_BaseItem_Refresh) }
# * Add Composite Character/Face
def macgve_add_cg(type, arg = {})
case arg
when String then cg = RPG::MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic.interpret_composite_graphic_string(arg)
when Hash
cg = MA_Composite_Graphic.new("", 0, 0, 255, 0, 0)
arg.each_pair(key, value) { cg.send(:"#{key}=", value) }
when MA_Composite_Graphic then cg = arg
send(:"base_composite_#{type}") << cg
# * Remove Composite Character/Face
def macgve_remove_cg(type, hash = {})
hash = RPG::MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic.interpret_composite_graphic_string(hash, {}) if hash.is_a?(String)
send(:"base_composite_#{type}").delete_if { |cg|
return_value = true
# If any element is not equal to the CG, then return false
hash.each_pair { |key, value|
unless cg.send(key) == value
return_value = false
# ** Game Actors
# Summary of Changes:
# new method - macgve_actor_init?
class Game_Actors
# * Actor Initialized?
def macgve_actor_init?(id)
@data[id] != nil
# ** Game Event
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - clear_page_settings; setup_page_settings
# overwritten (super)methods - character_name; character_index
# new method - macgve_setup_composite_characters;
# interpret_composite_graphic_string
class Game_Event
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :composite_equip_types
attr_accessor :base_composite_character
# * Clear Page Settings
alias macgve_clrpagesets_2rd8 clear_page_settings
def clear_page_settings(*args, &block)
@macgve_character_name = ""
macgve_clrpagesets_2rd8(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
@base_composite_characters = []
# * Setup Page Settings
alias macgve_setppagestngs_4qm3 setup_page_settings
def setup_page_settings(*args, &block)
macgve_setppagestngs_4qm3(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Setup Composite Characters
def macgve_setup_composite_characters
# Collect Comments
comment = maccve_get_first_comment
@macgve_character_name = Cache.macgve_composite_graphic_name(:character, macgve_composite_characters)
# If no original graphic
if @page.graphic.character_name.empty? && !@base_composite_characters.empty?
@pattern, @original_pattern = 1, 1
@tile_id = 0
# * Get First Comment
def maccve_get_first_comment
comment = ""
i = 0
while !@list[i].nil? && (@list[i].code == 108 || @list[i].code == 408)
comment += @list[i].parameters[0].dup
i += 1
# * Set Composite Equip Types
def set_composite_equip_types(comment = "")
@composite_equip_types = [0]
unless comment[/\\CT\[(.+?)\]/i].nil?
match = $1
match.scan(/\d+/).each { |id| @composite_equip_types << id.to_i }
# * Set Base Composite Characters
def set_base_composite_characters(comment = "")
@base_composite_characters = []
comment.scan(/\\CC\[(.+?)\]/i) { |str|
composite_equip_types.each { |id|
@base_composite_characters += interpret_composite_graphic_string(str[0], id)
# * Interpret Composite Graphic String
def interpret_composite_graphic_string(string, id = 0)
string.gsub!(/([APW]|AR)(\d+)/i) {
object = case $1.upcase
when 'A' then $game_actors[$2.to_i] # Actor
when 'P' then $game_party.members[$2.to_i - 1] # Party Member
when 'W' then $data_weapons[$2.to_i] # Weapon
when 'AR' then $data_armors[$2.to_i] # Armor
return *object.macgve_composite_character(id) unless object.nil?
