ГлавнаяФорумRPG MakerСкрипты/ПлагиныRPG Maker VX ACEУлучшающие или добавляющее новое скриптыCommon Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce]
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ТЕМА: Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce]
Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce] 10 года 6 мес. назад #73240
Еще один скрипт, который я давненько искал. Наверняка и он многим будет полезным, поэтому выделил для него отдельную темку для более простого поиска.
D13x - Common Event Keys -- Автор : Dekita -- Версия : 1.1 -- Требование : D13x Core v1.6 Многим хотелось бы задействовать не 8 кнопок, а всю клавиатуру ![]() Возможности: - вы можете назначить ЛЮБОЕ событие на ЛЮБУЮ клавишу. Для чего это нужно? - для игр с большим количеством кнопок. Например, для игр на двоих. - для быстрого доступа к различным подменю. Например, для того чтоб сменить экипировку или посмотреть вещи можно будет нажать всего одну кнопку. Если например есть скрипт журнала заданий, вы можете назначит его просмотр на кнопку TAB - привязка карты/записок/картинки к определенным клавишам - как в настоящих хоррорах можно назначить - сменить камеру одной кнопкой - посмотреть ЧТО же тебе нужно делать - сохраняться и загружать на кнопки F5 и F8 как в настоящих взрослых играх ![]() - если ты увлекся и в твоей игре так много кнопок, что их можно забыть, то ты можешь посмотреть управление, нажав определенную кнопку ![]() Требования: Ядро D13x Core v1.6. Оно должно стоять выше самого скрипта. Как пользоваться? - для установки откройте редактор скриптов и вставьте его ниже Materials, но выше Main. - выше этого скрипта, но ниже Materials вставьте ядро D13x Core v1.6 - залезть в скрипт KEY COMMAND, найти 80-ую строчку и чуть ниже. [ :F , 2 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ], Первая буква - клавиша клавиатуры. Можно назначить TAB, CTRL, F3-F8 и много чего еще. Главное не забывать ставить двоеточие перед ними, а потом уже писать название клавиши. Цифра 2 - ID события, которое активируется при нажатии этой кнопки. Цифра 50 - переключатель, который делает кнопку клавиатуры активной. Для удобства в моей демке переключатель 50 активирует сразу все кнопки. Вы же можете назначить отдельный переключатель для каждой кнопки. Остальные четыре числа в общем-то можно вообще не трогать. Сам скрипт: ВНИМАНИЕ: Спойлер! [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] if true # << Make true to use this script, false to disable.
