Мудренный сервер...Xampp нужен, SMTP, редактировать DNS... е мае... с прошлым мейкером было куда проще..
А вот и перевод клиента.
# Class Settings
# All changes are made here.
# The data can be called like this, $settings.method_name
class Settings
# Information - READ
# Use |player| in messages to get the player name. This only works for some
# messages. The messages that can use this commands are marked # |player|
# [----------Contents----------]
# o Connection Settings
# o Project Settings
# o Keyboard/Input Settings
# o Login Settings
# o Character Creator
# o Name Display Over Player(NDOP)
# o Chat Settings
# o Trade Settings
# o Player Interactivity
# o Sprite Range
# o Animation Settings
# o Guild Settings
# Here you add the server name(anything you want), IP and Port for the server.
# { Server Name = [ IP , Port],
# Server Name = [ IP , Port]
# }
# You can add as much as you want. Just make sure it looks exactly like the
# example, unless you only have one. One would look like this;
# { Server Name = [ IP , Port]}
Servers = { Home Server = [ mmorpg.mydyn.net , 50000]
# Darkness = [ linkzsoft.servegame.com ,50000]
# Don Andy = [ donandy.dyndns.org ,50000]
# Gromdron = [ mmorg.no-ip.biz ,50000]
# Turbide = [ ,6248]
# Fire and Ice = [ ,50000]
# This is kind of like a password. This needs to be same as the server.
GameCode = 713456123
# Project Settings
# Change the default font, font size and color here. Its for esier menaging.
Font_Name = Tahoma
Font_Size = 16
Font_Color = [0,0,0,255]
# Will use chat as message box?
Chat_Message_Box = false
# Errors
Unexpected_Error = Неизвестная ошибка!
# Global Variables
# All variables that are higher then NUMBER are global.
# By default 2500 and up are global.
Global_Variables = 2500
Global_Switches = 2500
# Keyboard/Input Settings
Input_Keys = {}
Input_Keys[ PM START ] = Keys::M
# Login Settings
Login = Вход
Login_Exit = Выход
User_Name = Логин:
Password = Пароль:
Remember_Me = Запомнить меня?
Login_Status = Пожалуйста введите логин и пароль.
# Display server selection?
Display_Server = true
# Dispaly News?
Display_News = true
# How long should the script wait before rechecking Servers again?(10 frames = 1 second)
Server_Check_Time = 300
# Character Creator
Char_Creator = {}
# Total Points
Chara_Points = 40
# Setup Female and Male Class Characters here.
# Class_id CharacterSet Name
Male_Class = { 1 = [ 001-Fighter01 , 004-Fighter04 , 005-Fighter05 ],
2 = [ 009-Lancer01 , 010-Lancer02 , 011-Lancer03 ],
3 = []
Female_Class = { 1 = [ 002-Fighter02 , 003-Fighter03 , 006-Fighter06 , 007-Fighter07 , 008-Fighter08 ],
2 = [ 012-Lancer04 ],
3 = []
# Do not touch here.
Char_Choose = { Male = Male_Class, Female = Female_Class}
# Change Text here.
Char_Creator[ Name ] = Имя
Char_Creator[ Sex ] = Пол
Char_Creator[ Class ] = Класс
Char_Creator[ Total ] = Всего
Char_Creator[ HP ] = HP
Char_Creator[ SP ] = SP
Char_Creator[ STR ] = Сила
Char_Creator[ DEX ] = Лов.
Char_Creator[ AGI ] = Скор.
Char_Creator[ INT ] = Интел.
# Name Display Over Player(NDOP)
NDOP_Show = true
# For players
NDOP_Font_P = Tahoma
NDOP_Size_P = 16
NDOP_Font_Color_P = [0,0,0,255]
# For events
NDOP_Font_E = Tahoma
NDOP_Size_E = 16
NDOP_Font_Color_E = [0,0,0,255]
# Chat Settings
Chat = {} # Do Not Touch
# Here you can disable/enable chats. Do not change the names of the chat.
Chat[ World ] = true
Chat[ Map ] = true
Chat[ Team ] = true
Chat[ Guild ] = true
Chat[ Private ] = true
# Chat Words
Chat_Word = {}
# Here you can change the chat word
Chat_Word[ World ] = Мир
Chat_Word[ Map ] = Карта
Chat_Word[ Team ] = Команда
Chat_Word[ Guild ] = Гильдия
Chat_Word[ Private ] = Приват
# Here you can edit the chat language.
Chat_Send = Send
# Here you can edit the language fiter.
Chat_Filter = { fuck = fudge ,
asshole = piehole ,
bitch = ditch ,
# Trade Settings
Tradable = [0,1,3]
Non_Tradable_Element_ID = 17
Deny_Trade = Сервер: |player| сорвал сделку! # |player|
Accept_Trade = Сервер: Торговля завершена. Передача предметов...