# * Composite Characters
def macgve_composite_characters
# Add all composite graphics from actor, equipments and states
result = [MA_Composite_Graphic.new(@character_name, @character_index, 0, 255, 0, 0)]
result += @base_composite_characters if @base_composite_characters
# * Add Composite Character
def macgve_add_cc(string)
@base_composite_characters ||= []
@macgve_character_name = Cache.macgve_composite_graphic_name(:character, macgve_composite_characters)
# * Remove Composite Character
def macgve_remove_cc(string)
return unless @base_composite_characters
hash = RPG::MACGVE_Data_CompositeGraphic.interpret_composite_graphic_string(string, {})
@base_composite_characters.delete_if { |cg|
return_value = true
# If any element is not equal to the CG, then return false
hash.each_pair { |key, value|
unless cg.send(key) == value
return_value = false
@macgve_character_name = Cache.macgve_composite_graphic_name(:character, macgve_composite_characters)
# * Character Name/Index
alias macgve_crctrname_4dk8 character_name
def character_name
if !@base_composite_characters.empty? # If not just the base sprite
if @macgve_character_name.empty? || !Cache.include?("Graphics/Characters/" + @macgve_character_name)
@macgve_character_name = Cache.macgve_composite_graphic_name(:character, macgve_composite_characters)
else # If no composite characters, just return the default.
alias macgve_charindx_2vd3 character_index
def character_index
!@base_composite_characters.empty? ? 0 : macgve_charindx_2vd3
# ** Game Interpreter
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - command_108
# new method - macgve_interpret_cg_comment
# new methods - add_actor_cc; add_actor_cf; remove_actor_cc; remove_actor_cf
class Game_Interpreter
# * Collect Comment
alias macgve_commnd108comments_1xh4 command_108
def command_108(*args, &block)
macgve_commnd108comments_1xh4(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
# * Interpret Composite Graphic Comment
def macgve_interpret_cg_comment(comment)
comment.scan(/\\(add|remove)_([eap])(-?\d*)_c([cf])\[(.+?)\]/i) { |oper, char, id, type, args|
case char.upcase
when 'A' then actor = $game_actors[id.empty? ? 1 : id.to_i]
when 'P' then actor = $game_party.members[id.empty? ? 0 : id.to_i - 1]
when 'E' then id.to_i < 0 ? actor = $game_player.actor : event = get_character(id.to_i)
type = type.upcase == 'C' ? :character : :face
actor.send(:"macgve_#{oper.downcase}_cg", type, args) unless actor.nil?
event.send(:"macgve_#{oper.downcase}_cc", args) unless event.nil?
# ** Window_Base
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - draw_face
class Window_Base
# * Draw Face
alias masff_drawfac_1wk7 draw_face
def draw_face(face_name, face_index, *args, &block)
if face_index == 0 && face_name[/^$/]
ma_draw_single_face(face_name, *args, &block) # Draw single face
# Call Original Method
masff_drawfac_1wk7(face_name, face_index, *args, &block)
# * Draw Single Face
unless method_defined?(:ma_draw_single_face)
def ma_draw_single_face(face_name, x, y, enabled = true)
bmp = Cache.face(face_name)
contents.blt(x, y, bmp, bmp.rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)
# ** Window_Message
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased (super)method - new_page; process_escape_character
# new method - macgve_new_page
class Window_Message
# * New Page
if instance_methods(false).include?(:new_page)
alias macgve_newpage_5di4 new_page
def new_page(text, pos, *args, &block)
result = macgve_new_page(text, pos, *args, &block)
macgve_newpage_5di4(result, pos, *args, *block) # Call Original Method
def new_page(text, pos, *args, &block)
result = macgve_new_page(text, pos, *args, &block)
super(result, pos, *args, *block) # Call Original Method
# * Check First Code for Face
def macgve_new_page(text, pos, *args, &block)
result = text.dup
# Remove AF or PF code and process it
if result[/\A\e[AP]F\[\d+\]/i] != nil
result.sub!(/\A\e([AP]F)/i, "")
process_escape_character($1, result, pos)
return result
# * Process Escape Character
alias macgve_procesccha_2gk1 process_escape_character
def process_escape_character(code, text, *args, &block)
if code.upcase[/([AP])F/] != nil
type = ($1 == 'A')
param = obtain_escape_param(text)
actor = type ? $game_actors[param] : $game_party.members[param - 1]
if actor
# Change face to that of the chosen actor
$game_message.face_name = actor.face_name
$game_message.face_index = actor.face_index
macgve_procesccha_2gk1(code, text, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
end |
Канал: www.youtube.com/channel/UC_dv6JJsCYtMvAkjjQwbUhw
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