# ☆ $D13x - Common Event Keys
# -- Author : Dekita
# -- Version : 1.1
# -- Level : Easy / Normal
# -- Requires : $D13x Core v1.6
# -- Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace.
# ☆ Import
# ☆ Updates
# D /M /Y
# 17/o5/2o13 - Update, (Key Menu HUD now shows Event Keys)
# o4/o4/2o13 - Started, Finished,
# ☆ Introduction
# This script simply allows for common events to be triggered when a key has
# been triggered (initially pressed), you can have as many common event keys
# as you wish.
# Option to disable each common event key with its own switch.
# And the option to disable all common event keys while moving.
# ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
# 1. You MUST give credit to "Dekita" !!
# 2. You are NOT allowed to repost this script.(or modified versions)
# 3. You are NOT allowed to convert this script.
# 4. You are NOT allowed to use this script for Commercial games.
# 5. ENJOY!
# By using this script you hereby agree to the above terms and conditions,
# if any violation of the above terms occurs "legal action" may be taken.
# Not understanding the above terms and conditions does NOT mean that
# they do not apply to you.
# If you wish to discuss the terms and conditions in further detail you can
# contact me at http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/
# ☆ Instructions
# Place Below " ▼ Materials " and Above " ▼ Main " in your script editor.
# ☆ HELP
# For a list of possible key symbols check the help section of the
# $D13x core script.
module CMN_Ev_Keys
# ☆ General Settings
# Make this false to dis-allow common events to be triggered
# while player is moving.
Trigger_While_Move = true
# ☆ Event Key Settings
# :ID = the id of the key to press for the event to trigger.
# event = is the id of the common event to trigger
# switch = the id of the switch to enable/disable the key trigger
# ^- leave switch 0 to always allow the key to trigger the event.
# show, x, y, icon && hue are only used if using my key menu HUD script.
# [ :ID , Event , switch , show?, x , y , icon , hue]
[ :F , 2 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :ALT , 3 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :E , 4 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :F5 , 5 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :F8 , 6 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :TAB , 7 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :M , 8 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
[ :CTRL , 9 , 50 , true , 184, 2 , 114 , 0 ],
# << Add more [key,event,switch], here.
]# << Keep
end #####################
# #
# http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/ #
# #
# YES?\.\. #
# OMG, REALLY? \| #
module CMN_Ev_Keys
# Update Method For Common Event Triggers
def update_cmn_ev_keys
return unless !$game_map.interpreter.running?
return if $game_player.moving? unless Trigger_While_Move
Triggers.each do |block|
next if (block[2] != 0) && (!$game_switches[block[2]])
if (Keys.trigger?(Keys::Key[block[0]])) && (block[1] != 0)
$game_temp.reserve_common_event( block[1] )
class Scene_Map < Scene_Base
# Included Modules
include CMN_Ev_Keys
# Alias List
alias :update_deki_cmnevs :update
# Frame Update
def update
# http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/ #
end # if true # << Make true to use this script, false to disable. Скрипт ядра. Не забываем ставить его ВЫШЕ самого скрипта. ВНИМАНИЕ: Спойлер! [ Нажмите, чтобы развернуть ][ Нажмите, чтобы скрыть ] =begin
* To users of scripts
* When using scripts obtained through online websites,
create a new section at this position and paste the script here.
(Select "Insert" from the pop-up menu in the left list box.)
* If the creator of the script has any other special instructions, follow them.
* In general, RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker XP scripts are not compatible,
so make sure the resources you have are for RPG Maker VX Ace
before you use them.
* To authors of scripts
* When developing scripts to be distributed to the general public,
we recommend that you use redefinitions and aliases as much as
possible, to allow the script to run just by pasting it in this position.
if true # << Make true to use this script, false to disable.