Trade_Complete = Сервер: Торговля завершена.
Request_Trade = Сервер: |player| хочет торговать с тобой. # |player|
Trade_Answering = Принять условия?
Trade_Waiting = Подождте пока игрок |player| примет условия. # |player|
# Player Interactivity
# You can edit this. It will display the written options in the
# player interactivity menu. If you remove or change anything besides
# language format, then you need to edit the main script as well for it
# to function correctly.
PI_Options = [ Магазин , Приватные сообщения , Приватный чат , Добавить игрока ]
# Range tells how far the player can be to interact with an different player
PI_Range = 4
# Sprite Range
# The range that sprites will be drawn in.
Sprite_Range = 25
# Animation Settings
# Shrinks the animation size by division.
Animation_Divide = 2
# Teleport Animation, make 0 if no animation.
Teleport_Animation_ID = 101
# Guild Settings
# Guild Colors: Play with the numbers. Anyone that has messed with photoshop
# or similar paint programs should uderstand what the numbers mean.
# [ Name ,red,green,blue]
Guild_Colors = [[ Red ,255,0,0],
[ Green ,0,255,0],
[ Blue ,0,0,255]]
# Add/Remove Flags here
Guild_Flags = [ Flag1 , Flag2 , Flag3 , Flag4 , Flag5 ]
# Guild Text
Guild_Text = {} # don t touch
# Change text here: Only change the second text.
Guild_Text[ Name ] = Название
Guild_Text[ Members ] = Игроки
Guild_Text[ Ranks ] = Ранги
Guild_Text[ Manage ] = Управление
Guild_Text[ Exit ] = Выход
Guild_Text[ Add ] = Добавить
Guild_Text[ Edit ] = Редактировать
Guild_Text[ Delete ] = Удалить
Guild_Text[ Leader ] = Лидер
Guild_Text[ Status ] = Статус
Guild_Text[ Quests ] = Квесты
Guild_Text[ Rank ] = Ранг
Guild_Text[ Points ] = Очки
Guild_Text[ Allys ] = Друзья
Guild_Text[ Enemies ] = Враги
Guild_Text[ Contact ] = Контактная информация
Guild_Text[ News ] = Новости
Guild_Text[ Reset ] = Сброс
Guild_Text[ Leave ] = Покинуть гильдию
Guild_Text[ Permissions ] = Permissions
Guild_Text[ Delete Guild ] = Delete Guild
Guild_Text[ Description ] = Description
Guild_Text[ Quest Description ] = Quest Description
# Sepcial messages that can include guild names
# To include a guild name do: |guild|
Ally_Add_Message = Гильдия |guild| добавлена в ваш лист!
Ally_Remove_Message = Гильдия |guild| удалена из вашего листа!
Enemy_Add_Message = Гильдия |guild| добавила вас как врага!
Enemy_Remove_Message = Гильдия |guild| больше не считает вас врагом!
# Create Guild window text.
Create_Guild_Text = {} # don t touch
# Change text here: Only change the second text.
Create_Guild_Text[ Title ] = ~ Создание гильдии ~
Create_Guild_Text[ Name ] = Название
Create_Guild_Text[ Color ] = Цвет
Create_Guild_Text[ Flag ] = Флаг
# Errors
Guild_Already_Error = Вы уже наодитесь в гильдии!
Guild_Taken = Эта гльдия уже существует!
Guild_Name_Taken = Это имя уже есть!
Guild_Invite = Ваше приглашение послано!
Guild_Invite_Nil = Пользователь в оффлайн или несуществует!
Guild_Sure = Вы уверены?
Guild_Rank_Exist = Этот ранг уже существует!
Guild_Created = Гильдия создана!
Guild_Failed = Гильдия не создана!
Guild_Not_Exist = Гильдия несуществует!
Guild_Player_Already = Этот игрок уже в гильдии!
