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ТЕМА: [VX Ace]Fix picture to map
[VX Ace]Fix picture to map 8 года 8 мес. назад #91073
Автор: Modern Algebra
Дата релиза: 8 сентября 2012 года Версия: 1.0.2 Описание: Данный скрипт позволяет закрепить картинку на карте, чтобы она не двигалась вместе с игроком Сам скрипт: ВНИМАНИЕ: Спойлер! [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] #==============================================================================
# Fix Picture to Map
# Version: 1.0.2 [VXA]
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: 8 September, 2012
# Description:
# This allows you to set the position of a picture by the X and Y position
# of the map, rather than the screen, so that the picture won't move with you
# when the screen scrolls. Additionally, the script lets you set the Z value
# to show below characters, or even below the tiles or below the parallax.
# This script has no effect in battle and pictures there behave normally.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials.
# To specify that a picture should be fixed to a map and not follow the
# screen, all you need to do is turn an in-game switch on before showing the
# picture. To specify which switch, all you need to do is change the value of
# SWITCH_ID at line 60. Alternatively, you can include the code [Fixed]
# somewhere in the name of the picture.
# For the fixed pictures, you also have the option of assigning it to grid
# coordinates instead of pixel coordinates. This means that if you wanted it
# to show up at (3, 5) in the map, you could set it to that directly instead
# of (96, 160). You can turn on this feature using another switch, again one
# which you choose by changing the value of COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID at line 63.
# To specify the layer of the tilemap (what shows above it and what shows
# below it), all you need to do is change the value of a variable. Which
# variable is also specifed by you by changing Z_VARIABLE_ID at line 69.
# The value to which that in-game variable is set at the time a picture is
# shown determines where the picture will show up. If the variable is set to
# 0 then it will be in its normal place; if set to -1, it will show below
# the tilemap but above the parallax; if set to -2, it will show below the
# parallax; if set to 1, it will show above all non-star tiles but star tiles
# and characters with normal priority; if set to 2, it will show above
# characters with normal priority but below characters with "Above
# Characters" priority. If set to any other value, the z value of the picture
# will be set to that directly.
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_FixPictureToMap] = true
# *** MA_FixPicture
# This module holds some relevant configuration Data
module MA_FixPicture
# Editable Region
# SWITCH_ID - set this to the ID of the in-game switch that you want to
# use to control whether pictures should be fixed.
# COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID - Set this to the ID of the in-game switch that you
# want to use to control how coordinates are set. If this switch is ON, then
# for fixed pictures, you can just use the grid x and y coordinates (ie: you
# would set (1, 4) instead of (32, 128). If you always want this feature to
# be on when the FPM Switch is on, you can set it to have the same ID.
# Z_VARIABLE_ID - set this to the ID of the in-game variable that you
# want to use to control the z-value priority of the picture.
# End Editable Region
class << self
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :spriteset_vp1
attr_accessor :spriteset_vp2
# ** Game Picture
# Summary of Changes:
# new public instance variables - mafpm_vp_id; mafpm_fixed; mafpm_z
# aliased method - initialize; show; move
class Game_Picture
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :mafpm_vp_id
attr_accessor :mafpm_fixed
attr_accessor :mafpm_z
# * Object Initialization
alias mafpm_iniz_2fg6 initialize
def initialize(*args, &block)
@mafpm_fixed = false
@mafpm_vp_id = 2
mafpm_iniz_2fg6(*args, &block) # Call Original Method
@mafpm_z = self.number
# * Show Picture
alias mafpm_showpic_3jb7 show
def show(name, *args, &block)
# Only fix pictures if in Scene_Map
if SceneManager.scene_is?(Scene_Map)
@mafpm_fixed = (MA_FixPicture::SWITCH_ID == true ||
$game_switches[MA_FixPicture::SWITCH_ID] || !name[/\[FIXED\]/i].nil?)
z_var = $game_variables[MA_FixPicture::Z_VARIABLE_ID]
# If 0 or less than 300, then it should belong to the viewport1
@mafpm_vp_id = (z_var != 0 && z_var < 300) ? 1 : 2
# Set Z shortcuts
@mafpm_z = case z_var
when -1 then -50 # Below tilemap but above parallax
when -2 then -150 # Below parallax
when 0 then self.number # Normal position
when 1 then 50 # Above tilemap but below normal characters
when 2 then 150 # Above normal characters but below Above Characters
@mafpm_z = z_var < 300 ? z_var : z_var - 300 # Directly set to value
mafpm_showpic_3jb7(name, *args, &block) # Call Original Method
if @mafpm_fixed && (MA_FixPicture::COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID == true || $game_switches[MA_FixPicture::COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID])
@x *= 32
@y *= 32
# * Move Picture
alias mafpm_movepctr_2js1 move
def move(*args, &block)
mafpm_movepctr_2js1(*args, &block)
if @mafpm_fixed && (MA_FixPicture::COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID == true || $game_switches[MA_FixPicture::COORDINATES_SWITCH_ID])
@target_x *= 32
@target_y *= 32
# ** Sprite Picture
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - update
class Sprite_Picture
# * Frame Update
alias mafpm_updt_5fw1 update
def update(*args, &block)
mafpm_updt_5fw1(*args, &block) # Call original method
# If picture is fixed to map
if @picture.mafpm_fixed
# Scroll the picture appropriately
self.x = @picture.x - ($game_map.display_x * 32)
self.y = @picture.y - ($game_map.display_y * 32)
self.z = @picture.mafpm_z # Update Z to the correct Z
# If the viewport has changed
if @mafpm_vp_id != @picture.mafpm_vp_id && MA_FixPicture.send(:"spriteset_vp#{@picture.mafpm_vp_id}")
@mafpm_vp_id = @picture.mafpm_vp_id
# Change viewport
self.viewport = MA_FixPicture.send(:"spriteset_vp#{@mafpm_vp_id}")
# ** Spriteset Map
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - create_viewports; dispose_viewports
class Spriteset_Map
# * Create Viewports
alias mafpm_creatviewpor_3dk8 create_viewports
def create_viewports(*args, &block)
mafpm_creatviewpor_3dk8(*args, &block) # Call original method
# Set the viewports to be globally accessible
MA_FixPicture.spriteset_vp1 = @viewport1
MA_FixPicture.spriteset_vp2 = @viewport2
# * Dispose Viewports
alias mafpm_disposevps_2nr5 dispose_viewports
def dispose_viewports(*args, &block)
# Nullify the variables in MA_FixPicture
MA_FixPicture.spriteset_vp1 = nil
MA_FixPicture.spriteset_vp2 = nil
mafpm_disposevps_2nr5(*args, &block) # Call original method
end |
Всего хорошего, и спасибо за рыбу
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 8 мес. назад от Sypherot.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Модераторы: NeKotZima
Время создания страницы: 0.191 секунд