# ☆ $D13x - CORE
# -- Author : Dekita
# -- Version : 2.1
# -- Level : Easy
# -- Requires : N/A
# -- Engine : RPG Maker VX Ace.
# ☆ Import
$D13x[:CORE] = true
# ☆ Updates
# D /M /Y
# o3/o6/2o13 - Bugfix, (Exp Showing incorrect info),
# 27/o5/2o13 - Added $game_party.alive_battle_members Method
# 22/o5/2o13 - Small Bugfix, (fixed max tp gauge bug)
# o4/o5/2o13 - Small Update, (added @database_id)
# 18/o4/2o13 - Bugfixx, (tp gauge),
# - Added PrtSc Key,
# o4/o4/2o13 - Added more keyboard keys,
# ^- :S_Colon, :Equal, :Comma, :Minus, :Period, :F_Slash, :HASH,
# ^- :L_Sqr_Brack, :B_Slash, :R_Sqr_Brack, :S_Quote,
# o3/o4/2o13 - Fixed Keys.trigger? method
# - Added Keys.release? method
# o1/o4/2o13 - Added More Keyboard Keys,
# ^- :F1, :F2, :F3, :F4, :F5, :F6, :F7, :F8, :F9, :F10, :F11, :F12
# ^- :N_0, :N_1, :N_2, :N_3, :N_4, :N_5, :N_6, :N_7, :N_8, :N_9,
# ^- :SPACE, :ESC, :ALT
# 29/o3/2o13 - Added More Keyboard Keys,(Left/Right CTRL)
# 28/o3/2o13 - Improved Customisation Layout,
# - Removed Some Methods,
# - Improved Keyboard Code,
# 27/o3/2o13 - Added Keyboard Control,
# 26/o3/2o13 - Compatibility, (Status Scene)
# - Update, (Icons w/Hue)
# 18/03/2013 - Compatibility, (Skill Scene)
# 23/o2/2o13 - Started, Finished,
# ☆ Introduction
# This script simply holds some information and methods used by some other
# scripts in the $D13x system.
# Current Features:
# Fonts,
# Color,
# Vocab,
# Keyboard Control,
# Icons (w/Hue)...
# Place above all other $D13x Scripts.
# ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ TERMS AND CONDITIONS: ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
# 1. You MUST give credit to "Dekita" !!
# 2. You are NOT allowed to repost this script.(or modified versions)
# 3. You are NOT allowed to convert this script.
# 4. You are NOT allowed to use this script for Commercial games.
# 5. ENJOY!
# By using this script you hereby agree to the above terms and conditions,
# if any violation of the above terms occurs "legal action" may be taken.
# Not understanding the above terms and conditions does NOT mean that
# they do not apply to you.
# If you wish to discuss the terms and conditions in further detail you can
# contact me at http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/ or [email protected]
# ☆ Instructions
# Place Below " ▼ Materials " and Above " ▼ Main " in your script editor.
# Place Above ALL Other $D13x Scripts.
# ☆ Notetags
# For use with Weapons / Armors
# <tcol: red, grn, blu>
# use this notetag to change the color of the items text shown in some of my
# scenes.
# ☆ HELP
# Heres a list of :key_symbols ( for use in scripts that require this one )
# :F1, :F2, :F3, :F4, :F5, :F6, :F7, :F8, :F9, :F10, :F11, :F12
# :_1, :_2, :_3, :_4, :_5, :_6, :_7, :_8, :_9, :_0
# :A, :B, :C, :D, :E, :F, :G, :H, :I, :J, :K, :L, :M, :N,
# :O, :P, :Q, :R, :S, :T, :U, :V, :W, :X, :Y, :Z
# :N_0, :N_1, :N_2, :N_3, :N_4, :N_5, :N_6, :N_7, :N_8, :N_9,
# :S_Colon, :Equal, :Comma, :Minus, :Period, :F_Slash, :HASH, :L_Sqr_Brack
# :B_Slash, :R_Sqr_Brack, :S_Quote,
# To Disable A Key, Make Symbol = :NONE,
# ☆ For Scripters
# You can use any of the keys above in your own scripts, simply change the
# default Input.press? / Input.trigger? / Input.repeat? methods with the
# equivalent new method :
# Keys.press?(KEY)
# Keys.repeat?(KEY)
# Keys.trigger?(KEY)
# Keys.release?(KEY)
# KEY should be either the keys 'virtual key code' or you can reference
# the Keys module like so...
# Keys.press?( Keys::Key[:SYMBOL] )
# Keys.repeat?( Keys::Key[:SYMBOL] )
# Keys.trigger?( Keys::Key[:SYMBOL] )
# Keys.release?( Keys::Key[:SYMBOL] )
# Keys.press?
# ^- will be triggered if the key is being pressed down
# Keys.repeat?
# ^- will be triggered if the key is in the "on" state (caps lock ect)
# Keys.trigger?
# ^- will be triggered when they key is first pressed
# Keys.release?(KEY)
# ^- will be triggered when they key is de-pressed (let go)
module Text_Color
# ☆ Color Settings
# You can use these colors in any of my scripts that offer color customisation.
# simply put Text_Color::THE_COLOR_YOU_WANT as the setting.
# eg.
# Text_Color::Pure_White
# White's
Pure_White = Color.new(255,255,255)
White = Color.new(222,222,222)
Grey = Color.new(111,111,111)
Black = Color.new(0 ,0 ,0 )
# Yellow's
Yellow = Color.new(255,255,0)
Gold = Color.new(212,212,64)
Orange = Color.new(255,182,0)
Deep_Orange = Color.new(212,64,0)
Dirt_Orange = Color.new(182,64,0)
Brown = Color.new(128,32,0)
# Red's
Red = Color.new(251,111,111)
Deep_Red = Color.new(222,60,60)
Pure_Red = Color.new(255,0,0)
Pink = Color.new(255,0,255)
Dark_Pink = Color.new(182,0,156)
# Blue's
Sky_Blue = Color.new(0,182,255)
Light_Blue = Color.new(64,128,255)
Dark_Blue = Color.new(32,64,255)
Purple = Color.new(182,64,255)
Magenta = Color.new(156,156,255)
# Green's
Green = Color.new(111,251,111)
Candy_Green = Color.new(0,255,0)
Dirty_Green = Color.new(128,182,0)
Khaki_Green = Color.new(111,156,64)
Turquoise = Color.new(0,255,182)