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :servers
attr_accessor :gamecode
attr_accessor :font_name
attr_accessor :font_size
#attr_accessor :font_color
attr_accessor :chat_message_box
attr_accessor :login
attr_accessor :login_exit
attr_accessor :user_name
attr_accessor :password
attr_accessor :remember_me
attr_accessor :login_status
attr_accessor :display_server
attr_accessor :display_news
attr_accessor :server_check_time
attr_accessor :char_creator
attr_accessor :chara_points
attr_accessor :male_class
attr_accessor :female_class
attr_accessor :char_chose
attr_accessor :ndop_show
attr_accessor :ndop_font_p
attr_accessor :ndop_size_p
#attr_accessor :ndop_font_color_p
attr_accessor :ndop_font_e
attr_accessor :ndop_size_e
#attr_accessor :ndop_font_color_e
attr_accessor :chat
attr_accessor :chat_word
attr_accessor :chat_send
attr_accessor :chat_filter
attr_accessor :tradable
attr_accessor :non_tradable_element_id
attr_accessor :deny_trade
attr_accessor :accept_trade
attr_accessor :trade_complete
attr_accessor :request_trade
attr_accessor :trade_answering
attr_accessor :trade_waiting
attr_accessor :pi_options
attr_accessor :pi_range
attr_accessor :sprite_range
attr_accessor :animation_divide
attr_accessor :teleport_animation_id
attr_accessor :guild_flags
attr_accessor :guild_colors
attr_accessor :guild_text
attr_accessor :create_guild_text
attr_accessor :guild_already_error
attr_accessor :guild_taken
attr_accessor :guild_name_taken
attr_accessor :guild_invite
attr_accessor :guild_invite_nil
attr_accessor :guild_sure
attr_accessor :guild_rank_exist
attr_accessor :guild_created
attr_accessor :guild_failed
attr_accessor :guild_not_exist
attr_accessor :ally_add_message
attr_accessor :ally_remove_message
attr_accessor :enemy_add_message
attr_accessor :enemy_remove_message
attr_accessor :guild_player_already
attr_accessor :unexpected_error
attr_accessor :input_keys
attr_accessor :global_variables
attr_accessor :global_switches
# * Initialize Object
def initialize
@servers = Servers
@gamecode = GameCode
@font_name = Font_Name
@font_size = Font_Size
@font_color = Font_Color
@chat_message_box = Chat_Message_Box
@input_keys = Input_Keys
@login = Login
@login_exit = Login_Exit
@user_name = User_Name
@password = Password
@remember_me = Remember_Me
@login_status = Login_Status
@display_server = Display_Server
@display_news = Display_News
@server_check_time = Server_Check_Time
@char_creator = Char_Creator
@chara_points = Chara_Points
@male_class = Male_Class
@female_class = Female_Class
@char_chose = Char_Choose
@ndop_show = NDOP_Show
@ndop_font_p = NDOP_Font_P
@ndop_size_p = NDOP_Size_P
@ndop_font_color_p = NDOP_Font_Color_P
@ndop_font_e = NDOP_Font_E
@ndop_size_e = NDOP_Size_E
@ndop_font_color_e = NDOP_Font_Color_E
@chat = Chat
@chat_word = Chat_Word
@chat_send = Chat_Send
@chat_filter = Chat_Filter
@tradable = Tradable
@non_tradable_element_id = Non_Tradable_Element_ID
@deny_trade = Deny_Trade
@accept_trade = Accept_Trade
@trade_complete = Trade_Complete
@request_trade = Request_Trade
@trade_answering = Trade_Answering
@trade_waiting = Trade_Waiting
@pi_options = PI_Options
@pi_range = PI_Range
@sprite_range = Sprite_Range
@animation_divide = Animation_Divide
@teleport_animation_id = Teleport_Animation_ID
@guild_colors = Guild_Colors
@guild_flags = Guild_Flags
@guild_text = Guild_Text
@create_guild_text = Create_Guild_Text
@guild_already_error = Guild_Already_Error
@guild_taken = Guild_Taken
@guild_name_taken = Guild_Name_Taken
@guild_invite = Guild_Invite
@guild_invite_nil = Guild_Invite_Nil
@guild_sure = Guild_Sure
@guild_rank_exist = Guild_Rank_Exist
@guild_created = Guild_Created
@guild_failed = Guild_Failed
@guild_not_exist = Guild_Not_Exist
@ally_add_message = Ally_Add_Message
@ally_remove_message = Ally_Remove_Message
@enemy_add_message = Enemy_Add_Message
@enemy_remove_message = Enemy_Remove_Message
@guild_player_already = Guild_Player_Already
@unexpected_error = Unexpected_Error
@global_variables = Global_Variables
@global_switches = Global_Switches
# Color
def ndop_font_color_p
c = @ndop_font_color_p
return Color.new(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])
def ndop_font_color_e
c = @ndop_font_color_e
return Color.new(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])
def font_color
c = @font_color
return Color.new(c[0],c[1],c[2],c[3])
В таблицу Port вводим 50000 и смотри открыт он у вас или закрыт. При закрытом порте свой сервер создать нельзя!