# Sets the default equipment text color
Default_Equip_Color = White
end #===========================================================================
module General
# ☆ General Settings
# these settings are usined for visual scripts of mine, such as status screen.
Fonts = ["VL Gothic"]
Font_Size = 18
Font_Bold = false
# Gauges = [ Color 1 , Color 2 ]
Hp_Colors = [ Text_Color::Dirt_Orange , Text_Color::Gold ]
Mp_Colors = [ Text_Color::Dark_Blue , Text_Color::Sky_Blue ]
Tp_Colors = [ Text_Color::Grey , Text_Color::Pure_Red ]
Exp_Color = [ Text_Color::Deep_Red , Text_Color::Dark_Pink ]
# Show TP as a percentage ?
# Only works in scripts i have written :p
Show_Tp_As_Perc = false
end #===========================================================================
module Vocab
# ☆ Vocabulary Settings
# This is where you would adjust the common vocab used in some of my scripts.
# Parameters
def self.param(param_id)
case param_id
when 0 then "Max HP" # "Health"
when 1 then "Max MP" # "Will"
when 2 then "Physical Attack" # "Attack"
when 3 then "Physical Resist" # "Defence"
when 4 then "Magical Attack" # "Magic"
when 5 then "Magical Resist" # "Aura"
when 6 then "Agility" # "Speed"
when 7 then "Luck" # "Luck"
# Tp vocab
Tp = "Rage"
# X - Parameters
def self.x_param(x_param_id)
case x_param_id
when 0 then "Accuracy"
when 1 then "Evasion"
when 2 then "Critical"
when 3 then "Crit Eva"
when 4 then "Mag Eva"
when 5 then "Mag Ref"
when 6 then "Counter"
when 7 then "HP Regen"
when 8 then "MP Regen"
when 9 then "TP Regen"
# S - Parameters
def self.s_param(s_param_id)
case s_param_id
when 0 then "Aggro"
when 1 then "Guard"
when 2 then "Recovery"
when 3 then "Medicine"#Pharmacology
when 4 then "MP Cost"
when 5 then "TP Charge"
when 6 then "P DMG Taken"
when 7 then "M DMG Taken"
when 8 then "Floor DMG"
when 9 then "Exp Rate"
# Specials
def self.specials(id)
case id
when 0 then "Auto-Fight"
when 1 then "Guard"
when 2 then "Substitue"
when 3 then "Preserve TP"
# Collapse Type
def self.collapse_type(id)
case id
when 0 then "Boss"
when 1 then "Instant"
when 2 then "No Vanish"
# Party Ability
def self.party_ability(id)
case id
when 0 then "Encounter ½"
when 1 then "Encounter NA"
when 2 then "No Surprise"
when 3 then "Pre-Emptive +"
when 4 then "Gold Double"
when 5 then "Double Drops"
# Various Statistics
Attack_Speed = "Atk Speed"
Attack_Times = "Atks Per Turn" # "APT"
Skill_Type = "Skillset"
Skill = "Skills"
Equip_Type = "Equipable"
Action_Times = "Action Time"
Fixed = "Fixed "
Sealed = "Sealed "
Slot_Type = "Slot Type"
Dual_Slot = "Dual Wield"
One__Slot = "Single"
end #####################
# #
# http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/ #
# #
# The following code is protected under the 2013 Dekita Data Protection Act. #
# Ie. The “Do Not Fucking Look” Law. #
# Breaking This One And Only Rule May Result In The Following Side Effects : #
# Eyes Bleeding, Nightmares, Severe Head Ache's AND A Scratch On Your Knee :p #
# That is all ! #
class Object
# rand_between
def rand_between(min, max)
min + rand(max - min + 1)
class Numeric
# To Float (with limited digits after decimal point)
def to_flim(limit = 5, saftey = "0")
str = self.to_f.to_s + saftey
new_str = ""
limit.times do |i|
break if new_str =~ /[0-9].[0-9][0-9]/
break if str[i] == nil
new_str += str[i]
return new_str
# To A Percentage Of (num)
def perc_of(num)
self.to_f / num.to_f * 100.0
# Even ?
def even?
e = self.to_s
e[e.size] == ("0"||"2"||"4"||"6"||"8")
# 0dd?
def odd?
o = self.to_s
o[o.size] == ("1"||"3"||"5"||"7"||"9")
module Keys
# Win32API Information
def self.w ; Win32API ; end
def self.u ; "user32" ; end
def self.i ; "i" ; end
def self.gk ; "GetKeyState" ; end
def self.ga ; "GetAsyncKeyState" ; end
# Key Settings
# Func's
:F1 => 0x70,:F2 => 0x71,:F3 => 0x72,:F4 => 0x73,:F5 => 0x74,:F6 => 0x75,
:F7 => 0x76,:F8 => 0x77,:F9 => 0x78,:F10 => 0x7a,:F11 => 0x7b,:F12 => 0x7c,
# Numbers
:_0 => 0x30,:_1 => 0x31,:_2 => 0x32,:_3 => 0x33,:_4 => 0x34,
:_5 => 0x35,:_6 => 0x36,:_7 => 0x37,:_8 => 0x38,:_9 => 0x39,
# Letters
:A => 0x41,:B => 0x42,:C => 0x43,:D => 0x44,:E => 0x45,:F => 0x46,:G => 0x47,
:H => 0x48,:I => 0x49,:J => 0x4A,:K => 0x4B,:L => 0x4C,:M => 0x4D,:N => 0x4E,
:O => 0x4F,:P => 0x50,:Q => 0x51,:R => 0x52,:S => 0x53,:T => 0x54,:U => 0x55,
:V => 0x56,:W => 0x57,:X => 0x58,:Y => 0x59,:Z => 0x5A,
# NumPad
:N_0 => 0x60, :N_1 => 0x61, :N_2 => 0x62, :N_3 => 0x63, :N_4 => 0x64,
:N_5 => 0x65, :N_6 => 0x66, :N_7 => 0x67, :N_8 => 0x68, :N_9 => 0x69,
:ADD => 0x6b, :MUL => 0x6a, :SUB => 0x6d, :DIV => 0x6f, :DECI => 0x6e,
# Arrows
:LEFT => 0x25, :RIGHT => 0x27, :UP => 0x26, :DOWN => 0x28,
# Symbols
:S_Colon => 0xBA, :Equal => 0xBB, :Comma => 0xBC, :Minus => 0xBD,
:Period => 0xBE, :F_Slash => 0xBF, :HASH => 0xDE, :L_Sqr_Brack => 0xDB,
:B_Slash => 0xDC, :R_Sqr_Brack => 0xDD, :S_Quote => 0xC0,
# Other
:SHIFT => 0x10, :LSHIFT => 0xa0, :RSHIFT => 0xa1, :TAB => 0x09,
:PAUSE => 0x13, :L_CTRL => 0xa2, :R_CTRL => 0xa3, :CTRL => 0x11,
:BACK => 0x08, :ENTER => 0x0D, :CAPS => 0x14, :SPACE => 0x20,
:ESC => 0x1B, :ALT => 0x12, :PrtSc => 0x2c,
} # << End Key {}
# Constants
KS = w.new(u,gk,[i],i)
AK = w.new(u,ga,[i],i)
# Variables
@trigger = Array.new(256) { false }
@presses = Array.new(256) { false }
@release = Array.new(256) { false }
@repeats = Array.new(256) { false }
# Update All Key's State's
def self.update
@trigger = Array.new(256) { false }
@release = Array.new(256) { false }
Key.each do |key|
akey = AK.call(key[1])
ktri = KS.call(key[1])
@trigger[ key[1] ] = true if ((!@presses[key[1]]) && (akey != 0))
@release[ key[1] ] = true if (( @presses[key[1]]) && (akey == 0))
@presses[ key[1] ] = (akey != 0) ? true : false
@repeats[ key[1] ] = (ktri == 1) ? true : false
# Key Got Triggered? [ inital key press ]
def self.trigger?(key)
return if key.nil?
return @trigger[key]
# Key Got Released? [ inital key depress ]
def self.release?(key)
return if key.nil?
return @release[key]
# Key Being Pressed Currently ?
def self.press?(key)
return if key.nil?
return @presses[key]
# Key Turned On? [Caps Lock, Num Lock, ect..]
def self.repeat?(key)
return if key.nil?
return @repeats[key]
module Input
# Alias List
class << self
alias :update_sD13x_Keys :update
# Update $D13x Keys
def self.update(*args)
module Cache
# * Get System Graphic
def self.icon(filename = "IconSet", hue = 0)
load_bitmap("Graphics/System/", filename, hue)
module DataManager
# Alias List
class << self
alias :lbd_unique_shits :load_database
# Load Database (alias)
def self.load_database
# Load Unique Shit
def self.loa_unique_shits
classes = [$data_weapons, $data_armors , $data_items , $data_skills ,
$data_actors , $data_classes, $data_enemies, $data_states ]
for g in classes
for o in g
next if o == nil
end # << DataManager
class RPG::BaseItem
# Pi Variables
attr_accessor :item_disp_color
attr_accessor :database_id
# Loads Unique Shit
def load_unique_shit
@database_id = @id
# << For use in Child Classes
# Load Item Text Color
def load_item_color
@item_disp_color = Text_Color::Default_Equip_Color
if self.note.match(/<tcol:(.*),(.*),(.*)>/i)
@item_disp_color = Color.new($1.to_i,$2.to_i,$3.to_i)
# Returns features for item filtered by code (credits Tsukihime)
def feature_val(code)
self.features.select {|ft| ft.code == code}
# Returns features for item filtered by code and data ID (credits Tsukihime)
def feature_val_with_id(code, data_id)
self.features.select {|ft| ft.code == code && ft.data_id == data_id}
# Returns sum of all features for item, by code and data ID (credits Tsukihime)
def features_sum(code, data_id)
feature_val_with_id(code, data_id).inject(0.0) {|r, ft| r += ft.value }
# Returns features pi
def features_pi(code, data_id)
feature_val_with_id(code, data_id).inject(1.0) {|r, ft| r *= ft.value }
# Calculate Set Sum of Features
def features_set(code)
feature_val(code).inject([]) {|r, ft| r |= [ft.data_id] }
class Game_Party < Game_Unit
# Get Battle Members
def alive_battle_members
all_members[0, max_battle_members].select {|a| a.exist? && a.hp > 0 }
class Window_Base < Window
# Draw Gauge (w/height)
def draw_deki_gauge(gx, gy, gw, gh, rate, color1, color2)
empty_gauge_color = Color.new(0,0,0,128)
fill_w = [(gw * rate).to_i, gw].min
gauge_h = gh
gauge_y = gy + line_height - 2 - gauge_h
contents.fill_rect(gx, gauge_y, gw, gauge_h, empty_gauge_color)
contents.gradient_fill_rect(gx, gauge_y, fill_w, gauge_h, color1, color2)
# Draw Hp
def draw_de_hp(x, y, wid = nil)
wid = self.width/2 - (standard_padding*2) if wid == nil
rate = @actor.hp_rate
color1 = General::Hp_Colors[0]
color2 = General::Hp_Colors[1]
draw_deki_gauge(x, y, wid-x-2, 2, rate, color1, color2)
draw_text(x+4, y, wid, line_height, Vocab::param(0))
draw_text(x, y, wid-x-6, line_height, "#{@actor.hp}/#{@actor.mhp}",2)
# Draw Mp
def draw_de_mp(x, y, wid = nil)
wid = self.width/2 - (standard_padding*2) if wid == nil
rate = @actor.mp_rate
color1 = General::Mp_Colors[0]
color2 = General::Mp_Colors[1]
draw_deki_gauge(x, y, wid-x-2, 2, rate, color1, color2)
draw_text(x+4, y, wid, line_height, Vocab::param(1))
draw_text(x, y, wid-x-6, line_height, "#{@actor.mp}/#{@actor.mmp}",2)
# Draw Tp
def draw_de_tp(x, y, wid = nil)
wid = self.width/2 - (standard_padding*2) if wid == nil
rate = @actor.tp.to_i.to_f / @actor.max_tp.to_i
color1 = General::Tp_Colors[0]
color2 = General::Tp_Colors[1]
draw_deki_gauge(x, y, wid-x-2, 2, rate, color1, color2)
draw_text(x+4, y, wid, line_height, Vocab::Tp)
text = "#{(@actor.tp).to_i}/#{@actor.max_tp.to_i}"
text = "#{(@actor.tp.perc_of(@actor.max_tp)).to_flim}%" if General::Show_Tp_As_Perc
draw_text(x, y, wid-x-6, line_height, text,2)
# Draw Exp (w/gauge)
def draw_de_xp(x, y, gauge = true)
s1 = @actor.current_level_exp
s2 = @actor.next_level_exp
s1_g = @actor.exp - @actor.current_level_exp
s2_g = @actor.next_level_exp - @actor.current_level_exp
wid = self.width/2 - (standard_padding*2)
wid_b = self.width/2 - (standard_padding)
rate = (s1_g).to_f / (s2_g)
color1 = General::Exp_Color[0]
color2 = General::Exp_Color[1]
draw_deki_gauge(wid_b, y, wid-x-2, 2, rate, color1, color2) if gauge
draw_text(wid_b+4, y, wid, line_height, "Exp:")
draw_text(wid_b, y, wid-x-2, line_height, "#{@actor.exp}/#{s2}",2)
# Draw Icon (w/Hue)
def draw_de_icon(icon_index, x, y, hue = 0, enabled = true)
bitmap = Cache.icon("IconSet",hue)
rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * 24, icon_index / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)
class Deki_Help < Window_Base
# Object Initialization
def initialize(line_number = 2)
super(0, 0, Graphics.width/4*3, fitting_height(line_number))
@item = nil
# Set Text
def set_text(text)
if text != @text
@text = text
# Clear
def clear
# Set Item , item : Skills and items etc.
def set_item(item)
return if @item == item
@item = item
set_text(item ? item.description : "")
# Refresh
def refresh
draw_text_ex(4, 0, @text)
# Reset Font Settings
def reset_font_settings
self.contents.font.name = General::Fonts
self.contents.font.size = General::Font_Size
self.contents.font.bold = General::Font_Bold
# http://dekitarpg.wordpress.com/ #
end # if true # << Make true to use this script, false to disable. Демка: Максимально разжевывание прилагается. yadi.sk/d/9IPuo9h9ai82E |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: I_LORD, DeadElf79, Ren310, strelokhalfer, MaltonTheWarrior, Fiolet79, kam1kazy, Alisa, Elite Agent
Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce] 10 года 6 мес. назад #73241
Yuryol, ты удивляешь меня)))) Спасибо большое
![]() ![]() ![]() Было бы здорово, если была бы у тебя целая тема с такими скриптами и демками для чайников ![]() |
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
За этот пост поблагодарили: yuryol
Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce] 10 года 6 мес. назад #73242
Засмущал аж
![]() По мере возможности без проблем могу делать подобные демки, другое дело, что интересных малоизвестных и при этом очень полезных скриптов я знаю совсем немного ![]() ![]() |
Последнее редактирование: 10 года 6 мес. назад от yuryol.
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce] 10 года 6 мес. назад #73243
В идеале, я бы хотел полностью переведенный "Master Script List " с демками. Но не знаю как сказать об этом понимающим в этом деле людям :DDD Даже за эти два, большое тебе спасибо =)
Администратор запретил публиковать записи гостям.
Common Event Keys (ВСЕ клавиши клавиатуры) [VXAce] 8 года 9 мес. назад #92301
Кто-нибудь знает что такое "hue"?
UPD: это оттенок |
Последнее редактирование: 8 года 9 мес. назад от Paranoid.
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Модераторы: NeKotZima
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